A Very Good Case For The Death Penalty!


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i have read that prisoners on death row actually consume much more taxpayer funds than life imprisonment, as these cases are often reviewed and appealed in court almost indefinitely. all the court costs of death penalty, the testing, court appeals, et al, consume massive $$. lawyers, go figure.

Thats why we need a time limit. Something like they have to be executed within 30 days of sentencing, enough time for one appeal, then get it over with. Having people sit on death row for years and years only makes a mockery of our justice system, and does as stated before cost us way to much money. I don't think a judge should be overturning the decision of a jury in the first place. We have a trial by jury system in this country for a reason.

and before someone tells me...Yes I know in most states juries don't actually award death sentences, they only can recommend them to a judge during the sentencing phase of a trial. I know that. Very rarely though does a judge go against the recommendation of a jury.

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Guest mamacat

i have read that prisoners on death row actually consume much more taxpayer funds than life imprisonment, as these cases are often reviewed and appealed in court almost indefinitely. all the court costs of death penalty, the testing, court appeals, et al, consume massive $$. lawyers, go figure.

Thats why we need a time limit. Something like they have to be executed within 30 days of sentencing, enough time for one appeal, then get it over with. Having people sit on death row for years and years only makes a mockery of our justice system, and does as stated before cost us way to much money. I don't think a judge should be overturning the decision of a jury in the first place. We have a trial by jury system in this country for a reason.

and before someone tells me...Yes I know in most states juries don't actually award death sentences, they only can recommend them to a judge during the sentencing phase of a trial. I know that. Very rarely though does a judge go against the recommendation of a jury.

that could be unbelievably unfair...esp in establishing the truth of the matter. how easy would it be to make a snap decision?? dna tests, new evidence...et al....these things matter in the case of one's life. more than we know. God knows though..sure enough.

"I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn back from their ways and live." (Ezekiel 33:11)

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[Not doing a thing for justice in fear of punishing someone innocent is a poor reason in my mind because any attempt at stopping the criminal could unjustly hurt someone innocent. No one - including G-d will get what they deserve out of life. I would rather error in attempting justice than to error in and doing nothing. Standing to defend society against the fear death is high courage and honor in my mind.

The Traveler

Of course, nobody is suggesting that we do nothing. IF capital executions are truly skewed against the poor and minorities, and IF more than a stray # of innocents are executed, than perhaps life-imprisonment ought to be imposed, at least until the process can be reviewed and improved, if such proves possible.

No innocent person should ever be treated the same as a guilty person. Likewise no one that is guilty should ever be treated the same as an innocent person. That is not justice and to suggest otherwise is to hate justice - remembering that G-d is just. In our system of justice we define a person guilty as someone tried by the system and found guilty. It does not matter if a person is really guilty but acquitted in court - they are the same as innocent. Likewise it does not matter if they are really innocent - if found guilty in our courts they are guilty. It is how our laws define innocent and guilty.

There may be a bias in our courts - that does not matter, because the law defines someone as innocent or guilty based on the outcome of the courts. We may not like the system but we ether believe in it or we change it. I for one am not yet willing to change the determination of innocent or guilt based on something else other that a trail by jury. With all the flaws of courts - I believe they are more just than other methods tried. Are there mistakes - yes - perhaps but if we ask the question of what to do with a someone guilty of murder??? - I believe that the death penalty must not ever be excluded as an option. Because it is the one option that will protect and prevent someone that murders from doing it again. I know of no other option that can make that guarantee. How many murders are there in prisions? This is the greatest failure. The first obligation of law is to protect but if punishment does not protect and the offender can still place others at risk our system has created the greatest of flaws. I would submit that prisions are a dangerious place and not a place of protection - lets not make it even worse.

The Traveler

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No innocent person should ever be treated the same as a guilty person. Likewise no one that is guilty should ever be treated the same as an innocent person. That is not justice and to suggest otherwise is to hate justice - remembering that G-d is just.

Jesus was treated as guilty while he was innocent. It was in God's plan that he die. Was it justice or injustice?
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No innocent person should ever be treated the same as a guilty person. Likewise no one that is guilty should ever be treated the same as an innocent person. That is not justice and to suggest otherwise is to hate justice - remembering that G-d is just.

Jesus was treated as guilty while he was innocent. It was in God's plan that he die. Was it justice or injustice?

G-d is not the one that brings injustice. I am sorry that you have dificulty understanding that because G-d's plan allowed for us to experience temporary injustice that he is the cause and the one guilty of it.

The Traveler

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that could be unbelievably unfair...esp in establishing the truth of the matter. how easy would it be to make a snap decision?? dna tests, new evidence...et al....these things matter in the case of one's life. more than we know. God knows though..sure enough.

Its not a snap decision. A conviction is a result of 12 people deciding that a person's actions warrant their execution. In a death penalty recommendation, all 12 jurors must make that unanimous descion. If 12 distinct individuals can be persuaded a person deserves to be executed, I wouldn't question that. To get 12 random people to agree on anything is very difficult, let alone to decide on something as serious as recommending a death verdict.

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I am sorry that you have dificulty understanding that because G-d's plan allowed for us to experience temporary injustice that he is the cause and the one guilty of it.

I didn't say that Traveler. I'm sorry you have difficulty understanding that. I wasn't talking about us I was asked about Jesus' death. As I said, He was treated as guilty when not-was that justice or injustice based on your quote?
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