Hello - A Few Questions I Have :)


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“Thanks all for the responses

btw, i have read the Book of Mormon several times. but i was still unaware of the style of joseph smith compared to it. like take islam for example. you have the quran, and hadiths. the quran is supposingly the word of god, and has an interesting, poetic style. then there's the hadiths, which quoted mohammad.. and the style of mohammad is different then hadiths. muslims use this to claim that the quran had to be from god, since the qwriting styles were different. i thought maybe joseph smith would be quoted somewhere, and if his writing style was different lol”

You are correct about several writing styles in the BoM. However there are so many authors in the BoM you can’t just say there was G-d’s poetic style (although he is most certainly quoted in there) and Joseph Smith’s writhing style. Joseph Smith translated the BoM he didn’t write it. That’s a big difference between the BoM and the Quran. The Quran was spoken to Mohammad by the angel Gabriel Mohammad then memorized it word for word. Mohammad was only one prophet the BoM encompasses many prophets and like Mohammad they could speak freely and also record God’s will

Does that make any since?


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You are correct about several writing styles in the BoM. However there are so many authors in the BoM you can’t just say there was G-d’s poetic style (although he is most certainly quoted in there) and Joseph Smith’s writhing style. Joseph Smith translated the BoM he didn’t write it. That’s a big difference between the BoM and the Quran. The Quran was spoken to Mohammad by the angel Gabriel Mohammad then memorized it word for word. Mohammad was only one prophet the BoM encompasses many prophets and like Mohammad they could speak freely and also record God’s will

Does that make any since?


so are you saying that you think Mohammad was a prophet?
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well.......am I out of time out now?????????...................... :dontknow:

Okay, Pale, if you promise to be nice to the newb you can come out and play again. :sparklygrin:

ok I promise........Scouts Honor!!!!!!........ :rolleyes:

You in timeout again, Pale? :wow: {/color]

yes....I was in time out.....I was told I was being rude........ B)

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“So are you saying that you think Mohammad was a prophet?”

I don’t know as the answer is that simple. G-d at some points in history has had several prophets at one time. I do not personally believe he was; however, in his teachings he only has a few very specific circumstances as to when spilling blood from you fellow man may occur. This does echo Christ’s teachings who they also acknowledge. Although they may not recognize his elevated status as the son of G-d, they do value his teachings and have insights surrounding his life recorded in the Koran that Christians do not.

In the end it would what it would come down to is an authority dispute. Did he or did he not have G-d’s “endorsement” and therefore have the priesthood power that comes with it? I’m not qualified to answer that. An Anglican priest once told me that the two biggest things Christ asks of all of us is to love and serve one another. He then went one to say I don’t need any one to set there hands on my head and say I’m ordained to do that.

My idea of the priesthood doesn’t coincide with LDS doctrine. I’m sure the official LDS policy on the matter says that only a qualified LDS male ordained by another qualified LDS male is the only way to be a priesthood holder in the eyes of the church. There are some loop holes but that’s for another discussion. My idea of priesthood power and authority is more like you have to look at different churches as different states in the union. Some have a better system of doing things some are more powerful than others a few I never want to go back to but in the end we are all on the same team. I just can’t wrap my brain around the idea that G-d would forsake people like Mother Teresa because she wasn’t LDS. She dedicated her life to his service she may have rallied to a different flag than I do but it was no secret that at night we prayed to the same G-d.

I hope that made since. I tend to ramble and my fingers don’t keep up with my brain.


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God has thousands of prophets today. A prophet is anyone who has a testimony of Jesus and is called to bare it, for the angel told John 'the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.' (Rev. 19:10) Joseph Smith used that same verse to say the same thing I just did.

Now does this mean there are prophetesses? OF COURSE! How many sister missionaries are called and appointed to testify of Christ to all the world? How many sisters are prompted to stand as a witness in testimony meetings every month throughout the world? Paul spoke of such meetings as 'when ye come together'...'let the prophets speak two or three'...'for ye may all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted.' (1 Cor. 14:26-32)

Now some scream fault when they get to verse 34 and 35, which say women are not permitted to speak, but Joseph Smith clarified that those verses say they are not permitted to 'rule' in the Church.

So what about Priesthood? That is an entirely different matter. The 'Prophet' who stands at the head of the LDS Church is much more than a prophet. He is the keyholder of the Priesthood. Some say: 'What revelations have been brought forth since the 19th Century? Why is the Doctrine and Covenants not growing? We should be up to 300 sections by now!' But if they knew the workings of the LORD they would not ask this question.

For the LORD continually reveals to the First Elder and his Presidency concerning the workings of the Church. When and where to send missionaries, to build temples, to hold meetings, to purchase lands in the building of Zion, and all other workings of the Church are shown to them and to the other various priesthood leaders of the Church including the smallest local quorums. Now this type of work requires an organization of the priesthood, that there be no confusion, 'For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.' (1 Cor. 14:33)

No Bishop receives revelation concerning a ward he is not over. No Stake Presidency receives knowledge of a different Stake. Each priesthood position entitles only the keys of knowledge and power associated with such.

As for Mother Teresa, she may have indeed been a Prophetess. Furthermore, there is nothing in our doctrine that says she would be forsaken, 'for every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name ’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.' (Matt 19:29) It is she who did the forsaking, and it is she that shall inherit as promised.



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