You Know You Are From Utah If


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Same with Virginia. Also the whole day off for start of hunting season too.

To add to your list, "You call Soda "POP" instead of Soda" Its soda!!!


i live in Missouri, but i'm from california. wife asks daughter who is 4 if she wants some POP, and i tell her we dont have any, but we have soda....i'm sure my daughter is so confused :D

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When I first came to Utah, I had to ask why everyone was taking vacation at the same time?

My father-in-law rarely made my wife's birthday, because he always went hunting.

Even when it is not hunting season, the hunters are still on the prowl. Their idea of family bonding is to pile into the truck and go look for deer. Once we saw a coyote, which I guess is always allowed to be shot. The dad wanted his six shooter NOW!. He was going to take shots at the coyote that was 200-400 yards away. I was a little nervous. Also the time the sons were trying to shoot a bird out of the sky. I kept thinking, what goes has to come down somewhere.

ive got this book by joseph F Smith called 'answers to gospel questions' and it basically says hunting for pleasure is wrong. He says sometimes it's necessary to kill animals, i.e in times of plague or infestation or whatever, and for food. But killing 'wantonly' for the sheer heck of it is wrong. I have to agree. Animals have spirits and will be resurrected too. Whilst I do eat meat, I eat it sparingly. I know some people eat what they kill, but why? They must be getting some sort of pleasure out of killing it otherwise you could just go to your butcher's for meat. So killing for 'sport' or pleasure is wrong. Even if I was starving and in the wilderness I'd have a hard time having to physically kill an animal myself to eat it. I'd probably vomit and stick to fruit lol.

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I couldn't tell you myself. I don't think I have ever killed an animal in my life, except mosquitos. I even let the fish go when fishing. I only fish when someone wants me to go with them. I don't really understand hunting. But a lot of people like to do it here in Utah. I've heard you could even do it online (not in Utah; south somewhere). You point the cursor at an animal feeding and click the button. On the other end, a gun shoots and they send you the meat. Kind of odd to me.

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I couldn't tell you myself. I don't think I have ever killed an animal in my life, except mosquitos. I even let the fish go when fishing. I only fish when someone wants me to go with them. I don't really understand hunting. But a lot of people like to do it here in Utah. I've heard you could even do it online (not in Utah; south somewhere). You point the cursor at an animal feeding and click the button. On the other end, a gun shoots and they send you the meat. Kind of odd to me.

I have lived in Utah most of my life. :)

I remember the deer hunt being a big thing to us in grade school. If you weren't going hunting you were really missing out. I went a couple of times and just stayed in the camper with my mom talking and making sure we had some really yummy to feed the guys when they returned. :D

My hubby went with my dad once after we were married and he didn't like it at all he never even fired a gun while on the hunt. I think that one of the reasons they have hunts is to keep the deer population down to a controllable level. I travel between a 4 hour stretch of highway several times a month and I see deer grazing next to the highway, I love to watch them. It is very often that I don't see at least one who has been hit by a vehicle and killed next to the highway. :(

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My first job ever was at A&W! I was 16 and got to sweep the floor, make root beer floats, and flush floaters when needed. I only worked there for a couple months... still have the uniform... and it still stinks! Good times though!

I hope you did a lot of hand washing while you worked there too. :lol:

Still have the uniform? WHY? :lol::lol:

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I like to dress up and go in to help customers every now and then. Really freaks out the people working there, they all seem to do as I say... they must think I am the reginal manager coming to check up on them! (Full disclosure I am totally kidding about this entire paragraph)

I guess I kept it for sentimental reasons. :)

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To add to your list, "You call Soda "POP" instead of Soda" Its soda!!!



You're from the south and call it soda? I thought it was all "Coke" down there! :D When I moved to Georgia and said "pop" I was looked at very strangely! I had to ask for "orange coke" to get an orange pop...

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I know some people eat what they kill, but why? They must be getting some sort of pleasure out of killing it otherwise you could just go to your butcher's for meat. So killing for 'sport' or pleasure is wrong. Even if I was starving and in the wilderness I'd have a hard time having to physically kill an animal myself to eat it. I'd probably vomit and stick to fruit lol.

