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What like "why the faerie-dolls wouldn't be LDS" ? Lakumi (the doll) could give a riveting presentation!
"The Celestial Kingdom, as I see it, is the worst punishment for a fae! Living forever is a human wish, we live so long that when we finally do pass, we simply wish to take physical form once more and become-truly, a part of the nature we so love. We are born there, live and die there, and to be away from it is an ordeal most foul!"

Anyway, first I actually want to write something people would like to read, believe it or not, I am actually capable lol

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What like "why the faerie-dolls wouldn't be LDS" ? Lakumi (the doll) could give a riveting presentation!

"The Celestial Kingdom, as I see it, is the worst punishment for a fae! Living forever is a human wish, we live so long that when we finally do pass, we simply wish to take physical form once more and become-truly, a part of the nature we so love. We are born there, live and die there, and to be away from it is an ordeal most foul!"

Anyway, first I actually want to write something people would like to read, believe it or not, I am actually capable lol


I would keep this in mind:


When you submit your work to LDS.net you will reach a world-wide audience. For those considering submitting, we ask that you please try to write in a style similar to that which is used throughout the website. Topics should be relevant to an LDS community. Every submission will be reviewed, however not every submission has the guarantee of publication.



Fiction articles regarding fairies are probably not going to get selected to publish.  I would suggest going through the articles already published to find out the type of articles they are looking for.

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