Length Of The Church?


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Christ’s church was organized in these latter days in the year 1830. Subtract that from 2006 and you get 176 years. As of the writing of this paper we are post April 6th which means we are in the 177th year right now. See if we have the same exact conditions in our nation and church as compared to the Book of Mormon record. It’s spooky to say the least. Is this book for our times or what?

ALMAS CHURCH (lasted 177 years)

Alma’s church was organized and established in 147BC (see Mosiah 18:17). Alma’s church was broken up or destroyed in 30AD (see 3 Nephi 6:14). That brings us to the fact that Alma’s church only lasted 177 years from it’s organization to it’s full stage of apostasy and destruction. The Book of Mormon record tells us that pride and boastings came about because of exceeding riches and prosperity (3 Nephi 6:10). It was a society of commerce with many merchants, lawyers and officers in the land (3 Nephi 6:11). Better known as capitalism, free enterprise or the American dream. People were also distinguished by ranks according to their riches “and” chances for learning (college) while others were not as successful in this market because of a lack of learning or opportunities for schooling (3 Nephi 6:12). The rest of this chapter tells us that it was the lawyers and judges (attorneys, supreme court judges etc) that prospered in this society (3 Nephi 6:13) and they caused the destruction of the Nephites federal government (3 Nephi 6, 7:6). This was the fulfillment of lawyer craft destroying the society however the people had been warned many years prior regarding the evil of such characters and business strategies (Alma 10:27, Alma 11 specifically vs 20). The church can never suffer inequality among its members and we learn that it was likewise broken up (3 Nephi 6:14-15). All of this because of iniquity which always leads back to pride, power, authority, riches and the vain things of the world which church members are strictly commanded to disallow in the church (3 Nephi 6:15 cr Moroni 6:7). Then we have a possible type and shadow for our future since the Book of Mormon is for our day and since all of these events seem to line up with our current society. They were in a state of awful wickedness and did not sin ignorantly but willfully, they had been taught correctly but willfully rejected truth (3 Nephi 6:17-18). There were two Presidents of the republic who were father and son named Lachoneus Sr. and Lachoneus Jr. (3 Nephi 6:19 ie Bush Sr and Bush Jr – our nation started with “George” Washington could it be that it ends with a “George” Bush? George Bush Jr is our third president with that name, who is our 43rd president. Collectively, Israel and Judah had a total of 43 named kings before it’s destruction). The younger Lachoneus is assassinated by the wicked politicians and lawyers (3 Nephi 7:1). In the rest of chapter six we learn that it was the lawyers and judges hay day even to the point of illegally murdering the prophets and never being punished which was their secret pact (3 Nephi 6:28). All this that they might have a king and destroy the liberty and freedom of their government (3 Nephi 6:30). After the government collapsed the Nephites all broke into tribes and hated one another “but” they were united on one point. They wanted their federal government back (3 Nephi 7:11). So we see that in the same year that the church fell into full scale apostasy the government of the land also failed in the same year.


This great prophet who was the forerunner for Christ among the Nephites was visited by angels, heard the voice of the Lord, was an eye witness and had power bestowed upon him concerning the ministry of Christ. He declared the doctrines of Christ to people that were hard hearted and blind in their minds. He preached boldly and with strong teachings. The people were angry with him of course for not being politically correct (cross reference to Helaman 13:25-29) and because he had more convincing power than orthodox priests and leaders of that day. Angels visited him on a daily basis. He was able to cast out devils and unclean spirits and even raised his own brother from the dead! He performed many more miracles. Still few were converted and denied following this great prophet. Those who believed him testified boldly to non believers and performed miracles themselves. These new members and followers of Christ through the prophet Nephi were baptized or possibly re-baptized. This prophet made no mistakes in the reckoning of years and the people did look forward with anxiousness to the signs of Christ’s appearance unto them. The people all disagreed about the signs and time of Christ’s coming despite the many signs that had been given. Then on April 4th 34AD (assuming usage of Hebrew calendar) the earth begins to become a complete disaster zone. Christ then appears at the end of that year (3 Nephi 10:18) which suggest that from start to finish it lasted many months. See 3 Nephi 7:15 – 3 Nephi 8:4 for sources on the above commentary. For the natural disasters see 3 Nephi 8:5 – 3 Nephi 10

CHRIST’S CHURCH (lasted 167 - 176 years)