What's the difference in shooting an animal for food and letting the butcher kill it for you? Killing is killing. That's like saying that it's not OK to shoot your husband, but OK to get a hitman to do it.

By the way, I don't there is anything wrong with hunting if you're planning to use it for food.

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Guest mamacat

<div class='quotemain'>

To add to your list, "You call Soda "POP" instead of Soda" Its soda!!!



You're from the south and call it soda? I thought it was all "Coke" down there! :D When I moved to Georgia and said "pop" I was looked at very strangely! I had to ask for "orange coke" to get an orange pop...

haha, i almost made a very similar post sixpack....then i wondered whether anyone would understand. but yes, that's it, absolutely. :D

if someone asks you if you want a coke with your meal and you say yes, he will wait until you tell him what kind of 'coke' you want. :rolleyes:

When I first came to Utah, I had to ask why everyone was taking vacation at the same time?

My father-in-law rarely made my wife's birthday, because he always went hunting.

Even when it is not hunting season, the hunters are still on the prowl. Their idea of family bonding is to pile into the truck and go look for deer. Once we saw a coyote, which I guess is always allowed to be shot. The dad wanted his six shooter NOW!. He was going to take shots at the coyote that was 200-400 yards away. I was a little nervous. Also the time the sons were trying to shoot a bird out of the sky. I kept thinking, what goes has to come down somewhere.

ive got this book by joseph F Smith called 'answers to gospel questions' and it basically says hunting for pleasure is wrong. He says sometimes it's necessary to kill animals, i.e in times of plague or infestation or whatever, and for food. But killing 'wantonly' for the sheer heck of it is wrong. I have to agree. Animals have spirits and will be resurrected too. Whilst I do eat meat, I eat it sparingly. I know some people eat what they kill, but why? They must be getting some sort of pleasure out of killing it otherwise you could just go to your butcher's for meat. So killing for 'sport' or pleasure is wrong. Even if I was starving and in the wilderness I'd have a hard time having to physically kill an animal myself to eat it. I'd probably vomit and stick to fruit lol.


excellent thougts. fruits and grains are what we are meant to eat ~

One of the most brilliant scholars to ever serve in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was John A. Widtsoe who had the additional perspective of a scientist as to the merits of a plant-based diet. He wrote in a book on the Word of Wisdom, "It was shown in the history of plant science that plants contain all the necessary food substances: proteins, fats, starches and the carbohydrates, minerals...water [and] vitamins. The Great builder of the earth provided well for the physical needs of His children. Countless varieties of edible plants, vegetables, cereals, fruits and nuts are yielded by Mother Nature for man's daily food. If one uses meat it must be used sparingly and in winter or famine only.... They who wish to be well and gain the promised reward stated in the Word of Wisdom must obey all of the law, not just part of it as suits their whim or their appetite, or their notion of its meaning." (The Word of Wisdom, a Modern Interpretation, 1950)

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Guest MrsS

What's the difference in shooting an animal for food and letting the butcher kill it for you? Killing is killing. That's like saying that it's not OK to shoot your husband, but OK to get a hitman to do it.

By the way, I don't there is anything wrong with hunting if you're planning to use it for food.

The Butcher doesn't kill the animal - he/she cuts it up after someone else has killed it and it is dressed out.

Where I came from - Pacific NW - hunting is a real big thing. 90% of the hunters I knew went hunting for the meat and the hide. Fishing was even bigger. One guy I know only fishes for Salmon and he always released them after he caught them. They are much harder to catch, more sport. Once he found out that I LOVE fresh Salmon, he would keep one salmon a week for me! :sparklygrin: He also hunts Elk and Deer. He always shares his meat with those who are in need. Yes he is a member of the Church and I was one of those who was in need - yet I really hate "game" meat - DO NOT LIKE THE TASTE OF IT. If it is all I have and I am hungry, then I make it into stew and add LOTS of vegies.

My part of Oregon never closed school for hunting season, or for salmon season. There are plenty of days to the season that one or two days off will suffice.

