Baptism coming up-advice please


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So my Baptism is this Saturday evening and I'm really happy about it-there are people from church who will be there for support (which is really sweet). I was wondering if I should get a gift for the Missionaries who have been coming out? Is that something that people do?

Also, I don't quite know how to react to such kindness from everyone. It seems really genuine and I am really moved by how thoughtful people have been. It's kind of hard for me to accept gifts and kindness, I tend to be socially anxious at times- I feel like just saying 'thank you' isn't enough. Any advice on how to react to people who are taking time out of their day to be there ? Thanks.

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No, no gifts required or even expected. Just thank people for showing they care (which they sincerely do). That's really all that is wanted -- another sister joining the family. Consider attending the baptisms of others in the future.

Congratulations, and welcome!

Edited by Vort
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So my Baptism is this Saturday evening and I'm really happy about it-there are people from church who will be there for support (which is really sweet). I was wondering if I should get a gift for the Missionaries who have been coming out? Is that something that people do?

It's not common and is unnecessary. What I did for the missionaries is invite them to my house for dinner.

Also, I don't quite know how to react to such kindness from everyone. It seems really genuine and I am really moved by how thoughtful people have been. It's kind of hard for me to accept gifts and kindness, I tend to be socially anxious at times- I feel like just saying 'thank you' isn't enough. Any advice on how to react to people who are taking time out of their day to be there ? Thanks.

Just be yourself. Most, if not all, of them consider it a blessing and a privilege to have witnessed your baptism. And yes, Vort's answer is very good... you'll have opportunities soon to attend other people's baptism!

Wishing you the best.

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I was wondering if I should get a gift for the Missionaries who have been coming out? Is that something that people do?

You do not have to get the missionaries a gift to say thank you, seeing you baptised will be far more than enough. But write to them in the future they will love that most!

Any advice on how to react to people who are taking time out of their day to be there ?

Thank them for being there and stay in touch with them in the future!

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