What I didn't know about FLDS


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That's interesting advice. I've never seen one online. I doubt there are very many open-access internet stations inside the compounds at Colorado City or Eldorado Texas. Due to the closed nature of their communities, you don't really meet one shopping. Any leadership in the public eye, tends to not exactly be giving tours or answering a lot of questions (unless they're on trial for something).

All the vocal people I've heard about, are former, escaped or kicked-out, nonbelieving members. Some of them have written books about their lives, or are sometimes involved in the various court cases, sometimes they are the ones pressing charges.

I'm at least as concerned about FLDS folks, as I am young girls in Thailand who are sold into childhood prostitution - sometimes by their parents. Advice to not concern myself, doesn't exactly sit well.

I will refer your comments to scripture - in particular John 7:51

Doth our law judge any man, before it hear him, and know what he doeth?

You may want to study the context of the quote and why the particular individual made that cautionary statement.

The Traveler

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Ah, Traveller, my poor brain isn't getting the point you're shooting for. On the internet, I tend to write that up to the other guy just having an invalid point. But you always seem to have well-reasoned and doctrinally sound things going on behind what you say, it's just that I'm missing it in this case.

Bini is asking about FLDS folks, who have seen many of their leaders on the receiving end of numerous judgements handed down through the legal system. In 1953, the largest mass-arrest of polygamists in American history happened, resulting in several children becoming wards of the state. Shem Fischer sued them and won a settlement in 2004. Their leader Jeffs has been in prison since 2007 for all his sexual assault charges. The latest raids in 2010 have resulted in at least six felony convictions with sentences ranging from 7-75 years.

You show up with a scripture about the law not judging people without due process. I don't get it. I don't get what I'm supposed to glean from Nicodemus' context behind the scripture.

Could you spell it out a bit more plainly?

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I dont see how we can avoid not needing to know at least a bit about the RLDS people and church. So often nonmembers assume we are them and it helps to know where they came up with their ideas.

It isnt right to judge them for things we dont know about. I hope most of what we hear is just plain rumor mongering. We see enough of it towards our church.

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Matthew 7:1

1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

But let's follow that footnote and we read:

JST Matt. 7:1–2 Now these are the words which Jesus taught his disciples that they should say unto the people. Judge not unrighteously, that ye be not judged: but judge righteous judgment.

Matthew 7:20

20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

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That's FLDS, Anne. Fundamental LDS. The folks who still practice polygamy, and live in very closed communities, from which women escape and young men are booted.

The RLDS is Restored LDS. They renamed themselves the Community of Christ, have basically abandoned the Book of Mormon, and you can't really tell the difference between them and other various evangelical sects these days.

But yes, I agree, it is important to know at least a bit about them.

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That's FLDS, Anne. Fundamental LDS. The folks who still practice polygamy, and live in very closed communities, from which women escape and young men are booted.

The RLDS is Restored LDS. They renamed themselves the Community of Christ, have basically abandoned the Book of Mormon, and you can't really tell the difference between them and other various evangelical sects these days.

But yes, I agree, it is important to know at least a bit about them.

Not to be picky, but it is RLDS - Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - that became Community of Christ (the ones that own the Kirtland Temple). Restoration Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a break off from the Reorganized LDS church, and they still call themselves RLDS because the original RLDS changed their name to Community of Christ.

And just to make it even more confusing, there's also the Remnant Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - also a break-off of the Community of Christ - who ALSO call themselves RLDS.

And don't ask me how each of those churches are different from each other. I have no idea...

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That's FLDS, Anne. Fundamental LDS. The folks who still practice polygamy, and live in very closed communities, from which women escape and young men are booted.

The RLDS is Restored LDS. They renamed themselves the Community of Christ, have basically abandoned the Book of Mormon, and you can't really tell the difference between them and other various evangelical sects these days.

But yes, I agree, it is important to know at least a bit about them.

Sorry finger mind old age glitch! Ty for the correction. I do not agree that they have abandoned the Book of Mormon however. There are things the the RLDS have changed, priesthood for women, gay marriage, names of offices and temple purposes for instance. Oh and Joseph is supposedly a fallen prophet. Still they do the best they can all things considered. Like no revelation.

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Not to be picky, but it is RLDS - Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - that became Community of Christ (the ones that own the Kirtland Temple). Restoration Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a break off from the Reorganized LDS church, and they still call themselves RLDS because the original RLDS changed their name to Community of Christ.

And just to make it even more confusing, there's also the Remnant Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - also a break-off of the Community of Christ - who ALSO call themselves RLDS.

And don't ask me how each of those churches are different from each other. I have no idea...

I was talking to a member of the CoC a while back. She said even the members of that church got confused and there was talk at that time about changing the name to avoid being confused with the Jeffs group which is nothing like them. As I recall there were members of the CoC that split off due to the name change. So it seems we can all get confused on the issue. :)

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