Sin...just how bad is it?

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I had hoped that for an example one might see something closer to their own home.  We are stewards that have dominion, gifts, callings or talents or what ever one may refer to our life journey.   As stewards; are we eating healthy and pursuing healthy life styles both in regards to spiritual and physical health.  Are we wise stewards of the wealth we have been given or do we adorn ourselves with fine clothing, comfortable dwellings and tech stuff beyond our "needs".  Do we seek understanding and wisdom in the "best books" of science, politics, economics, entertainment and religion or do we entertain and enlighten ourselves on a diet of the talents of others contributing little or nothing ourselves.


It seems to me that the nature of the "natural man" is to see and catalog well the sin of others, not just as individuals but as social, political or some other category, however so small the effects of such sins and then to diminish to near nothing the effects (however so prominent) our own, regardless of what impact such has on ourselves and those around us.


In essence we all think we will be saved in heaven from our own sins and that others, whoever they may be - just not us; will be damned forever in some hell or kingdom less than Celestial.


I do not know about everybody else but I am very concerned and my best plan is to beg as much as possible for any mercy or leniency possible - for me an everybody I know.

This is the reason we are told to pray daily.  Understanding what one's stewardship is does not come easy.  It changes.  Even Joseph Smith received constant and sometimes changing direction revelation as to what to do next.  Even though, for example, he was shown and explained the purpose of for the golden plates he wasn't allowed to take them until 4 years later.  He had to remain constantly in tune to know what to do at each moment and at the right time and be prepared for any change.  If Joseph said, "don't tell me, I know what to do here", he would have done the wrong thing.  It is in remaining humble and realizing he didn't have the whole picture or all the knowledge to make such decisions that he was directed. He couldn't be directed if he would have said, "don't tell me, I'll figure it out on my own."


We have to live our lives that way too and that is the only way to be assured that in the end we hear the phrase, "job, well done."  As the story of the ten talents suggests, the problem is that most people don't know what to do with the talents they have, do I store it away or work it?  The only way to really know is to stay worthy of the direction from the Holy Ghost in all matters.  Do I go to school or do I start a family?  Do I get a job in this place or continue my education? etc.  There is no blanket answer that can be given for everyone in many of those types of questions.  It has to be obtained via personal revelation to be assured that the correct decision is made.  It is only a "sin" if the Holy Ghost is ignored or not sought and one chooses based in some other form of reasoning, instinct, human intellect, tradition etc. in place of following the promptings from the Lord in any given matter.

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This is the reason we are told to pray daily.  Understanding what one's stewardship is does not come easy.  It changes.  Even Joseph Smith received constant and sometimes changing direction revelation as to what to do next.  Even though, for example, he was shown and explained the purpose of for the golden plates he wasn't allowed to take them until 4 years later.  He had to remain constantly in tune to know what to do at each moment and at the right time and be prepared for any change.  If Joseph said, "don't tell me, I know what to do here", he would have done the wrong thing.  It is in remaining humble and realizing he didn't have the whole picture or all the knowledge to make such decisions that he was directed. He couldn't be directed if he would have said, "don't tell me, I'll figure it out on my own."


We have to live our lives that way too and that is the only way to be assured that in the end we hear the phrase, "job, well done."  As the story of the ten talents suggests, the problem is that most people don't know what to do with the talents they have, do I store it away or work it?  The only way to really know is to stay worthy of the direction from the Holy Ghost in all matters.  Do I go to school or do I start a family?  Do I get a job in this place or continue my education? etc.  There is no blanket answer that can be given for everyone in many of those types of questions.  It has to be obtained via personal revelation to be assured that the correct decision is made.  It is only a "sin" if the Holy Ghost is ignored or not sought and one chooses based in some other form of reasoning, instinct, human intellect, tradition etc. in place of following the promptings from the Lord in any given matter.


Beyond my own life - I do not have any experience.  And my experience seems to be vastly different than yours.  For example, when I was single I did not get much in the way of direction in who I should date or marry - when I asked it seemed to be something I had to work out mostly of my own.  In essence there were no answers only promptings of opportunities to be considered.  I will confide with you concerning one of my silly failures.  I was having great difficulty in finding one lady that stood out in my life - there seemed to be so many while I was at BYU.  It was very confusing for me.  I prayed a great deal about this and then read in scripture how a servant looking for a wife for their master's son prayed and told to L-rd to bring someone to a well and offer them water.  At the time this seemed like a really good idea and I had been told by many (including my bishop) that I needed to get at it and find someone.  So I told the L-rd to help me out by having a young lady offer me water when I was thirsty.


Within a week it happened - something that had never happened before or since.  A very nice young lady of operate age and position spontaneously brought me a glass of water saying I looked thirsty.  Short story - though we were and remain friends this young lady was not interested in any dates with me much less a serious courtship.  :(


My life is full of such experiences.  I have received help and guidance but such assistance has always come after exhausting my own every efforts and few if any options remained.  Usually in my efforts (including prayer and other spiritual endeavors) I have been able to logically conclude the best resolution to my questions.  In discussing this with others - this seems to be the standard means of inspiration - Including things needed for my church callings as well.


I would love to have ease of responsibility as you find in your searches - but such is so seldom the case for me - I do not dare teach such a thing but rather encourage others to do all in their power - which includes prayer and even fasting along with a great many other efforts that I would call experiments) to try to accomplish something worthwhile and if we find something that fails or does not work - not to think that G-d does not love us or care to help us - but to get back up and find some means to continue.  Sometimes I wonder because of my own experiences, how it was so easy for Nephi to obtain the brass plates. :o  And along such lines one may have to learn the science of boat building or some other science despite others saying scripture would indicate that such scientific knowledge is not really necessary nor important for salvation.

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