Mormon.Org Chat


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So I just finished up a pretty length conversation with two returned missionaries on the chat, we spoke for about an hour and a half and overall I would say I had one of the best conversations with these two Sisters.

Both of my online missionaries have long departed for other countries since their visa's went through, so my learning somewhat floundered off. We had a pretty decent conversation about the different levels of Priesthood and various other topics as well, a full time missionary has added me via Facebook as did the two Sisters. I requested them to add me because I wanted them to share their stories from their missions when they had the time to do so.

The question of why I have not been Baptized was brought up and I pointed out that I do not live by the Words of Wisdom, I drink lightly from time to time during family gatherings and what not. They were by no means pushy and my experience with both of them was very enlightening!

I look forward to sharing more conversations with these two in the future and also look forward to seeing what this Elder can teach me as well. I have a big preference to online missionaries because I usually do not have time to meet with locals, they have been texting with me and I met once but the busy lifestyle makes it hard to keep up with eachother on a regular basis.

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I've tried chatting to these guys a few times - especually about 2 years ago when I was having emotional problems and severe doubts about my own faith. It's a lot easier and less intimidating to talk online than face-to-face or even on the telephone. Some are fine about this, but others are determined to get your phone number, complain about having to "type everything in here", and want to draw things to a quick close when you refuse. (I'm guessing those may be older people less use to using keyboards.)

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Some of the best role models in my life, have had alcohol as part of their life stories.

My Nam vet buddy, who taught me to hunt, used to self-medicate with alcohol until he found a better treatment for his PTSD.

My father socially partook of one of life's easier pleasures until his gallbladder exploded and doctors told him he'd be dead within a year unless he gave up alcohol. He did, and made it another decade and a half, finishing raising me with that time.

Sounds like you're on a journey that may lead to some crossroads. I wish you well!

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So I just finished up a pretty length conversation with two returned missionaries on the chat, we spoke for about an hour and a half and overall I would say I had one of the best conversations with these two Sisters.

Both of my online missionaries have long departed for other countries since their visa's went through, so my learning somewhat floundered off. We had a pretty decent conversation about the different levels of Priesthood and various other topics as well, a full time missionary has added me via Facebook as did the two Sisters. I requested them to add me because I wanted them to share their stories from their missions when they had the time to do so.

The question of why I have not been Baptized was brought up and I pointed out that I do not live by the Words of Wisdom, I drink lightly from time to time during family gatherings and what not. They were by no means pushy and my experience with both of them was very enlightening!

I look forward to sharing more conversations with these two in the future and also look forward to seeing what this Elder can teach me as well. I have a big preference to online missionaries because I usually do not have time to meet with locals, they have been texting with me and I met once but the busy lifestyle makes it hard to keep up with eachother on a regular basis.

Just my unsolicited two cents worth......

I really recommend making time to meet with local missionaries. I started out with missionaries from Salt Lake (via phone, arranged by a friend) because I was having trouble connecting with the local missionaries. There were communication issues, as well as scheduling issues. In my experience, there is just no substitute for those "live" discussions. Meeting with the locals doesn't take any more time than "meetings" over the phone or online.

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Just my unsolicited two cents worth......

I really recommend making time to meet with local missionaries. I started out with missionaries from Salt Lake (via phone, arranged by a friend) because I was having trouble connecting with the local missionaries. There were communication issues, as well as scheduling issues. In my experience, there is just no substitute for those "live" discussions. Meeting with the locals doesn't take any more time than "meetings" over the phone or online.

Facebook has been a more convenient method of speaking with them because usually when I have free time it is later in the evening (ie after 10PM). This is one of those rare occasions that I had free time earlier on.

For me it just has been easier to send a message, the missionary replies and then check my phone again in five or ten minutes and then send a reply while I am at work. I work for Verizon and I am a Process Server so I basically get to be in my phone all day.

Is there a way to request sister missionaries through the chat or IRL? I would love to help give the new sisters a boost!!

You should be able to, I was also told that there will be more Sisters than Elders with the age limit shift for when you can serve a mission. When I went into the chat initially there were two Sisters, my connection died though and I went back and there were two different ones that popped up. But I am sure they wouldn't mind transferring you if you requested to speak with Sisters.

This is interesting! I chatted once when I had a question none of my LDS family could answer, but I haven't been on just to chat or anything. I'm also investigating.

This was my second time on the Mormon.Org Chat, and I found it to be one of the best conversations I have had yet.


Some of the best role models in my life, have had alcohol as part of their life stories.

My Nam vet buddy, who taught me to hunt, used to self-medicate with alcohol until he found a better treatment for his PTSD.

My father socially partook of one of life's easier pleasures until his gallbladder exploded and doctors told him he'd be dead within a year unless he gave up alcohol. He did, and made it another decade and a half, finishing raising me with that time.

Sounds like you're on a journey that may lead to some crossroads. I wish you well!

I used to drink alot after I turned 21. Every night after work i would go to my friends house and get drunk, and dont get me wrong those were some really fun times but I eventually realized that it was an expensive thing to do but also I just couldn't live a party lifestyle.

After his mother passed away him and his dad moved to Ohio for a bit, he came back and we hang out from time to time but neither of us do like we did years ago. I guess you could say that chapter of our lives came to a close for both of us.

I've tried chatting to these guys a few times - especually about 2 years ago when I was having emotional problems and severe doubts about my own faith. It's a lot easier and less intimidating to talk online than face-to-face or even on the telephone. Some are fine about this, but others are determined to get your phone number, complain about having to "type everything in here", and want to draw things to a quick close when you refuse. (I'm guessing those may be older people less use to using keyboards.)

The online missionaries are mostly there to be that 'first step', they will be there to teach you and eventually when you are ready pass you on to local missionaries for those face to face conversations that will teach you quite a bit more. Skype lessons are pretty informative with the online ones though from my experience.

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I talked with a few, they were nice, some were more pushy then others... It did make me think about things, and just how timid I would be simply walking into a church on a Sunday like they suggest.

I'm a loner and I don't think the church has those lol

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I talked with a few, they were nice, some were more pushy then others... It did make me think about things, and just how timid I would be simply walking into a church on a Sunday like they suggest.

I'm a loner and I don't think the church has those lol

In my old church there were loners, you'd be surprised.

Mormons are pretty friendly and welcoming, its a very family oriented church and if they see a new face they usually have no problem walking up and introducing themselves. At the Baptism I witnessed on the 18th I cant even count how many people introduced themselves to me and shook my hand.

Never met a pushy LDS Missionary, well my online one asked twice if I wanted to be baptized.

I ran into a pair of JW Missionaries a couple years ago... That was a pretty pushy and awkward encounter. Never again I hope! They just sent me something in the mail so I hope nobody comes knocking.

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In my old church there were loners, you'd be surprised.

Mormons are pretty friendly and welcoming, its a very family oriented church and if they see a new face they usually have no problem walking up and introducing themselves. At the Baptism I witnessed on the 18th I cant even count how many people introduced themselves to me and shook my hand.

Never met a pushy LDS Missionary, well my online one asked twice if I wanted to be baptized.

I ran into a pair of JW Missionaries a couple years ago... That was a pretty pushy and awkward encounter. Never again I hope! They just sent me something in the mail so I hope nobody comes knocking.

that's what makes me rather afraid, I am very unused to people being generally kind and saying hello and what not to me:lol:

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that's what makes me rather afraid, I am very unused to people being generally kind and saying hello and what not to me:lol:

Hang around Latter-Day Saints a bit and it will bring you out of your shell.

And if you are not accustom to people being kind to you, probably about time for a change in atmosphere. :o

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