Fear Of Teenagers


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Many children have been taught to be afraid of teenagers. That may seem incredible but it is true. And it is very hard to teach them that teenagers are good people. This was one of the most surprising experiences that I had as a parent.

Satan has planted so many bad things about teenagers in the minds of people that he almost has teenagers to himself. How sad is that?

It is an overwhelming responsibility to teach your children that growing up and becoming teenagers is okay. We have had amazingly good years as teenagers.

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Personally I would hate to be a teenager again - sure I had fun but I also found it a frustrating time, my opinion that life is much better after high school is over hasn't changed.

I'm lucky because I go to church in a small branch and we home educate so the groups of children she mixes with contain plenty of fantastic teenaged roll models. Actually one of my daughters favourite friends at the group is a wonderful teen who has autism - she is so amazingly kind to my daughter and will play and imagine with her. But she also has that at church the YM/YW will take care of the children after sacrament its lovely to watch.


When I was a kid I used to love Hardy Boys books. I thought that was how being a teenager would be like and it was a pretty good dream to look forward to. I never solved crime, but the teen years were good to me. ;)

They were my favourite books growing up - I had such a crush on Frank until one day I realised I was 25 and he was still 18 - is your Tux from the Penguin?


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Many children have been taught to be afraid of teenagers. That may seem incredible but it is true. And it is very hard to teach them that teenagers are good people. This was one of the most surprising experiences that I had as a parent.

Satan has planted so many bad things about teenagers in the minds of people that he almost has teenagers to himself. How sad is that?

It is an overwhelming responsibility to teach your children that growing up and becoming teenagers is okay. We have had amazingly good years as teenagers.

I don't see that at all. I'm around teenagers and younger kids all the time. I notice that the younger ones look up to the teenagers and there is a bit of idolization. My opinion is IF they are being taught that, it is a very stereotypical image of teenagers. Probably based on a very small group that made some wrong choices.

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My oldest son is 20 yrs old and the other will be 18 this year.

I was in the grocery store a couple of days ago shopping for ice cream in the freezer section when three teenage boys came along buying pizza. They had a shopping cart filled with their skate boards and roller blades. It was fun watching them buy pizza and listening to their conversation about toppings.

When I got to the check out lane, they were checking out. A service counter clerk came over and asked the boys if they had broke anything. They looked surprised and shocked. Apparently a customer had told the store employee that the boys were smashing things. The store employee had checked the freezer section and did not find anything broken but still asked them.

I spoke up and said that I was shopping on the same isle and that the boys were just selecting pizza. It was pretty obvious with a cart loaded with sporting gear that they were not skating in the store.

We have some strict child discrimination laws in my state and I would imagine in every state it is the same. We have a skate park not too far from this store.

It does seem that young athletes are targets for discrimination.

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Many children have been taught to be afraid of teenagers. That may seem incredible but it is true. And it is very hard to teach them that teenagers are good people. This was one of the most surprising experiences that I had as a parent.

Satan has planted so many bad things about teenagers in the minds of people that he almost has teenagers to himself. How sad is that?

It is an overwhelming responsibility to teach your children that growing up and becoming teenagers is okay. We have had amazingly good years as teenagers.

AWW I misunderstood what you meant I thought that you were trying to teach this to your children.:)

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I did have to teach my children that teenagers were okay. Even though that was years ago, parents need to talk to their young children about teenagers because one day their children will be teenagers.

We have two jr high schools which share a building with the elementary schools. It has been a very successful program. The middle schools have their own buildings as does the high schools.

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They were my favourite books growing up - I had such a crush on Frank until one day I realised I was 25 and he was still 18 - is your Tux from the Penguin?


No, It is from my love of swing dance. Tuxedo Junction. I did become a Linux enthusiast around 2002 so the name developed a new meaning. ;)
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They were my favourite books growing up - I had such a crush on Frank until one day I realised I was 25 and he was still 18 - is your Tux from the Penguin?


No, It is from my love of swing dance. Tuxedo Junction. I did become a Linux enthusiast around 2002 so the name developed a new meaning. ;)

yes we have a Linux collection courtesy of my husband I never know what operating system will be on the PC next - I am however hopefully going to start a business in about 3 years time called Open Sauce lol I have the recipes:)


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For my main PC and my main laptop I do not experiment. I have a test box that I run the flavor of the week on. I am Ubuntu on my laptop and Ubuntu CE (Christian Edition) on my desktop. As an occupational hazard I have to keep up with the latest distros.

If you are ever serious about going for a business in the FOSS world, I have been a Linux Migration Consultant/ technical writer for a spell.

If you ever want advice, I will give you the opportunity to learn from my mistakes. ;)

I speak at Universities, PC Clubs, and trade shows on Linux pretty regular like. I also have written a smattering of magazine articles, some of which are online.

Interesting side note, Tom Welch, the Sr Programming manager of the LDS used to work for Linspire, a commercial Linux vendor in San Diego. I used to test the betas of what he hammered out and I have an on again off again profesional relationship with Linspire.

