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Mirkwood is going to become rich and famous after he invents a device that allows him to taser someone over the Internet.

A mean and scary guy like him will just keep it to himself.

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I'm not sure that's the best or funniest way to solve problems.

Tasers have killed at least 500 Americans


A rather one sided and uneducated article, but I suppose that is the point of the article, to be biased. I have been tased and am still here to tell the story. I have been involved with several taser deployments that prevented shootings. Several of my partners as well. The taser is probably the best tool we have ever been given. Suspect injuries down, officer injuries down. The simple threat of using the taser has gain compliance many many more times over then the use. Great tool.

Don't believe me (what would I know on the topic after all)? Ask LMM more about his experiences.

Joke or not, mentioning a taser online to inspire fear makes me wonder what you are like on the job.

Says the guy with a machine gun for an avatar.

Let's parse this a bit. If the mention of using a taser was a joke, then it was not meant to inspire fear. So, if it was joke, then I would guess that the "on the job" demeanor is balanced, with a healthy internal sense of humor, and a wise dose of restraint (this device is less lethal than alternatives). :cool:

If the mention of taser online was not a joke, then wow! I mean, after all, "online tasers" don't work, right??? :P


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I do agree with the OP that there is far too much in-fighting and bickering that goes on between the Saints - but it's been like that for as long as I've been in the church (close to 25 years). Our bishop got so tired of all the sniping between the sisters in the Relief Society facebook page, that he told the RS President to close it. He's looking very tired - there's always someone fighting about something. We can be worse than bickering kids sometimes.

I've had people be so nasty to me that I've had to leave a room and bawl my eyes out for over an hour at church, but I refuse to let anyone else draw me into their dramas.

Not everything that we disagree with needs to be commented on... sometimes it's better to just let it go and move on to another topic.

And P.P.S.

Healthy debate is fun - personal attacks are not.

Anatess, for what it's worth, I absolutely enjoy reading your posts and as an outsider looking in, I find your straightforward manner refreshing and not at all abrasive.

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Do we really have to be divided on the humor surrounding a cop's taser used as a joke in a thread about division/inclusion??? Really?

He intended it to be funny. Laugh if you find it funny, ignore if you don't. It doesn't have to be divisive. It's really THAT easy.

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Did being tased make you laugh, did you find it funny?


I doubt it did. I think mirkwood's point in sharing that he himself has been tased is to demonstrate that he understands that it's not a laughing matter when it actually happens. But joking about it online isn't it actually happening.

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Do we really have to be divided on the humor surrounding a cop's taser used as a joke in a thread about division/inclusion??? Really?

He intended it to be funny. Laugh if you find it funny, ignore if you don't. It doesn't have to be divisive. It's really THAT easy.

If it's that easy, why did you respond to this thread; why didn't you just ignore this part of the thread and say nothing anatess?


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Anatess was trying to build a bridge of understanding, and hoped her succinct summary would do the trick.


Understanding... ain't that an awesome thing?

This certificate is for you PC.


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Before everyone gets all worked up over this, the software isn't final yet. Many things can be written into it. Yes there is new software coming. But we are working to make it as similar to the forums that we currently have.

Just a little personal experience re message board format changes. I have been on two boards that changed their formats. Before the change, the boards were pretty active and interesting. After the change, for whatever reason, activity dropped off drastically. The places just weren't the same.

Like I said, just a little anecdotal evidence from a person who finds online communities of scholarly interest.

Re division & inclusion on the board - I am blessed by being in middle age and having many more things to worry about than what goes on on this board. I enjoy being here and talking to people, but frankly, unless it's an ongoing thread like what movie did I see last, I forget a lot of what I post or what is posted to me. Sure, I read it and might respond in the moment, but after that, it's like dust in the wind. I am not trying to belittle anyone here, I am making fun of myself for not having the memory I once had.

It stops me from being angry at stuff, because I forget it. It encourages me to treat my students fairly, because I forget the dumb thing they said last week and start over with each class. Personally, I think I'm just happier not remembering every little thing people say and do. More time for computer games.

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Did being tased make you laugh, did you find it funny?
I volunteered for a taser demonstration hosted by my local small town cops.

Take a look.

The audio isn't that great, but after the zapping was done, I did laugh immediately afterwards and was indeed joking around with the cops. You can hear the others in my group chuckling.

But to answer the unanswered question, no, I didn't take the experience lightly. I did it because I was undecided on what I thought about cops and tasers. After they shared why they are so grateful to have the tool at their disposal, and after gaining the experience of a 4 second hit, I made up my mind. When cops need to restrain people, in many cases a taser is a superior method than beating someone with a nightstick or trying to wrestle. (Or shooting someone, which should go without saying.)

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I volunteered for a taser demonstration hosted by my local small town cops.

Take a look.

The audio isn't that great, but after the zapping was done, I did laugh immediately afterwards and was indeed joking around with the cops. You can hear the others in my group chuckling.

But to answer the unanswered question, no, I didn't take the experience lightly. I did it because I was undecided on what I thought about cops and tasers. After they shared why they are so grateful to have the tool at their disposal, and after gaining the experience of a 4 second hit, I made up my mind. When cops need to restrain people, in many cases a taser is a superior method than beating someone with a nightstick or trying to wrestle. (Or shooting someone, which should go without saying.)

