re: oops...prisonchaplain just got banned from another lds site


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Actually it is the chat site. I double-checked the TOS, and it seems I should have at least been warned if I was doing something wrong. My guess is still that the word "beer," set off an automatic ban. It's just weird though...I wasn't really even interacting with any particular's still in affect though. I guess it might be permanent. now have as a mod one who has been banned from another LDS site. Just goes to show how progressive and accommodating really is! :D

There used to be more than one popular LDS chat server back in the late 1990's/early 2000's. I was a moderator for the other one that no longer exists during my college days. Banned words wouldn't automatically ban the user, just alert all moderators/operators/administrators that a banned word had been used by this user. However it would't tell the moderators exactly which word had been used, or which channel/p2p chat window it was used in. So, if you're busy, it can be quite difficult to determine exactly what happened and what word was used, which might explain why the moderator just banned regardless - I'd seen my fellow mods do this loads of times.

That said, the still existing chat server uses entirely different software now whereas previously they were both using the chatspace server software, so I don't know how its currently set up.

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Good news: I'm able to get on the site now.

Mystery: I never got a response to my email inquiries, nor was I told one way or the other if the "ban" was temporary, or if someone lifted it.

Bad news: Nobody noticed I had been gone...:::sigh:::

I mentioned something to a mod there about what happened and how it happens consistently.

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Good news: I'm able to get on the site now.

Mystery: I never got a response to my email inquiries, nor was I told one way or the other if the "ban" was temporary, or if someone lifted it.

Bad news: Nobody noticed I had been gone...:::sigh:::

If you quit showing up around here I would just assume you were raptured.

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