So is it wrong to not like lounging about in garments?


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I've not heard that before. I don't remember anything like that in my instructions in the temple on the garment (but that was a long time ago). Can anyone point to a talk or quote about this?

Yes, the Church did teach that it is inappropriate to lounge around in just our garments. I recall a talk in the Ensign about this a couple of decades ago.

I will try to find it and give the reference in an edit or another post.


Well, upon searching, I find that we may be mistaken in our understanding. I found the talk I was thinking of, and what it said was that "The garments should not be taken off to lounge around in immodest clothing...."

I saw nothing that said we should not lounge around in just our garments. Speaking for myself only, I think that the years distorted my recollection of what the talk actually said.

I'm on my phone which doesn't copy and post links properly on the mobile version of, but I Googled "Ensign talk on lounging in garments" and it took me to straight to the article.

On a personal note, I would not lounge around in just my garments because of their sacred nature. It seems disrespectful of them to me. I'd not sit around casually in the other temple robes, and our garments are just as sacred as those are.

Edited by Silhouette
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I am not endowed yet. But when I am, I suspect I will find garments uncommfortable because I have sensory issues that mean I find many fabrics/clothes touching my skin uncomfortable and annoying but I will wear them to remind me of the convants I made. Personally I don't think I would hang out just wearing them because kinda in my mind they are in a way being naked I am not explaining properly but I know what I mean. I wouldn't judge anyone who did hang about in them though, unless it was some one other than my partner and I had  gone to visit them, that could be akward

I understand


I am not endowed yet. But when I am, I suspect I will find garments uncommfortable because I have sensory issues that mean I find many fabrics/clothes touching my skin uncomfortable and annoying but I will wear them to remind me of the convants I made. Personally I don't think I would hang out just wearing them because kinda in my mind they are in a way being naked I am not explaining properly but I know what I mean. I wouldn't judge anyone who did hang about in them though, unless it was some one other than my partner and I had  gone to visit them, that could be akward

I understand having sensory issues. For years I had trouble wearing my garments. I just felt claustrophobic in them, never  having wore anything under my clothes before I joined the church. But two things helped me. 1. I had to find the right fabric, there are all kinds now available. 2. When I really truly embraced the Lord, and let him into my life, and allowed myself to give up the control I had always been seeking in my life, but I never found, things changed. I simply don't mind the garments at all anymore, they are a great comfort to me. I just don't have the feelings I used to. The Lord works in ways we can't comprehend sometimes.

Isaiah 55:8  For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
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My feeling is its your house, lounge in what you feel comfortable. I had plenty roommates walking around in their garments, it never bothered me.

I don't think it's a matter of whether it bothers anyone or not, but rather of having respect and reverence for the sacred articles that garments are. But I couldn't find anything that says we shouldn't lounge around in just our garments, so I guess it's not doctrine or anything. I guess it comes down to the wearer's discretion on what they feel is appropriate.

Similar note, briefly off-topic. As a young woman in the Church, it was taught from the pulpit in our ward that we should never let our Scriptures touch the floor, but that something, if only a sweater or some such, should be placed for the Scriptures to rest on. Even a ward bulletin or something should be put down first. The reason given was that the Scriptures held the sacred word of God, and that it was disrespectful to put them on the floor without some appropriate, if only symbolic, way of "supporting" the Scriptures. It's not doctrine, but it made sense to me, and I've done it ever since.

Same with garments I guess, at least in regard to lounging around in them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, the Church did teach that it is inappropriate to lounge around in just our garments. I recall a talk in the Ensign about this a couple of decades ago.

I will try to find it and give the reference in an edit or another post.


Well, upon searching, I find that we may be mistaken in our understanding. I found the talk I was thinking of, and what it said was that "The garments should not be taken off to lounge around in immodest clothing...."

I saw nothing that said we should not lounge around in just our garments. Speaking for myself only, I think that the years distorted my recollection of what the talk actually said.

I'm on my phone which doesn't copy and post links properly on the mobile version of, but I Googled "Ensign talk on lounging in garments" and it took me to straight to the article.

On a personal note, I would not lounge around in just my garments because of their sacred nature. It seems disrespectful of them to me. I'd not sit around casually in the other temple robes, and our garments are just as sacred as those are.

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