Accuracy Of The Book Of Mormon


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The Book of Mormon is 100% true and accurate, and was translated by the power of God.

How do I know? God told me after I read it and asked Him about it.

He will tell you too. Read it. Think about what it teaches. Ask God if it's His word or not. Best evidence there is comes from God.

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LDS base their understanding of the validity of the Book of Mormon (and everything else in the world) on the answers to prayer. LDS believe that each individual must gain personal revelation from God with regard to the validity of the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, everything. Read Moroni 10.


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Hi everyone. I am interested in learning more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. How accurate is the Book of Mormon? What evidence can you produce to support your claim?

What CK and a-train said.

And I'll ask you a question: How accurate is the Bible? What evidence can you produce to support your claim?

Find me the burning bush that Moses saw. I'd like proof of the altar that Elijah built that was completely consumed by fire from Heaven. I'd like a shard of the jar in which Jesus turned water to wine...

Do I believe all those things happened, and exist? Absolutely. But because it was an answer to prayer and study, not something someone found and showed me or the world.

Read the BOM. Ask God. He'll tell you.

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Hi everyone. I am interested in learning more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. How accurate is the Book of Mormon? What evidence can you produce to support your claim?

What CK and a-train said.

And I'll ask you a question: How accurate is the Bible? What evidence can you produce to support your claim?

Find me the burning bush that Moses saw. I'd like proof of the altar that Elijah built that was completely consumed by fire from Heaven. I'd like a shard of the jar in which Jesus turned water to wine...

Do I believe all those things happened, and exist? Absolutely. But because it was an answer to prayer and study, not something someone found and showed me or the world.

Read the BOM. Ask God. He'll tell you.

The Bible is very accurate. And I have links to back this up:

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I believe the Bible contains the gospel, but PG02, those links are pretty pathetic. If that's the best evidence we have that the Bible contains historic accuracies, we're all in one sorry state. :huh:

Besides, proving that Jesus lived doesn't prove he was God's Son and our Savior. That's a conviction that only revelation from God through the Spirit can provide.

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Guest Yediyd

It seems that a big part of some people's belief, both within and without the church, is physical evidence of it's existence.

Why such a lack of faith? Isn't that what is really required of us? Why do some resist that so vehemently?

Faith is something that we all struggle with, Sixpacktr. I think that is why it is such a big pill to swallow. God says to just trust has struggled to do so since Adam.
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I don't disagree. We all struggle with it. I guess where I am coming from is that the truthfulness to the BOM, for some, HAS to be tied to some structure.

It requires as much faith today to accept the BOM as it did when Joseph came off of the hill claiming to have a record and wouldn't show it to anyone.

Only God can give us the absolute evidence we seek: a confirmation to our soul that it is true!

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Guest Yediyd


I don't disagree. We all struggle with it. I guess where I am coming from is that the truthfulness to the BOM, for some, HAS to be tied to some structure.

It requires as much faith today to accept the BOM as it did when Joseph came off of the hill claiming to have a record and wouldn't show it to anyone.

Only God can give us the absolute evidence we seek: a confirmation to our soul that it is true!

I agree...I get frustrated with these people who except the Bible whole heartedly...and refuse to except the BoM. The Bible DOES NOT have conclusive proof of it's validity...but ...k-serah,serah!!!!!
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I believe the Bible contains the gospel, but PG02, those links are pretty pathetic. If that's the best evidence we have that the Bible contains historic accuracies, we're all in one sorry state. :huh:

Besides, proving that Jesus lived doesn't prove he was God's Son and our Savior. That's a conviction that only revelation from God through the Spirit can provide.

I'm sorry that the links were pathetic. You or someone asked for evidence so I provided it.

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I don't disagree. We all struggle with it. I guess where I am coming from is that the truthfulness to the BOM, for some, HAS to be tied to some structure.

It requires as much faith today to accept the BOM as it did when Joseph came off of the hill claiming to have a record and wouldn't show it to anyone.

Only God can give us the absolute evidence we seek: a confirmation to our soul that it is true!

I agree...I get frustrated with these people who except the Bible whole heartedly...and refuse to except the BoM. The Bible DOES NOT have conclusive proof of it's validity...but ...k-serah,serah!!!!!

Well, I do believe in the Book of Mormon. :)

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Good question by the poster. I guess it depends on which print version of the Book of Mormon you want to go by. If you go by the published 1830 version it's obvious how much cut and pasting the chruch has done to cover up holes which cause conflicting doctrinal problems. :hmmm:

oh its another one of we go again....... :ph34r:
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Speaking in generalities only:

The LDS church believes in the teachings and gospel of the Old and New Testament -- there is no innaccuracy of the gospel.

