Pre-Mortal Doctrine?


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I recently read a blog about a person who was told they were given up for adoption by an unwed mother because their pre-mortal spirit was on a lower level of righteousness then say, by a spirit born into a sealed couple's family.

Is this true? Unofficial/official doctrine? Can someone help explain to me what the doctrine is on our pre-mortal spirits and their righteousness? How is this measured?

I have some other thoughts and questions about this but I'll wait to ask them until I find out if this is doctrine or not.

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So when people talk about our spirits being valiant in the pre-mortal life, does that have anything to do with our lives here on Earth? Is this not doctrine either?

I guess this is hard for me to understand because I was always taught (before my conversion) that everyone is equal in heaven before we were born. So I'm trying to fully understand this concept.

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From the Gospel Principles manual it teaches:

“Man, as a spirit, was begotten and born of heavenly parents, and reared to maturity in the eternal mansions of the Father, prior to coming upon the earth in a temporal [physical] body” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph F. Smith [1998], 335).

...The scriptures teach us that the prophets prepared themselves to become leaders on earth while they were still spirits in heaven (see Alma 13:1–3). Before they were born into mortal bodies, God foreordained (chose) them to be leaders on earth. Jesus, Adam, and Abraham were some of these leaders. (See Abraham 3:22–23.)

...We were not all alike in heaven. We know, for example, that we were sons and daughters of heavenly parents—males and females (see “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” Ensign, Nov. 1995, 102). We possessed different talents and abilities, and we were called to do different things on earth. (Ch 2 Our Heavenly Family)

I think there are a couple of important points to note in the above quote.

1. Man was reared to maturity prior to coming to this earth. I believe this means that all who came here had progressed to an advanced state. Because we had progressed to such a state we needed to have new challenges and so begin the second estate.

2. We were not all equal. Some were more valiant, some had different talents. I believe this can be seen here on earth with a Bach or an Einstein along with many others.

Now, having said all this I believe that there is divine purpose behind pairing of children with their parents. I also think it is extremely presumptuous and prideful of a person to suppose they know all the reasons why they were given a certain child or to think there has been some mistake they need to fix. God does not make mistakes, humans do (even parents).

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I agree that the whole justification for giving up of a child because they are on a lower level of righteousness is nonsense. But the question of righteousness before coming to this earth is certainly valid.

Agreed. The concept is evident within scripture that some were more valiant than others; otherwise we could not have had a Savior -- who was more valiant than us all.

I was mainly referring to her question regarding an adopted child being less than or on a lower level of righteousness. This is not doctrine.

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We have only a very few instances where God has revealed that certain people were placed in Earthly positions that allowed them a special work to do. Adam was chosen as the first man. Jeremiah was called as a prophet prior to his Earthly birth. Joseph Smith was born at a time and place that allowed him to restore the Gospel. Other than that we have no idea why someone would be born in to certain circumstances. Did they choose it? Maybe. But I don't believe anyone was punished with a more difficult mortal life because of what they did in the preexistence. In fact, I think the opposite is true. We are placed in circumstances that will help us grow the most.

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Alma 13:1-9 speaks of those who were ordained high priests prior to the foundation of the world. This on account of their exceeding faith and good works.

Abraham 3 speaks of the noble and great ones. The Savior said to them, "we" will go down and we will take of these materials and make an earth where upon "these" may dwell. And "we" will prove "them..."

So, Abraham 3 speaks of those who are proving, and those who are being proven.

In Joseph Smith's last public address at the temple grove, he speaks of those who have been exalted to Gods prior to the foundation of the world.

All of these scriptures speak of various levels of progression attained prior to arriving here on this earth. Yet, when we come here, we all are covered in a veil of flesh. Unless it has been revealed to you from the heavens, you probably don't know who you are yet. We are all basically in the same situation here in this earth and any one of us can fail.

We certainly cannot judge anyone else or their progression based on their status in this life. Only God knows why we were sent where we are here. I have seen angels born into extremely difficult circumstances, precisely because of their exalted status.

The Savior was born in lowly circumstances. It might be good to ponder His example and what we can learn from it.

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I recently read a blog about a person who was told they were given up for adoption by an unwed mother because their pre-mortal spirit was on a lower level of righteousness then say, by a spirit born into a sealed couple's family.

Do you happen to know who told them this? Was it a leader in the church? Was it a friend? Because I can not imagine any member telling someone this. Was it from the Spirit? We all come to earth with things to learn, and His plan is different for each person. But this is not doctrine.

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I recently read a blog about a person who was told they were given up for adoption by an unwed mother because their pre-mortal spirit was on a lower level of righteousness then say, by a spirit born into a sealed couple's family.

Do you happen to know who told them this? Was it a leader in the church? Was it a friend? Because I can not imagine any member telling someone this. Was it from the Spirit? We all come to earth with things to learn, and His plan is different for each person. But this is not doctrine.

The blog said that they were "taught" that was why they were born in the situation they were. It never stated who told them this, which is why I asked, because no one has ever taught me anything like that.

Edited by Normandy
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