War on Christians


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No, this is not another evangelical whine about banned Christmas tree or cross in a public square.  Instead, the article details worldwide incidences of jailings, rapes, murders--severe persecution, that the U.S. media, and the current administration seem overly cautious about reporting.  The author suggests that there is "compensating" going on--that there is such an effort to protect minority faiths, that even when Christians are severely mistreated, the reporting will include a disclaimer that, of course other faiths are being maltreated too.





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I believe there's a certain amount of pragmatism involved here.  If you're trying to reform oppressive religions, you need to build relationships with the leaders of those religions.  Loudly criticizing those leaders will not allow those relationships to develop.  It's frustrating to liberals and conservatives alike, but practicality sometimes requires that you play with a different playbook when engaging with a society that doesn't espouse the same values yours does.

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In the United States, meanwhile, the position of U.S. ambassador-at-large for religious freedom is vacant, as it has been for over half of President Barack Obama's tenure. Even when the position has been filled, in the last decade it has usually been marginalized.


Modern progressives "Liberals" tolerate atrocities committed against Christians in the name of "diversity" and at the same time have no problem putting a gun to heads of Catholics and forcing them to pay for abortions and birth control. Just another day in the "Great and Spacious Building" a.k.a. "cool kids club".

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I believe there's a certain amount of pragmatism involved here.  If you're trying to reform oppressive religions, you need to build relationships with the leaders of those religions.  Loudly criticizing those leaders will not allow those relationships to develop.  It's frustrating to liberals and conservatives alike, but practicality sometimes requires that you play with a different playbook when engaging with a society that doesn't espouse the same values yours does.


I get this.  Nixon called it realpolitik.  It makes sense in isolated circumstances.  Maybe not so much in the face of large scale atrocities.  Further, I expect goverment to engage in this kind of caution, not the media.  CNN should be reporting this stuff.  We all know that when non-Christians read the article they will assume it is grossly exagerrated because the source is Christian.  How sad that the mainstream media responds with nothing but cricket noises when it is Christians being brutalized.

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A recent study shows that the greatest thing that affects the levels of violence and crime is "Social attitudes".




“What we have been able demonstrate through analysing the language used in court is that the decline in less serious forms of violence, such as assault, was not led by legislation or moments of dramatic change in the law, but by social attitudes.”



What does it say about our current "Social Attitude" regarding Christians?

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