The LDS church believes in the historicity of the events in the Bible. There may be some thought and discourse of an academic sort, say just for an example, of the nature of Noah's flood and such things. On the other hand, the LDS church and most LDS take stories such as Shadrach, Mescach and Abednego being saved within the furnace at face value -- it happened that way (supernaturally).

The only point upon which the LDS church mourns is that the TRUTH of the Bible has been obscured by translation problems!! It is BECAUSE the Bible is VERY TRUE and we are loyal to it, that we are concerned about the translation problems. (By the way, nobody ever gives a sermon about the innaccuracy of the Bible. Sermons are about prayer, repentance, loving your family, etc.)

The LDS church (so we say) is the church that does follow the teachings and models in the Bible. We have prophets and apostles, to give one example -- as the Bible teaches. We believe in miracles. We believe that the Savior really was resurrected and that he still lives and speaks and works. So on and so forth. Perhaps I shall be too plain and hurt some feelings, but it is many of the official creeds of other sects of Christianity that do not follow the Bible and its gospel.

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I bought one of those replicas. The 1830 first print Book of Mormon look alike. I like having that. I've read a lot of it. I doubt there is one page that hasn't had some kind of a correction in our current edition. Back when I used to read anti books, I'd go through all the stuff they'd bring up about changes since the first edition. What a joke. Those guys are grasping at straws.

There is a beautiful Bible on display at the Shawnee Mission in Kansas (currently a preserved historical site). It was made in the early 19th century (the Mission was established in 1830). The Bible is HUGE! It is displayed under glass, open to one page. In just standing there looking at it I saw tons of words misspelled, and funky wording. I asked: 'Why is this spelled so-and-so and so forth?' Our guide answered: 'Because this was standard spelling and so-forth back then.'

It was then that I realized that not only did the Book of Mormon get some changes, ALL OF ENGLISH went through the same changes in the 19th century that the Book of Mormon did!

Noah Webster was making many changes in spelling within his dictionaries as late as 1841 (11 years after the Book of Mormon was published).

Here is just a sample of words Webster changed. On the left was pre-webster, on the right is post-webster. As you can see, not all his changes took hold.

gaol jail

ache ake

mould mold

soup soop

travelled traveled

sleigh sley

honour honor

sponge spunge

centre center

tongue tung

humour humor

cloak cloke

masque mask

determine determin

publick public

women wimmen

Here is where I found these samples.

I am frankly surprised to see how little the Book of Mormon changed since 1830.


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I believe the Bible contains the gospel, but PG02, those links are pretty pathetic. If that's the best evidence we have that the Bible contains historic accuracies, we're all in one sorry state. :huh:

Besides, proving that Jesus lived doesn't prove he was God's Son and our Savior. That's a conviction that only revelation from God through the Spirit can provide.

I'm sorry that the links were pathetic. You or someone asked for evidence so I provided it.

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I don't disagree. We all struggle with it. I guess where I am coming from is that the truthfulness to the BOM, for some, HAS to be tied to some structure.

It requires as much faith today to accept the BOM as it did when Joseph came off of the hill claiming to have a record and wouldn't show it to anyone.

Only God can give us the absolute evidence we seek: a confirmation to our soul that it is true!

I agree...I get frustrated with these people who except the Bible whole heartedly...and refuse to except the BoM. The Bible DOES NOT have conclusive proof of it's validity...but ...k-serah,serah!!!!!

Well, I do believe in the Book of Mormon. :)

PaladinGirl02, I wouldn't feel too bad that Crimson Kairos attacked you and said your links were pathetic. I've noticed that LDS seem to attack each other continuosly.

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If evaluating a link to a website and calling it lame is a personal attack, then shoot me now.

I didn't say PG02 was lame, I said the links were lame. I think there is far better "evidence" for the historicity of the Bible, than what she linked to.

I didn't attack her, so grow up and stop inventing contention where there is none. Oh, and have a nice day. B)

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If evaluating a link to a website and calling it lame is a personal attack, then shoot me now.

I didn't say PG02 was lame, I said the links were lame. I think there is far better "evidence" for the historicity of the Bible, than what she linked to.

I didn't attack her, so grow up and stop inventing contention where there is none. Oh, and have a nice day. B)

Excuse me. I thought maybe saying someones links/quotes are 'pathetic' is quite contentious/aggresive. :)

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Okay, I won't say the links were "pathetic" (which means: miserably inadequate). Let me rephrase myself...ahem:

The links PG02 provided were miserably inadequate if establishing the Bible through archeology and anthropology is the goal.

Less contentious and aggressive? B)

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Okay, I won't say the links were "pathetic" (which means: miserably inadequate). Let me rephrase myself...ahem:

The links PG02 provided were miserably inadequate if establishing the Bible through archeology and anthropology is the goal.

Less contentious and aggressive? B)

Much, much, better....and now we can work on the sarcasm! :)

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