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Please check out Robert Epstein's work on the myth of teenagers. His points out that in countries where teen culture has not been created to sell products (via media) there is no real teen angst. It's like when the topic of the age of Joseph Smith's wives occasionally surfaces here people fail to realize that the whole looking at teens as big children did not come about until recently in the 20th. Century in the USA.

After all, Mary was 14 when God chose her for impregnation with Jesus, David was 14 when he killed Goliath and Joseph Smith was 14 when he had his first vision.

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For my main PC and my main laptop I do not experiment. I have a test box that I run the flavor of the week on. I am Ubuntu on my laptop and Ubuntu CE (Christian Edition) on my desktop. As an occupational hazard I have to keep up with the latest distros.

If you are ever serious about going for a business in the FOSS world, I have been a Linux Migration Consultant/ technical writer for a spell.

If you ever want advice, I will give you the opportunity to learn from my mistakes. ;)

I speak at Universities, PC Clubs, and trade shows on Linux pretty regular like. I also have written a smattering of magazine articles, some of which are online.

Interesting side note, Tom Welch, the Sr Programming manager of the LDS used to work for Linspire, a commercial Linux vendor in San Diego. I used to test the betas of what he hammered out and I have an on again off again profesional relationship with Linspire.

We have done the business thing lol moving on to other things having learned from our own mistakes:), big one being my husband doesn't like working for himself. My Open Sauce business is actually going to be selling sauces:) We do have Ubuntu on the main box as we have MythTV


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Please check out Robert Epstein's work on the myth of teenagers. His points out that in countries where teen culture has not been created to sell products (via media) there is no real teen angst. It's like when the topic of the age of Joseph Smith's wives occasionally surfaces here people fail to realize that the whole looking at teens as big children did not come about until recently in the 20th. Century in the USA.

After all, Mary was 14 when God chose her for impregnation with Jesus, David was 14 when he killed Goliath and Joseph Smith was 14 when he had his first vision.

Plus in some States in the US it was at least until the 90s legal to marry at age of 12. There have been some well publicsed cases. Personally I don't remember having teenaged angst


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Please check out Robert Epstein's work on the myth of teenagers. His points out that in countries where teen culture has not been created to sell products (via media) there is no real teen angst. It's like when the topic of the age of Joseph Smith's wives occasionally surfaces here people fail to realize that the whole looking at teens as big children did not come about until recently in the 20th. Century in the USA.

After all, Mary was 14 when God chose her for impregnation with Jesus, David was 14 when he killed Goliath and Joseph Smith was 14 when he had his first vision.

Oh cool then, you've changed my mind about letting my 14 year old daughter marry this 40 year old she has a crush on. :rolleyes: How ridiculous!

(I don't really have a daughter... just making a point.)

Don't you have a daughter about that age, Fiannan? Would you let her get married to some older man? It would be OK, because I'm sure he'd love her for her intellect, not her youthful innocence. :angry2:

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Please check out Robert Epstein's work on the myth of teenagers. His points out that in countries where teen culture has not been created to sell products (via media) there is no real teen angst. It's like when the topic of the age of Joseph Smith's wives occasionally surfaces here people fail to realize that the whole looking at teens as big children did not come about until recently in the 20th. Century in the USA.

After all, Mary was 14 when God chose her for impregnation with Jesus, David was 14 when he killed Goliath and Joseph Smith was 14 when he had his first vision.

Oh cool then, you've changed my mind about letting my 14 year old daughter marry this 40 year old she has a crush on. :rolleyes: How ridiculous!

(I don't really have a daughter... just making a point.)

Don't you have a daughter about that age, Fiannan? Would you let her get married to some older man? It would be OK, because I'm sure he'd love her for her intellect, not her youthful innocence. :angry2:

You want my answer? I would not be thrilled with it at all (despite the fact that Joseph was probably in his 40s and Mary was 14). However, what if she were 18? This issue has come up before and I have siad my only problem with major differences in ages is that many men already have kids (often older than their young wives) and refuse to let their younger wives have kids. So what would I do if my daughter in 11 years reaches 18 and then fell for a guy in his 30s or even 40s who was a great member of the church, wanted to raise kids and shared the same interests as she did? Ask what day I should plan for the temple ceremony! No, I personally don't think people should get married until 18 and above but then again I have a neice who married at 14 (pregnant) and they have been together for about 30 years so far -- and have three very well-adjusted kids.

Strange irony about these debates on teenagers though. In my state a 16 year old can get an abortion without parental permission or even notification but she cannot get her ears pierced and cannot see an R-rated movie in school without a signed paper from her parent. That is the case in many states. Heck, Missoiri just passed a law that a minor cannot even get a wax below the belt without parental permission but I'll bet she can get an abortion. Ironic, huh?

