Divorced, had a son, Mission?

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Before I go into the question, let me just say I am 24 years old, divorced and have a son. My biggest regret in my entire life was not serving a full time Mission.

I went into my Bishop's office earlier tonight and we were discussing some things and he said to me; "I would suggest you go on a Mission if it was not for your tattoos. I don't think you can go but I'm going to look into it." I have a full sleeve but nothing that can not be covered with a long sleeve shirt. When he said that I just had this feeling like I needed to go if the opportunity presented itself. I don't want to get my hopes up and I am going to leave it in the Lord's hands.

Do any of you know if this is a possibility? I read on the Church's website that it's not normal but it didn't say that you can not go.

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I am no expert on the subject of tattoos and missions, but when this issue has come up with people I've known, it seems that being allowed to go on a mission with tattoos really depends on where they are on the body, what their purpose is (eg. cultural), what they depict and if they can be covered. I live in a ward where probably half of the members have cultural tattoos so the topic does come up fairly regularly.

Of greater consideration is the fact that you have a little boy you are emotionally and financially responsible for - why would you even consider leaving him for two years? I can sense your yearning to serve a mission and that's admirable, but are you willing to sacrifice that time with your child to satisfy your own regrets about not serving a mission when you were younger? Missionaries in the early days of the church had to leave their families for a time to preach the gospel, but that was out of necessity when the church was in its infancy.

Are there other avenues where you could fulfill your desire to do missionary work? Maybe helping the full-time missionaries or serving in one of the many part-time service missions the church has available? There's so much you could do (maybe you already are if your bishop feels you'd make a good missionary).

Edited by lagarthaaz
Edited cos my source was probably rubbish...
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Men under the age of 25 who have been divorced are generally not recommended for missionary service, although there is some wiggle room available for this with the recommendation of the bishop and stake president. However, the fact that you have a son may complicate things, particularly if you have financial obligations toward your son. If you are required to pay child support, I wouldn't be at all optimistic of your chances for serving.

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The church takes family obligations very seriously. My guess.... Maybe, and it's a huge maybe, if you have enough in the bank to meet your future financial obligations before leaving then you may be able to get some exception. But that doesn't address the spiritual obligation you have to raising your son and teaching him the gospel and being a good dad in his life.

There is a lot you can do other than a full time mission and still build yourself up. Go on splits as much as possible with the missionaries in your area. I'm sure they would love the support. Have them over for dinner with you and your son once a week or more. We all know they need to eat. Have family home evenings where you invite friends to listen to the missionaries. I'm sure there is a ton you can do in the ward as well. Home teaching always needs a boost, strengthening the ward is also missionary work. You can fill all your spare time (don't neglect your son for those things) doing spiritual things. It could be great for your son to have the missionaries as a regular part of your lives.

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Pretty sure the tattoo is a non-issue.

Yep, back home I played basketball with a missionary who had three tattoos on his back, and he purchased a tattoo on his mission of the CTR shield...oh the irony.

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There are many types of missions or serving opporutunities within the church. Heavenly Father understands your situtation. The regrets that you are feeling for not serving a Mission are normal. But with that said there are many things in our life we should of , could of would of. Things of the past should be in the past. With that said, Sometimes it is neccesary to look back depending on the circumstance to ensure that we do not make the same mistake twice. Your child is part of your Mission. As far as Serving in the Church, "The field is white already to harvest; wherefore, thrust in your sickles, and reap with all your might, mind and strenght." D & C 33:7. Brother in your ward I am sure that there are many opportunities to serve, If not which I see highly unlikely, we welcome you to come help in our part of the Vinyard in Southern Ca. We all are Missionaries. I enjoyed a talk given by one of the Apostles in the 1st Presidency, about the Moving of a piano. The talk was given that wherever you are in life and whatever your situation is, you do what you can where you are. We must do something. I promise you that you will allways be peacfull and happy in life as you serve others. As you serve where you are, your life will feel complete and you will feel Heavenly Fathers love more fully. :)

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