Anyone Notice The Banners By Google?


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LDS Talk,

Just a quick question. I noticed that when I open the web page, a banner is there by Google that advertises Gay Personals, Single Hot Girls from Alaska, Mormon Underwear (??).

Thought it kind of interesting that here on this webpage the world still is able to creep in... :wacko:

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Guest Username-Removed

Hmmm I guess I haven't noticed. I will have to pay more attention. haha

I set up the same ads for my website to help pay for it; at least that was my orginal thought. Aparently they look for key words on your page to determine what your ad should be that you see. So, if you have LDS on your page, they will look for anything (good or bad) related to LDS.

Its pretty cool how it works, for example, of you go to my search page, type in any word into the lower search box, and press enter. Viola! A custom add made just for the word you searched for! HA!

Try it - Go my website at, and type anything into the search box in the top right corner and press search. The custom ad for the word you chose will show up at the top of the search results page.

Pretty cool huh? :o

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