I saw a video the other day on the net showing US servicemen executing a 16 year old German male for "spying" in 1945. Strange the US seemed okay with this sort of thing then -- maybe there wasn't much of a distinction for teens in those days.

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I saw a video the other day on the net showing US servicemen executing a 16 year old German male for "spying" in 1945. Strange the US seemed okay with this sort of thing then -- maybe there wasn't much of a distinction for teens in those days.

We are trying to view things with eyes of today not with the same eyes - my Gran was working from 12, so she had to grow up. My Grandad had to leave school at 14 and get a job and this was the early 1900s after loads of child protection laws. My Mum left school at 15 to get a job in the 1960s.

In the 1850s a young child of 6 was executed in I think France for insiting a rebellion its a particularly sad story the description of it is harrowing of the young child swinging from the rope crying for his Mother , there were children across Europe before that, under the age of 10 executed for very small crimes - stealing petticoats, pots of paint etc now they wouldn't even be charged.

In the 1600s there were many girls of wealthy families who were married off at the age of 6+ their sex life began from when they had their first period.

In Greece it was common place and even expected at one point for a tutor to have a sexual relationship with his young male student.

Times change and often the view of what is acceptable changes - but teenagers are a new concept my Dad was one of the first generations of teenager. Bar Mitzvah celebrates the boys coming of age at 12 and most rites of passage in early societies are 12-14


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You want my answer? I would not be thrilled with it at all (despite the fact that Joseph was probably in his 40s and Mary was 14). However, what if she were 18?

Would you give your permission for your 14 yr old daughter to be married to a 30 or 40 yr old if he had no children already?

What does his having children have to do with it? I think I said 18 was the age I think a woman is capable of determining who she wants to be married to.

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We are trying to view things with eyes of today not with the same eyes - my Gran was working from 12, so she had to grow up. My Grandad had to leave school at 14 and get a job and this was the early 1900s after loads of child protection laws. My Mum left school at 15 to get a job in the 1960s.

In the 1850s a young child of 6 was executed in I think France for insiting a rebellion its a particularly sad story the description of it is harrowing of the young child swinging from the rope crying for his Mother , there were children across Europe before that, under the age of 10 executed for very small crimes - stealing petticoats, pots of paint etc now they wouldn't even be charged.

In the 1600s there were many girls of wealthy families who were married off at the age of 6+ their sex life began from when they had their first period.

In Greece it was common place and even expected at one point for a tutor to have a sexual relationship with his young male student.

Times change and often the view of what is acceptable changes - but teenagers are a new concept my Dad was one of the first generations of teenager. Bar Mitzvah celebrates the boys coming of age at 12 and most rites of passage in early societies are 12-14


One of the reasons times have changed is that in most of your examples the people, on average, didn't live very long.

Frankly, with life expectancy rates what they are today, your examples are good arguments for "teenagers" not having to act like adults until they've had time to mature a bit longer.


P.S. There weren't "loads of child protection laws" in the early 1900s. Maybe you meant later?

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You want my answer? I would not be thrilled with it at all (despite the fact that Joseph was probably in his 40s and Mary was 14). However, what if she were 18?

Would you give your permission for your 14 yr old daughter to be married to a 30 or 40 yr old if he had no children already?

If I was a wealthy parent in 1600 my question would be why wasn't she already married to a 60 year old man lol in 2007 I think ewww but tbh when my daughter gets to 16-18 its her decision to make not mine, I would rather she was married to a good man of 96 than a bad man of 20


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You want my answer? I would not be thrilled with it at all (despite the fact that Joseph was probably in his 40s and Mary was 14). However, what if she were 18?

Would you give your permission for your 14 yr old daughter to be married to a 30 or 40 yr old if he had no children already?

What does his having children have to do with it? I think I said 18 was the age I think a woman is capable of determining who she wants to be married to.

The reason I put that stipulation into the question is bc you sd something about older men marrying younger women and not allowing the new wife to have babies bc they were finished with child-rearing. I was wondering if that part was not an issue, if you would allow your daughter marry at 14. And you never answered my question. I got the feeling from a previous post that people having a problem with 14 yr olds marrying was bc of the media... hence I thought you may agree with 14 yr olds marrying. If not, why?

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Many children have been taught to be afraid of teenagers. That may seem incredible but it is true. And it is very hard to teach them that teenagers are good people. This was one of the most surprising experiences that I had as a parent.

Satan has planted so many bad things about teenagers in the minds of people that he almost has teenagers to himself. How sad is that?

It is an overwhelming responsibility to teach your children that growing up and becoming teenagers is okay. We have had amazingly good years as teenagers.

I grew up being afraid of teenagers--even when I was one. Yet, imho, I turned out all right. Maybe fear is the wrong word. Perhaps we're just aware of surrounding dangers. :ph34r:

Seriously, adolescence is a volatile time, a bit frightening for everyone. Older adults do not help when they recall their own adolescence with extremely rose-colored glasses, and then condemn the current batch is somehow much less worthy.

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