Catholic-LDS marriage?

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I'm new to this site so sorry if this is in the wrong section. Also I would like to apologize if I offend I'm not that

familiar with the LDS rules, I know some but not all not of the rules.

The reason I post this is because I found this I found a LDS girl and we both love each other, we've known each other for around 3 years and we are thinking about marriage but I'm catholic and she's LDS. I was thinking getting married in Hawaii or somewhere else with a non denominational wedding, out of respect for both her LDS family and my catholic family. Is there any other aspects of the marriage that I have not mention? But that's 1 day, what about the rest of our life's? If any catholic is married to a LDS member and could give me a view into what's it's like that would be Great!!

Thank you,


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As a young married couple you shouldn't have many problems.


I don't know how religious you are but LDS are much more liberal with regards to birth control and abortion. We do not believe in the trinity as Catholics do. We have a different view point on marriage and the finality of it.


I am sure I am missing things that others can comment on. 


Some things to consider going forward if you have kids and this is were the issues will arise


will your child be catholic or LDS?


If LDS expect your wife to want to bless the child about one month after birth


No baptism until age 8


heavy involvement in young mens/ scouting or young womans activities during teenage years


A mormon mission at age 18...this will cost you 10k


My advise convert to LDS dive in and accept and live the principles or find a nice catholic girl. Your going to do whatever you want anyways, but marriage is difficult enough without throwing conflicting religious beliefs in the way.


Ask your priest he will tell you not to marry outside of your religion.

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Traditionally, marriage to a Catholic meant giving up rights to the Catholic spouse re: the religious education of the children.  If you are having a non-denominational ceremony I guess that wouldn't apply, but you should discuss it before you marry.

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I was devout Catholic married to LDS...


My parents disowned me.  So there's that.


His parents were very disappointed that he didn't get married in the Temple - which, they've been already struggling with because my husband didn't go on a mission...


We made serious agreements before we got married - if we have children before our religious affiliations were resolved the kids will be brought up Catholic, he won't hinder me from Catholic services just like I won't hinder him from LDS services... we will exercise UTMOST respect for each other's faiths.


My husband attended Catholic Mass with me every Sunday, I attended Sacrament Meeting not as often, but he was fine with it.


He went to CCD, I had missionaries come to the house who are not allowed to ask me any questions...


Basically, he was diligent in his support of my faith, I was more wishy washy... but it was ok.  He had no complaints.  There were sooo many LDS things - Home Teachers coming over, Missionaries coming over, Church Basketball every Wednesday, 3 hours of Church every Sunday, Plus activities and trade-offs and a bajillion other things my husband had to do for his Church... it was becoming too much.  I let him be.  I only had my choir at the Catholic Church and of course the Lenten and Christmas Seasons were always busy...


Interestingly, I had some spiritual events happen to me and I ended up becoming LDS... which was wierd as my husband was the one more active in the Catholic Church...

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One of my best friends growing up was active LDS, he did however fall out a bit after his mothers passing but he still lives the Mormon lifestyle so to speak. He did however marry a devout Catholic and they have a son together. I know that he would like to become active again in time once his life smooths out, and also raise his children within the church. I asked how his wife felt and over time she has gone from closed off to the idea to more open minded, he thinks she will likely convert down the road as well as she learns more.


Being raised a baptist I was taught to naturally wed another baptist, which likely will not happen. Although my views mostly align with that of the LDS church I personally have no interest in marrying an LDS woman. but who knows what the future holds. I don't see myself being very appealing in the fact that I am not a member and cannot be sealed in the temple.


I do not really forsee any issues in the future for you with marriage to an LDS woman. Despite the differences in the faiths both the Latter-Day Saints and the Catholics do share common goals when it comes to the mission of their churches. Both do a great deal of humanitarian work and share similar views on 'hot' topics in todays world. If you two love eachother and it feels right then go for it.

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