Loudmouth, this is what I noticed. First of all, you volunteered, the video shows you screaming and then saying "no more, no more" and yes, there seemed to be a lot of laughing but it was hard to tell if you were laughing because of your position. In situations that I've heard about, the culprit being tasered did not volunteer and in some cases gets tasered more than once. And I doubt, with those situations where there is a legitimate tasering, that anyone laughed. Bottom line is that I did not find mirkwood's tasering joke funny at all; and I said so.


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LMM, I watched your video. I chuckled...and I suspect you understand why.

I appreciate how you have gone about educating yourself on these types of issues. Unlike so many armchair quarterbacks and naysayers, you took the time to learn and understand. Thanks.

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It was interesting that a string discussing how posters may exclude or include opposing ideas turned into a case study, over the issue of tasers. We would do well to evaluate whether our expression of opinion educates, informs, and invites discussion, or whether it inflames, draws boundaries, and invokes righteousness (i.e. those who disagree with me are unrighteous).

As for the issue of tasers, I've chosen to post a new string on the issue, linking a "Pro" article and a "Con" one.


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If it's that easy, why did you respond to this thread; why didn't you just ignore this part of the thread and say nothing anatess?


Aw Maureen, this makes me sad. We all get to choose when we're offended and we have the ability to choose to not be offended. I had hoped that a discussion about being divisive or inclusive would have brought the humor and a heartfelt discussion, which it started to do.

I laughed at Mirkwood's post. It was meant as a joke and I found it funny in the context of the thread. You didn't. I get it. But being divisive just makes my point further.

I try really hard to follow a simple rule for myself here at lds.net. The rule is: If I don't have anything positive to add to the thread, don't post." That's my personal rule. I haven't always been successful but I'm human and I'm improving. There have been times when I've typed out several paragraphs, re-read, realized I needed to be more positive but couldn't think of the words to make it so, so .... I deleted my reply and didn't respond to the post.

I try to do this in real life too. I choose to not be offended. Right now my husband and I are dealing with a difficult situation with a neighbor in need. He can be verbally abusive. We ignore it and choose to not be offended. But other people who are trying to help are allowing themselves to be offended, which is making life for difficult for those who are trying to cheerfully help. Its very difficult.

The talk by Elder Bednar is appropriate at this point in the thread: "And Nothing Shall Offend Them"

I had hoped that this thread would be a small step to create a more inclusive atmosphere here.

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The way I understood anatess' comment was that since the taser post was meant to be funny than I had two choices. Choose to see it funny and feel free to respond that way, or if you don't see it as funny, then just ignore it. But I did not see my choices the same way. I did not see the post as funny and chose to voice my opinion on it's non-funniness. It seems to me that people are objecting more to the fact that I did not find it funny. And if I didn't, so what? I just did not see the humour in the post and said so. Is this not a forum when that's allowed?


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The way I understood anatess' comment was that since the taser post was meant to be funny than I had two choices. Choose to see it funny and feel free to respond that way, or if you don't see it as funny, then just ignore it. But I did not see my choices the same way. I did not see the post as funny and chose to voice my opinion on it's non-funniness. It seems to me that people are objecting more to the fact that I did not find it funny. And if I didn't, so what? I just did not see the humour in the post and said so. Is this not a forum when that's allowed?


The issue is not your posts. Your comment was merely the gasoline. Preatorian's comment was the ignition.

But, since you were the one that replied to MY comment and put the axe solidly in the crack... you ended up owning the whole thing. If you haven't noticed, I didn't quote you in my comment.

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The issue is not your posts. Your comment was merely the gasoline. Preatorian's comment was the ignition.

But, since you were the one that replied to MY comment and put the axe solidly in the crack... you ended up owning the whole thing. If you haven't noticed, I didn't quote you in my comment.

anatess, you didn't quote praetorian either. And your post came right after mine and your comments seemed to follow the same train of thought, just different outcomes.


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anatess, you didn't quote praetorian either. And your post came right after mine and your comments seemed to follow the same train of thought, just different outcomes.


Exactly the point. It wasn't addressed to specific people. It was addressed to the entire situation that led to divisiveness over a taser used as a joke. Which is exactly a perfect demonstration of what Applepansy is trying to tell us in this entire thread and completely dovetails into the video she linked.

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If we're tallying everyone's thoughts, I don't particular like those kinds of jokes either. I see it akin to mockingly saying something along the lines of, "I wish I had a gun and could shoot him", or "I wish he'd just jump off a cliff and commit suicide already" - both I've heard and felt it was done in poor taste.

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If we're tallying everyone's thoughts, I don't particular like those kinds of jokes either. I see it akin to mockingly saying something along the lines of, "I wish I had a gun and could shoot him", or "I wish he'd just jump off a cliff and commit suicide already" - both I've heard and felt it was done in poor taste.


But this is how divisiveness is propagated here on lds.net. In the video that applepansy linked, the woman says, "I'd rather sit in the side of grace than sit in the side of judgement."

In this particular situation where we have a guy who chose to use police/tasers as a joke when the topic is neither about cops nor tasers, siting there in judgement of his taste in jokes led to divisiveness. This would have been the perfect time to sit in the side of grace than sit in the side of judgement.

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