Hazel and Daley on Big Brother - and general reflections


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Firstly let me say that I loathe this show with a deep and abiding passion. I am nevertheless obliged to watch it with my wife who is (for reasons I've never understood) a devoted fan. So before you ask me the question "Why do you watch this trash?" let me give you the answer: "Marital harmony!"

Now that's out of the way I'll proceed to the main point of this post. It concerns an incident we saw last night involving two of "housemates": a black boxer named Daley and an Irish model named Hazel. I shan't bother giving you a link to it, because you can easily find your own on Google: just type in "Hazel" and "Daley" and you'll get about two dozen!

Now Hazel and Daley are an explosive combination. Hazel had from the start flirted with Daley despite the full knowledge that he has a girlfriend on the outside, and Daley had (at least to some extent) responded. The producers - whose motive for stirring up trouble is quite obvious - isolated the pair of them together in the "safe house" where in the middle of the night the incident occurred.

It started when Hazel started pestering Daley when he wanted to sleep. When Daley didn't respond, she escalated matters by stealing his bedclothes. Daley then jumped onto Hazel's bed and demanded them back, upon which she pulled down his pants. He told her she should "respect her elders" (stretching a point as he's 28 and she's 24) and from here-on things went downhill. Daley - now seriously angry - told Hazel he would do her "serious damage" to which Hazel replied "Go on then, I think you should!". (Or words to that effect.) After a couple more similar exchanges, the show's producers (acting via the eponymous "Big Brother" - who actually has a woman's voice) intervened.

The Aftermath:

Daley was thrown off the show for using "threatening and/or violent language to another housemate". I'm really not surprised about this, and I'm certainly not disputing the decision.

Hazel was given an "official warning". Again I'm not surprised, though a lot of people say (and I'm inclined to agree) that she should have been thrown off the show also.

But get this: the reasons given for Hazel's "offical warning" was that she had:

  • Slapped Daley on the rear, and
  • Pulled down his shorts.
Not a single word was said about the fact that she:

  • Initiated the whole affair by refusing to let Daley sleep when she knew he was tired and cranky,
  • Stole his bedsheets and refused to return them, knowing full well that this would make him angrier, and
  • Continued to rile and provoke him even after his language become threatening.
Not a single word. Oh no - if Daley said anything inappropriate at all it was entirely down to his own evil manly malice. Who would dare put an ounce of the blame on pretty little goody-two-shoes Irish girl who aggrevated and annoyed him until he finally broke?

The Moral of This Story

They say it's a man's world. In some ways it is: men are (as a general rule) taken more seriously than women, but they are also burdened with more of the responsibility. A case in point: the fact that a woman is incapacitated with drink is certainly no excuse for a man to rape her. Everyone (with the exception of recidivist sex-offenders) agrees with that. But suggest to that woman that she doesn't get drunk (and thus avoids the danger of getting raped) and you'll be called a "rape apologist".

It's funny that no one ever applies the same logic to other things. If I tell someone not to leave their keys in their car, does this make me a "car theft apologist"? Of if I say "don't leave your door unlocked" does that make me a "burglary apologist?" Of course not: automobile owners and householders are expected to take responsibility for crime prevention, but apparently not women-qua-women. And especially not irresponsible binge-drinking 18-year-old girls in their first year at university!

Not that there was anything remotely "rape" about what Daley did. He was tired and sleepy, bugged to distraction by a very annoying woman, and his patience finally snapped - at which point he said something regrettable. This was reprehensible, but the responsibility for it was not all his. Hazel's actions were no better than Daley's so I say if he goes so should she.

Edited by Jamie123
Corrected spelling thanks to Pam
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Ok I watched it...geesh..you made me

anwywho...the dude put his hands on her throat...gg

she seems really stupid...or is she brilliant?...we can't know for sure

here are some politics for ya in case you've missed the recent threads.

If this was in America and she shot him she could be convicted of child abuse..nuf said

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Only reason that I could think of you watching it, is that you got a cuddle or more out of it. While you say you loathe the show, you seem to express a rather informed and enthusiastic view point.

I admit to watching Downton Abbey with female company, but it least it was classy and it grew on me, whereas this show deserves my scorn.

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I admit to watching Downton Abbey with female company, but it least it was classy and it grew on me...

Oddly enough it was the other way round for us. When Downton Abbey first appeared it was me who wanted to see it. My wife referred to it as "your queer show" and usually went upstairs whenever it came on. By the time the second series came on though she'd been thoroughly sucked into it!

...whereas this show deserves my scorn.

Ah...well you're preaching to the choir there!
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