Christ’s church is organized all through 3 Nephi 11 up to chapter 27 which was 34AD. See specifically 3 Nephi 26:1 and chapter 27. In 4 Nephi 1:24-27 we know it was around 201AD – 210AD that everything “began” to fall apart which gives us about 167-176 years. What caused it’s eventual apostasy? 4 Nephi starts out with the people doing pretty well but then it turns mid chapter. In verse 23 we learn that the people had prospered and became exceedingly rich (here we go again, right). Pride, costly apparel, fine pearls and commonality or the united order had been abandoned (4 Nephi 1:24-25). They were big time church builders and must have had a chapel on every corner because there were “many” in the land (see also Mormon 8:28-37, 14:10, 22:23, 2 Nephi 26:20-21, 28:3&12, Alma 31-33, Mosiah 27:3). The church “professed” to know Christ but denied the more parts of the gospel (lunch room gospel, take what you want and leave the rest out). They gave sacred things to people that should not because of unworthiness (temple rights perhaps?). As brother Nibley has well stated this chapter points out that there were those who professed to belong to the church of Christ and them who really did belong. Well the wanta-bees of course persecuted the original twelve that Christ chose and who were extremely old at this point. The people hardened their hearts and were led by many false priests and false prophets “to build up many churches” (4 Nephi 1:23-34). Hmm….sounds familiar. Then comes a split in the church between the believers and the professed believers (4 Nephi 35-38). We are again reminded that there full focus was to build churches in verse 41. Riches were the name of the game (verse 43). It was a commerce, free enterprise, capitalistic society that was apparently booming (verse 46) just like the society in Alma’s church around the time of it’s destruction.


Then not many years after Christ’s church apostatized we know exactly what happens to them according to Mormon and Moroni’s records. Mormon 8 is Moroni’s record to the latter day gentile church (LDS church) warning us against every single thing mentioned above which caused the failure of our Lords previous churches on this continent. Watch and learn from histories past is the message of Moroni. Power of God is denied, churches are defiled because of pride. The church leaders are very prideful and the members envy them (some day I’ll be a mission president or GA etc). Destruction and pollutions are seen across the whole earth (8:28-31). For money all your sins and worries will go away is the doctrine of these leaders (8:32). Again we find church builders like McDonalds builds restaurants (8:33). The scriptures are modified or transformed (8:33 see also 1981 scripture changes to LDS canon). Then Moroni gives his famous speech to the latter day gentile church (8:35-38). Note that the same exact words are used by Moroni to the latter day gentiles as were the words of Samuel the Lamanite to the Nephites. “Behold the sword of vengeance hangeth over you” (8:41 cr Helamen 13:5). We know what happened to the Nephites already and our D&C confirms this message (D&C 38:39) to us.

And now I, Nephi, cannot say more; the Spirit stoppeth mine utterance, and I am left to mourn because of the unbelief, and the wickedness, and the ignorance, and the stiffneckedness of men; for they will not search knowledge, nor understand great knowledge, when it is given unto them in plainness, even as plain as word can be. (2 Nephi 32:7)

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When the Church is allowed to have missionaries openly proselyte in Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran, et al, then I'll start checking my thermometer and looking for fire to rain down from the sky. :ph34r:

I'm totally with you on this one CK.

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Guest Username-Removed

When the Church is allowed to have missionaries openly proselyte in Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran, et al, then I'll start checking my thermometer and looking for fire to rain down from the sky. :ph34r:

Bring it!!!!!


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I think things now are rather peachy to how they could be. I think it will be hell on earth and worse we can imagin. It does not take long to get there at all though. Take a look back 20 years, 40 years, 60 years, and see how much the world has changed. We are heading in that direction for sure, but I think this world will be so bad by that time that none of us can possibly comprehend it.

We do not know the day or time so we must always be ready.

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I think if you're waiting for Israel and the Heathen nations before you repent, you're gonna fry. Remember, the Lord has said that when he pours out his judgements upon the world, the first people to get it is the Church. The Lord needs a pure and sanctified people before the City of Zion is built, before the Lost Tribes come out of their hiding place, before the Gospel is taken to Israel and the Temple is rebuilt.

"After a while the Gentiles will gather to this place by the thousands and Salt Lake will be classified among the wicked cities of the world. A spirit of speculation and extravagance will take possession of the Saints and the result will be financial bondage. Persecution comes next, and all true Latter Day Saints will be tested to the limit. Many will apostasize, and others will stand still, not knowing what to do. Darkness will cover the earth and gross darkness the minds of the people...The judgements of God will be poured out upon the wicked to the extent that our Elders from far and near will be called home. Or, in other words, the gospel will be taken from the Gentiles and later on will be carried to the Jews...Then the Prophet Joseph Smith and others will make their appearance and those who have remained faithful will be selected to return to Jackson County. Missouri, and take part in the upbuilding of that beautiful city, the New Jerusalem " President Heber C. Kimball.

D&C 112:

23 Verily, verily, I say unto you, darkness covereth the earth, and gross darkness the minds of the people, and all flesh has become corrupt before my face.

24 Behold, vengeance cometh speedily upon the inhabitants of the earth, a day of wrath, a day of burning, a day of desolation, of weeping, of mourning, and of lamentation; and as a whirlwind it shall come upon all the face of the earth, saith the Lord.

25 And UPON MY HOUSE SHALL IT BEGIN, and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord;

26 First among those among you, saith the Lord, who have professed to know my name and have not known me, and have blasphemed against me in the midst of my house, saith the Lord.


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