The one season I dreaded was what I called "Wiggle Season" - this was the last hunt of the year. When pretty much anything was legal - Spikes, Bulls, Females. Basically if it "Wiggled" then it was shot at. My 10 acres bordered some prime hunting ground - forest land - and the hunters who hadn't got their kill during the other hunts were out in a Got To Kill Fever.

I always turned my radio up REAL LOUD when I was out hanging up my clothes and I tried to keep my 65 pound dog confined to around the house. She had already been 'winged' once and I sure didn't want to have to go through that again.

I wouldn't allow hunting on my property - there had been a couple of hunters who spoiled it for ALL of the rest of them when they left the bulk of the carcass and only took the back strap. My dog naturally found the carcass- along with the coyotes, feral dogs, bear and cougar. I was really pissed off when I had to pay to have the carcass buried. No way I could dig the hole and do it. I pressed charges against the hunters (father and son) and the court eventually got the money out of them to reimburse me, plus about $200 for my "troubles". That is what it cost me to put up the NO HUNTING signs.

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While I am all for hunting, I am 100% with you about people not coming on your land. I would do all you can to keep them out. I hate how a couple bad apples can spoil everything.

Back home, my grandparents own a bit of land up in the mountains. I love the area but there is just so much land that anyone could be back there and there is no reasonable way to seal it off. We have tons of signs up that say things like Private Property and No Hunting (thought my family hunts on it).

Even then we still get jerks who think they can just sneak on the land and hunt. Several issues at play here but the BIGGEST issue is safty for us and them. It is a very scary feeling when you start to worry about getting shot by just being out in your back yard or worry about your pets. I can totally relate to your fears there. Its uncalled for and those people should not even be there.

The other issue is more of a selfish nature but we do not want tons of people coming onto our property and taking all the good meat or making the wildlife scarce.

One thing that has really helped is just to go back in the woods often and allow friends to go back there as well. As long as they are not taking too much meat and being respectful to the land, it works out good because in a way they guard the land and keep others out. We know that they know the rules and the direction of the family homes and animals. Even still, we end up having to "encounter" people more than we would like and it can be a little uncomfortable especially if you suspect the hunter has been drinking (Yes we report them in that case).

So perhaps explore that idea of allowing some trusted people to go back in the woods there and do anything you can to keep the hunters out.

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What's the difference in shooting an animal for food and letting the butcher kill it for you? Killing is killing. That's like saying that it's not OK to shoot your husband, but OK to get a hitman to do it.

Killing your husband..... :hmmm:

Naw...Not me I have a GREAT ONE. :D

Shan maybe the butcher killing it is because he does so for food? :dontknow: Also there is no "hunt" involved... no tracking, no sneaking up, no dogs.... no adrenalin rush for the one who kills and markets it as food?

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<div class='quotemain'>

What's the difference in shooting an animal for food and letting the butcher kill it for you? Killing is killing. That's like saying that it's not OK to shoot your husband, but OK to get a hitman to do it.

Killing your husband..... :hmmm:

Naw...Not me I have a GREAT ONE. :D

Shan maybe the butcher killing it is because he does so for food? :dontknow: Also there is no "hunt" involved... no tracking, no sneaking up, no dogs.... no adrenalin rush for the one who kills and markets it as food?

Not saying I want to kill my husband...sheesh... he is the best! :rolleyes: Just making a point about what Aphrodite was saying, that it's OK to buy killed animals to eat, but not OK to kill them ourselves.

I've never heard anyone say they are OK with eating animals, but not the killing of them, unless it's killed by a butcher (or I guess slaughterhouse would be more accurate). The meat is fresher, it's basically free, and if you like deer meat, it's hard to find in the store.

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Yes Coke too. Coke or Soda means softdrink here. Nice catch! Nobody knows what the heck "pop" means, I heard somebody from Utah talking about "pop" and thought they were talking about pop rocks.

my Aunt is from Mississippi.....when we would go and visit...she would ask us if we wanted a "Drink" a young kid I would say ...yes....she would stare at me and ask....what kind as she pointed to the "sodas".....LOL!!!!!
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