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okay I will go straightforward to this topic. i'm now on the path that i think its very too late to repent and confess to my bishop. i'm already waiting for my mission call but while i'm this state, i have an issue with this law. i somehow broke it for a time. i don't know what to do, i'm afraid i can't go to mission if i confess it to my bishop.

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okay I will go straightforward to this topic. i'm now on the path that i think its very too late to repent and confess to my bishop. i'm already waiting for my mission call but while i'm this state, i have an issue with this law. i somehow broke it for a time. i don't know what to do, i'm afraid i can't go to mission if i confess it to my bishop.

If you serve a mission without confessing this to your bishop, it will be much worse. You will be going under false pretenses. Don't do that to yourself and everyone else. You will be preaching the gospel of repentance, so use that in your own life before going out to tell others to do so.

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okay I will go straightforward to this topic. i'm now on the path that i think its very too late to repent and confess to my bishop. i'm already waiting for my mission call but while i'm this state, i have an issue with this law. i somehow broke it for a time. i don't know what to do, i'm afraid i can't go to mission if i confess it to my bishop.

WHO is telling you that "it's very too late to repent and confess"???

Think about that.

How can you teach and preach repentance, unless you've done it?

1 Timothy 4:12

12 Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

2 Timothy 1:7

7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Call your Bishop today and set an appointment to see him.

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okay I will go straightforward to this topic. i'm now on the path that i think its very too late to repent and confess to my bishop. i'm already waiting for my mission call but while i'm this state, i have an issue with this law. i somehow broke it for a time. i don't know what to do, i'm afraid i can't go to mission if i confess it to my bishop.

There is a huge difference between "awkward, embarrassing, and potentially humbling circumstance" and "too late to repent and confess". The former does not create the latter.

You fear you won't be able to go on your mission if you confess? Maybe, but you also just jumped a big ol' gap in logic.

The mission is not the end game here. The end game is people coming to the gospel. You serving a mission or not is small potatoes. I do not say this to make light of serving a mission as I believe it to be an important priesthood responsibility. What I am saying is the gospel is not about you serving or not serving a mission. Yes, missionaries are dang important in helping people find the gospel. They are wonderful and necessary tools.

But that's just it--they are tools. If these tools are not in the right spiritual condition, they won't be as useful.

Now let's take this back to you: You messed up. I'm sorry. It happens. This is now about a lot more than your mission. This is about your spiritual well-being.

Don't worry about the mission right now. Go to the bishop, confess, and start working on fixing the problem.

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okay I will go straightforward to this topic. i'm now on the path that i think its very too late to repent and confess to my bishop. i'm already waiting for my mission call but while i'm this state, i have an issue with this law. i somehow broke it for a time. i don't know what to do, i'm afraid i can't go to mission if i confess it to my bishop.

Repent and talk to your Bishop. Also, study and ponder upon Preach My Gospel Lessons 2 and 3, don't skip the scripture references associated with the principles and topic covered therein.

Edited by Dravin
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There's nothing to be afraid of when it comes to speaking with your bishop. Whether you're worthy or not, it can only help to share your concern with him. Total repentance is part of a life worth living.

And look forwards to what comes after, I promise you you will not regret speaking to him about it. But you might regret not doing so. Also, I think you have already started the repentance, confessing is a part of it, but you obviously have a true wish to serve a mission. You have faith, and a sense of what is right. If not, you wouldn't have adressed this concern.

The lord is merciful.

"Behold, he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.

By this ye may know if a man repenteth of his sins—behold, he will confess them and forsake them."

- D&C 58:42-43

Remember Alma the younger when he went through a similar process. The Lord told him:

"[...] Marvel not that all mankind, yea, men and women, all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, must be born again; yea, born of God, changed from their carnal and fallen state, to a state of righteousness, being redeemed of God, becoming his sons and daughters;

And thus they become new creatures; and unless they do this, they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God."

-Mosiah 27:25-26

After this we read:

"And now it came to pass that Alma began from this time forward to teach the people..."

- Mosiah 27:32

Edited by Tzesaro
Added a scripture
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