talk to me about fences


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  • 3 weeks later...

So our new house is lovely, save for the fact it's on a semi-busy street. This doesn't bother Husband or I any as I grew up on a fairly busy street except for Baby worries. So I want a fence in the front yard (city ordinances allow this and half the neighbors have fences).

What kind should I get? I dont like the look of chain link, do like the look of vinyl or wood.

Pros and cons of those? Other good options?

chain link tends to stick out like a sore thumb, wood can give you splinters, plastic gets brittle when it gets really cold... lookwise i've generally been partial towards wood and colored brick or rock types.

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was the fence on the property line or on his property or on yours?  rhetorical question there.   :)  I have dealt with onery neighbors.  We're currently living next to one.  Thankfully there is about an acre between their house and ours...but we share the property line.  


If he pain for the fence and it was on the property line or on his side of it... inches matter... its good he didn't sue you.

Part of his orneriness is that all the fences, including the one he put up were several inches on our side, although he still claimed ownership of them. So glad to not live near him anymore.

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Actually, I have toyed around with getting stone from my in-laws (they no longer quarry and just charge a tiny amount for the remaining stone.

The betterment in Park Valley quartz would be awesome for defending our food storage (which seems to have an usually high amount of pasta and MREs as we discovered today).

That green Park Valley rock is beautiful. I picked up a ton of it several years ago.

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