Holiday events your family are attending?


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Last week we went to the SLC Christmas Gift Show and had a blast! Apparently, they have these shop expos annually but this is the first time that I have gone.

Our next event is The Adam's Family musical held at the Capitol Theatre. Has anyone seen this play? We saw The Nutcracker a couple years back and enjoyed it but thought this one might be fun this year.

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Many people in Utah take it for granted, but last year I got to go see the Temple Square Christmas lights for the first time, and crossed an item off my bucket list.

I am, shamefully to admit, one of those people. DH and I will make an effort to see them this year! Last year it was hard because my daughter was only 4 months old, colicky and fussy, didn't do well being out and about -- it was just overall too much for us to handle -- on top of trying to find parking (which there was none) and having to walk a good long distance downhill with a stroller on icy and crowded sidewalks. So yeh, this year I plan on it!

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I am, shamefully to admit, one of those people. DH and I will make an effort to see them this year! Last year it was hard because my daughter was only 4 months old, colicky and fussy, didn't do well being out and about -- it was just overall too much for us to handle -- on top of trying to find parking (which there was none) and having to walk a good long distance downhill with a stroller on icy and crowded sidewalks. So yeh, this year I plan on it!

I wasn't planning on going last year. My grandmother had a fall, and in the hospital found out she had end-stage leukemia and about three weeks to live. So on 18 hours notice, I flew to Utah with my three-week-old baby girl, and then my sister and I drove to CA to see our grandma before she passed. We walked around Temple Square with my teeny tiny babe, bundled up in a heavy sweater, tucked in a Bjorn, and with my sister's heavy wool coat buttoned around the outside of her. Lol.

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I wasn't planning on going last year. My grandmother had a fall, and in the hospital found out she had end-stage leukemia and about three weeks to live. So on 18 hours notice, I flew to Utah with my three-week-old baby girl, and then my sister and I drove to CA to see our grandma before she passed. We walked around Temple Square with my teeny tiny babe, bundled up in a heavy sweater, tucked in a Bjorn, and with my sister's heavy wool coat buttoned around the outside of her. Lol.

Ha ha. Wingnut, you have another child?

Part of being a new mum for me was the constant worries that my newborn would break with people handing her, or catch something while out and about.. LOL. You may recall some of those fanatical posts! But in fairness, they were genuine concerns of mine.. It's so nice to be at a stage where I KNOW my daughter isn't made of glass, and doesn't have to live in a bubble to be safe and sound.

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Ha ha. Wingnut, you have another child?

Part of being a new mum for me was the constant worries that my newborn would break with people handing her, or catch something while out and about.. LOL. You may recall some of those fanatical posts! But in fairness, they were genuine concerns of mine.. It's so nice to be at a stage where I KNOW my daughter isn't made of glass, and doesn't have to live in a bubble to be safe and sound.

My baby just turned one this last Sunday (two days ago), and my older daughter is 4.5. I was never really a paranoid first-time mom, but definitely by the second time around was more comfortable. Interestingly, with my second being born at the beginning of cold/flu/RSV season, we were a little more fanatical with handwashing, etc. But when your grandmother is dying and your baby is three weeks old, you take her on the airplane and through the terminals anyway. :)

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I just found the info I was searching for regarding the official turning on of the lights on Temple Square. It's Friday the 23rd at dusk (approximately 5:30). I've never gone and perhaps this year I will.

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I'm looking forward to attending "Sterling Singers Christmas Concert on Temple Square" this coming Saturday. I'll be looking for Pam in the group. I guess I'll see the Temple Square lights that same evening.

One of my favorite things to do for the Christmas season is to just drive around and see all the Christmas lights/decorations on individual homes. I'm amazed at how beautiful some of the homes are decorated and lighted (or is lit?) up. There are a few homes that have lights that blink in time to music. That's always fun.

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I'm am soooo excited for our group to kick off the Christmas Concert Series at Temple Square. It seriously is an honor to be invited to be a part of this...and to kick it off is even more amazing.

I've even seen some PSA's on it.

Our next goal is an invitation to sing at General Conference and that is actually being worked on.

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Our next goal is an invitation to sing at General Conference and that is actually being worked on.

Is it likely to happen? As often as I can remember, if it's not MoTab, it's "a combined choir from XYZ stakes" or "a children's choir from ABC stakes," or something similar. Maybe it's because there aren't exactly a lot of 300 member choirs out there. But is it something that could actually happen?

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Is it likely to happen? As often as I can remember, if it's not MoTab, it's "a combined choir from XYZ stakes" or "a children's choir from ABC stakes," or something similar. Maybe it's because there aren't exactly a lot of 300 member choirs out there. But is it something that could actually happen?

Actually it is something that could happen. With the numerous invitations we have received to participate in temple square activities, we've gained some rapport with the music committee that oversees these activities. So yes it could happen.

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May not be for awhile if it does happen. Our director is taking several months off due to some health issues after this concert is done. We won't even start rehearsing for anything until probably August when we start the Christmas program for next year. That one I may not do. I hate the venue they use normally for this.

We'll continue doing our usual Sacrament meetings around the valley and our choirsides because that is set music that we know really well.

But then again, if we were invited, I think he would find some way to do it.

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I just found the info I was searching for regarding the official turning on of the lights on Temple Square. It's Friday the 23rd at dusk (approximately 5:30). I've never gone and perhaps this year I will.

I don't want us to miss it this year..

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