Mathew 16:28


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Hi all,

Is there an LDS answer for the following scripture?

Mathew 16:28 - Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.

Many use this scripture as being a failed prophecy and proof the Bible is incorrect. I don't hold this view, but many do and I was wondering if there is an answer the LDS Church holds on what Jesus was referring to in this scripture. It does appear that the reference is regarding the second coming and those Jesus was talking to have long since passed away. What is every one's take on this one passage?

From what I understand, no man, including Jesus himself when He was on this was on this Earth knows when the second coming will be.

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Actually, we believe that this scripture is true on its face.

If memory serves, at least one of Jesus' Jewish apostles was promised that he would not taste death, as were three of his Western hemisphere prophets.

That they are not present here before us in either fame or infamy does not mean they do not exist.

The problem with the line of argument is that it is fundamentally dishonest- a "gotcha" designed more to belittle and discredit than to illuminate.

Ironically, the criticism itself is a statement of faith- unproven, but accepted as true based on one's assumptions.

Scientifically and logically, they cannot prove that everyone who was alive when the prophecy was made has died.

They assume that it is so (and it is a logical assumption based on their worldview) but they cannot prove it.

As such, their criticism (and the arguments they derive from it) are valid only IF all of their underlying assumptions are true.

Of course, when this is pointed out, their first tendency is to sneer and deride "magical thinking".

This is, of course, a smokescreen designed to hide the fact that they can no more prove their underlying assumptions than can any other faith.

Their worldview lies on a foundation of assumptions and leaps of faith, just as does Christianity.

We are simply less dogmatic in assuming that our assumptions are the only correct ones.

Edited by selek
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3 Nephi 28:4-12

4 And when he had spoken unto them, he turned himself unto the three, and said unto them: What will ye that I should do unto you, when I am gone unto the Father?

5 And they sorrowed in their hearts, for they durst not speak unto him the thing which they desired.

6 And he said unto them: Behold, I know your thoughts, and ye have desired the thing which John, my beloved, who was with me in my ministry, before that I was lifted up by the Jews, desired of me.

7 Therefore, more blessed are ye, for ye shall never taste of death; but ye shall live to behold all the doings of the Father unto the children of men, even until all things shall be fulfilled according to the will of the Father, when I shall come in my glory with the powers of heaven.

8 And ye shall never endure the pains of death; but when I shall come in my glory ye shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye from mortality to immortality; and then shall ye be blessed in the kingdom of my Father.

9 And again, ye shall not have pain while ye shall dwell in the flesh, neither sorrow save it be for the sins of the world; and all this will I do because of the thing which ye have desired of me, for ye have desired that ye might bring the souls of men unto me, while the world shall stand.

10 And for this cause ye shall have fulness of joy; and ye shall sit down in the kingdom of my Father; yea, your joy shall be full, even as the Father hath given me fulness of joy; and ye shall be even as I am, and I am even as the Father; and the Father and I are bone;

11 And the Holy Ghost beareth record of the Father and me; and the Father giveth the Holy Ghost unto the children of men, because of me.

12 And it came to pass that when Jesus had spoken these words, he touched every one of them with his finger save it were the three who were to tarry, and then he departed.

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Hi all,

Is there an LDS answer for the following scripture?

Mathew 16:28 - Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.

Many use this scripture as being a failed prophecy and proof the Bible is incorrect. I don't hold this view, but many do and I was wondering if there is an answer the LDS Church holds on what Jesus was referring to in this scripture. It does appear that the reference is regarding the second coming and those Jesus was talking to have long since passed away. What is every one's take on this one passage?

From what I understand, no man, including Jesus himself when He was on this was on this Earth knows when the second coming will be.

In addition to "translated" beings such as John and the three Nephite disciples, this promise extends to many others -- in fact, to all the Saints. In the latter case, "not taste of death" means we avoid some unpleasant or ugly aspect of death, in which case it becomes "sweet" unto us.

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3 Nephi 28:4-12

Also Doctrine and Covenants 7:1-3

1 And the Lord said unto me: John, my beloved, what desirest thou? For if you shall ask what you will, it shall be granted unto you.

2 And I said unto him: Lord, give unto me power over death, that I may live and bring souls unto thee.

3 And the Lord said unto me: Verily, verily, I say unto thee, because thou desirest this thou shalt tarry until I come in my glory, and shalt prophesy before nations, kindreds, tongues and people.

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Hi all,

Is there an LDS answer for the following scripture?

Mathew 16:28 - Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.

Many use this scripture as being a failed prophecy and proof the Bible is incorrect. I don't hold this view, but many do and I was wondering if there is an answer the LDS Church holds on what Jesus was referring to in this scripture. It does appear that the reference is regarding the second coming and those Jesus was talking to have long since passed away. What is every one's take on this one passage?

From what I understand, no man, including Jesus himself when He was on this was on this Earth knows when the second coming will be.

It is proof that the symbolism used in scriptures is not understood very well.

The Traveler

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