Awesome Scripture Website!

Guest MrsS

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On another forum that I belong to, a member there told us about this website. This is pretty much her entire post - (moderators - do you want a link to the forum? if so I will edit and post it, just let me know)

I just set up an account (it takes TWO seconds!!!!).

Then, it asked me to "Create your Scripture Reading Schedule".

I chose the New Testament.

Then it asks for your reading schedule. Either 1 chapter per day, or you can customize your own. I chose 1 chapter a day.

Then it asks for your preferred start point. I chose the very first chapter of the New Testament.

After I made my selections, this is what it said:

This schedule requires 260 days to complete.

Estimated Completion Date: Sunday, November 11, 2007

Cool, huh?

Once you have completed your daily reading, click on the ''Completed'' button at the bottom of each email to receive the next reading selection the following day. Your next reading selection will only be emailed to you once you have clicked on the ''Completed'' button.

So, technically, I could go faster than 1 chapter a day, huh?

On the main page of the site, it lists how many have completed each of the books on the site so far. I wonder if this is a yearly total or a complete history total. ????

The site also has:



Account Profile


I am set up with her as a Team. My Husband has also joined. I set it for 1 chapter a day, and I scheduled to read three "books", New Testament, The Book of Mormon and Gospel Doctrine NT. He scheduled to read the Book of Mormon in 90 days. Another great bonus to this program is that you can listen to your selection! For me, I can understand and comprehend better if I listen to the scriptures as I read along.

Take a look at the site - tell me what you think.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest Yediyd

I signed up to read all the standard works in a year...I am currently 138 days ahead of my scedule!!! I love it!!! I read MORE, now than I ever did before!! It is cool to track my progress!!!! I started in the Old Testament, I am in Lamentations right now. I read Jeremiah twice because the whole story about the Babylonian captivity is very fascinating to me...

I "cheat" because I have my scripture on my MP3 player, I listen to them a lot and I count it as reading!!!! :blush:

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I signed up to read all the standard works in a year...I am currently 138 days ahead of my scedule!!! I love it!!! I read MORE, now than I ever did before!! It is cool to track my progress!!!! I started in the Old Testament, I am in Lamentations right now. I read Jeremiah twice because the whole story about the Babylonian captivity is very fascinating to me...

I "cheat" because I have my scripture on my MP3 player, I listen to them a lot and I count it as reading!!!! :blush:

I wouldn't call that cheating Yed. This day and age more and more is available in formats like that. I see nothing wrong with doing it that way verses reading. Sometimes audible sinks in better than reading anyway.

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Guest Yediyd

Yes!! The official church website has Mp3 downloads of scripture and Tons of other stuff!! I downloaded ALL of the stuff on the church I have all the church music AND the ensign's, New Era's, Friends....Jesus The Christ...Study guides, Teachings of the Presidents of the Church...PLUS my music!!! I have 27 Gig of memory on my MP3 player...I have only 7Gig left on it!!! it is LOADED!!! I LOVE it!!!!!

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