Michael Medved


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Here is a sampling of other remarks to his article:

Mormons are a cult. Mormons worship Joe Smith. Mormons sacrifice to Baal. Mormons have horns and dance in the graveyard at midnight.

Micheal Medved is a good guy. I've always liked him, and when he reviewed "God's Army" he was fair. I really believe that he is more a follower of Christ than a lot of those that profess to do so...

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Mormons are a cult. Mormons worship Joe Smith. Mormons sacrifice to Baal. Mormons have horns and dance in the graveyard at midnight.

*rolling eyes*

Oh please, everyone knows that our dances END at midnight! Why is it so hard to get the facts straight?


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Darn horns! I file them down daily but they keep growing back!

Most of the comments there are just insulting. They do not care what we really believe or why nor do they want to see any of the truth that is plain in front of them.

As for my comments there, I basicly asked when was the last time the LDS Church put out pamplets saying Baptists are going to hell, they have horns, are not Christians, and follow the Devil? When was the last time the LDS Church made a movie about Evangicals where told of all the supposed evils they do and how they plan to lead people astray?

In a nut shell I said that the LDS Church and its members are taught to respect all other religions and we do not make judgements against other Christians saying that because they do not believe exactly as we do, then they can not be followers of Christ.

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