When Your Chocolate Craving is Out of Control


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I have been known to eat the chocolate chips meant for the black bean brownies.

I'm not proud of it, but it is what it is.

Actually, I have been weaning myself off of chocolate the past few months, trying to make due with a glass of chocolate soy milk or black bean brownie, stuff I know I will portion control, rather than stuff the whole bag/bar in my mouth. Valentine's has been a little difficult, but all that candy stacked sky high in the store will disappear soon.

Once you are away from it for a few days, it gets better. The trick is wanting to be away from it - I mean, on it's face, what sense does that make? : )

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I have been known to eat the chocolate chips meant for the black bean brownies.

I'm not proud of it, but it is what it is.

Oh my gosh, that is funny!

I can remember that my grandmother was baking something, and there was a bag of the tiniest, cutest little chocolates. They looked like really tiny Hershey Kisses.

Trying to be sneaky, I reached my hand in and grabbed a handful and shoved them in my mouth as quick as possible before she could catch me.

I smiled, thinking it was GREAT to have a mouth fulll of tiny, baby kisses...until the vile bitterness of the baking chocolate hit my taste buds! :eek:

I never, ever did that again. It taught me not to filch stuff from Grandma's kitchen.

To this day I don't bake. :roflmbo:

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I remember seeing chocolate bars up in my mom's cupboard. Yummm, I'm thinking. I break off a piece and take a big bite. Like you , Tough Grits, I had to spit it out. Baking chocolate is bitter!!! Haha. I think most kids try that one. I know my kids have done the same. And I cracked up laughing with each one.

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I never, ever did that again. It taught me not to filch stuff from Grandma's kitchen.

My conscience is pricking me.

I never did the chocolate thing again...but I did filch from my Grandma's kitchen again.

I was an adult, just a few years back. We were all in there cooking for something (probably Thanksgiving).

I saw a spoon on the counter with WHAT LOOKED LIKE white icing. So, I put the spoon in my mouth, prepared to relish the sweet taste of icing.

I swallowed too quickly. It wasn't icing. It. Was. Lard.

I stood there. Horror. Revulsion. My stomach immediately began to feel sick. I was too embarrassed to tell anybody what I did. I was just praying that nobody saw me, and that I wasn't going to become violently ill right before our feast. I was sick the rest of the evening. :(

Apparently, I am just a few sandwiches short of a picnic. :lol::lol:

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I smiled, thinking it was GREAT to have a mouth fulll of tiny, baby kisses...until the vile bitterness of the baking chocolate hit my taste buds! :eek:

I think we all remember our first experience with baking chocolate! Maybe not the exact circumstances, but definately the effect of trying it as if it was a Hershey bar, or Kiss. :o

My husband pointed out about an hour ago that we do happen to have Hershey's Cocoa in the house, so now to decide what to bake! Better yet, how to talk him into making it -- he's actually a better cook than I am, and he does it a pinch of this and a handful of that. Disgusting. I can make a hamburger without directions, after I get the ground chuck at the store. :lol:

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My conscience is pricking me.

I never did the chocolate thing again...but I did filch from my Grandma's kitchen again.

I was an adult, just a few years back. We were all in there cooking for something (probably Thanksgiving).

I saw a spoon on the counter with WHAT LOOKED LIKE white icing. So, I put the spoon in my mouth, prepared to relish the sweet taste of icing.

I swallowed too quickly. It wasn't icing. It. Was. Lard.

I stood there. Horror. Revulsion. My stomach immediately began to feel sick. I was too embarrassed to tell anybody what I did. I was just praying that nobody saw me, and that I wasn't going to become violently ill right before our feast. I was sick the rest of the evening. :(

Apparently, I am just a few sandwiches short of a picnic. :lol::lol:

Oh man. I feel sick just reading this. Oh yuck!

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If I am really desperate I would eat cooking choc and actually quite like choc chips - I blame 6 summers of summer camp for that - if they were requested for a "cook out" and didn't all get used, if they went back to the kitchen they would just be binned so we counsellors would keep them and eat them to get our chocolate fix during the next few days :)

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