Callings and past convictions


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The sexual abuse thread got me thinking.


I believe when converts are interviewed for baptism they have to answer questions about serious criminal convictions. If they answered honestly that they were a convicted pedophile but had served their time and are obviously now free. Will they be given callings with children?


Also if the bishop knows a member is a convicted sex offender can they be restricted in their callings? I trust the leadership but when it comes to the safety of my son I will never trust any one 100%. Are there background checks on youth leaders etc?

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The sexual abuse thread got me thinking.


I believe when converts are interviewed for baptism they have to answer questions about serious criminal convictions. If they answered honestly that they were a convicted pedophile but had served their time and are obviously now free. Will they be given callings with children?


Also if the bishop knows a member is a convicted sex offender can they be restricted in their callings? I trust the leadership but when it comes to the safety of my son I will never trust any one 100%. Are there background checks on youth leaders etc?

1. No, the church must comply with local law regardless of an individualsr standing in the church. They should not be given callings that conflict with any legal issues.


2. Yes a bishop can restrict callings and in fact may be required to do so by law, to my knowledge the church does not conduct background checks on youth leaders...I think that it would be a good practice to start.

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All youth leaders that are registered scouters are and will have had a background check, preformed by the B.S.A. as part of the registration process. This is explicitly stated in the application, and is done for youth protection purposes. This actually includes many of the men and women youth leaders in a ward. (i'm guessing less women choose to register with BSA, mainly for Cub Scouts if they do)


So to an extent background checks are already preformed, though by a third party.


It is probably more important that ward/youth leaders follow youth protection guidelines than background checks, Which the church manuals basically set out equivalent guidelines.

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The sexual abuse thread got me thinking.


I believe when converts are interviewed for baptism they have to answer questions about serious criminal convictions. If they answered honestly that they were a convicted pedophile but had served their time and are obviously now free. Will they be given callings with children?


Also if the bishop knows a member is a convicted sex offender can they be restricted in their callings? I trust the leadership but when it comes to the safety of my son I will never trust any one 100%. Are there background checks on youth leaders etc?

I seem to recall that if someone was convicted child molester i believe they are not to be allowed in any position that lets them work closely with children. Don't know if thats local law or if thats church regs tho.

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When I served in a bishopric, there were a few people in my time that were registered offenders. One of them was married to the man that helped her obtain the label. She was very nice, but due to the fact that she was registered, she could not serve around any children or youth. I believe that it was on her church record also so that it would follow.

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I don't think nice and child abuser can ever really be in the same sentance


But then, not all registered offenders are child abusers.


My neighbor, for example, was 19 when he got the label because his 16 year old girlfriend's dad reported him when the girl got pregnant.  He's been fighting the justice system to even just see his own kid for, I think, 7 years now... and yes, he is very nice.

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