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I can see this going around in circles forever--because neither side is being heard well. Let me try to summarize what I am hearing.

1. The thread went sidewise when many of us (yes, me included) perceived that Mirkwood was being unfairly attacked. A poster questioned what kind of officer would joke about tasering--as if to do so was equivalent to joking about pain and serious injury.

2. Immediately following that post, was one finding Mirkwood's joke not funny because over 500 had died from tasers. Now it appeared to us that Mirkwood was being accused of joking about people dying.

It now appears that none of this was intended. We had perceived wrongly.

3. A few posters defended Mirkwood, law enforcement in general, and, in the process, appeared to sharply criticize the anti-taser posters, more or less telling them to laugh or be quiet about the joke.

My sense is that the anti-taser posters never quite got how we perceived the attack on Mirkwood, and instead took offense at being told to be quiet. And, they felt judged for their viewpoint.

4. By the time everyone started realizing that there was a lot of miscommunication, the waters had been poisoned, and we now seem to be engaged in a back and forth about who misunderstood whom, who was judging whom, etc.

The good news:

1. It seems clear that no one meant to accuse Mirkwood of joking about pain and death. They just felt strongly about tasers being bad, and so didn't appreciate the joke.

2. Everyone seems to agree that the OP was right. Now, if we can resist the urge to think that means we're right and the other side should listen up and straighten up!

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I can see this going around in circles forever--because neither side is being heard well. Let me try to summarize what I am hearing.

1. The thread went sidewise when many of us (yes, me included) perceived that Mirkwood was being unfairly attacked. A poster questioned what kind of officer would joke about tasering--as if to do so was equivalent to joking about pain and serious injury.

2. Immediately following that post, was one finding Mirkwood's joke not funny because over 500 had died from tasers. Now it appeared to us that Mirkwood was being accused of joking about people dying.

It now appears that none of this was intended. We had perceived wrongly.

3. A few posters defended Mirkwood, law enforcement in general, and, in the process, appeared to sharply criticize the anti-taser posters, more or less telling them to laugh or be quiet about the joke.

My sense is that the anti-taser posters never quite got how we perceived the attack on Mirkwood, and instead took offense at being told to be quiet. And, they felt judged for their viewpoint.

4. By the time everyone started realizing that there was a lot of miscommunication, the waters had been poisoned, and we now seem to be engaged in a back and forth about who misunderstood whom, who was judging whom, etc.

The good news:

1. It seems clear that no one meant to accuse Mirkwood of joking about pain and death. They just felt strongly about tasers being bad, and so didn't appreciate the joke.

2. Everyone seems to agree that the OP was right. Now, if we can resist the urge to think that means we're right and the other side should listen up and straighten up!

Thank you PC. I think its always a good to look inside and evaluate where we are personally. I also think its a good idea to realize not everything (especially in online forums) is aimed at us personally.

Thank you again for summarizing.

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Maureen (((hugs))) Nobody is holding a grudge here. Can we let it go?

I don't think I've ever thought someone was holding a grudge but I do agree with PC that there has been miscommunication and misunderstanding with regards to some of these posts.


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Miscommunication and misunderstanding are often the root of divisiveness.

How do we bridge the gap?

By remembering this quote from Two Weeks Notice: Everything is not about you.


But in all seriousness, this is life's biggest problems - from politics to facebook. The bridge starts with an exercise of humility.

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