What does Christianity mean to you?

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I understand that is a very broad question, but I'm curious to hear what people have to say.

For myself, Christianity is not just a particular brand of theology. It's the reminder that God exists, and is there to save humanity from themselves. That he was willing to give us Christ who would teach a simple message of love and faith, and who would willingly give up his life for us. It is the belief that, no matter how many times I stumble and fall, that He is there to reach out his hand and lift me from the ground. It's the beauty that there will come a day when war, famine, suffering, and heartache will end, and we will know true happiness and love not often found on this Earth. It is my foundation, it reminds me to love even when scorned, mocked, or despised, that humbles me when I become conceited or proud, and continually acts a reminder that despite my mistakes, short comings, and failures, that God will love me regardless.

This is what my faith means to me. I apologize for taking up your time, and thank you in advance for taking the time to read this in the first place.

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Christianity (religion) is God's way of helping us through a vale of tears in which suffering teaches us what the Spirit can't.

Christ taught that someone dying to save someone else is love's greatest manifestation. Because Heavenly Father is immortal (His physical body inseparably connected to His spirit body), He cannot die. So He sent Jesus to do for us what He could not do Himself: reveal how important and loved we are, by the death of a God.

Everything else is commentary. The core is that the Supreme Being of the universe knows my name and your name, loves you and me, and has inspired prophets to help us become like Him and love others as He loves us. That's the whole point, to me. Helping us partake of His Divine Nature through teachings, ordinances, symbolism, service, etc.

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For me Christianity is discipleship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but not only to believe Him and believe in Him, but to follow Him; to do His works and to come unto Him. Truly we are invited to literally seek, ask, knock and it shall be opened to us during our mortal lives if we truly put away the world and seek Him.

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