Believe The Best


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Believe the best. It's one of the ABC's of marriage but it has a wider application and utility. Not too long ago I made a personal committment to believe the best of other people and this simple change in how I think has made a significant difference in the quality of my life and how I feel about myself and others.


It started out with me wanting to have a better relationship with some family members. I soon discovered that I should not limit this attitude to just a few select people but that I should adopt this as how I interact with all people, regardless of who they are and what the situation is.


When I believe the best of others then I am less likely to be offended. I have found that I am able to understand other people a little bit better because I am not assuming that they are being negative or even if they are actually being negative, believing the best about them reminds me that they are just people like me, struggling to deal with life, their feelings, emotions, or weaknesses. I can have empathy and not be offended by words or actions which typically are intended to do harm when I believe the best of others. Believing the best of others has allowed me to have more fruitful discussions in life and on this forum. It has been wonderful.


Inside of each person is a spirit that is clean and pure. Each person has a special relationship with Heavenly Father and has the potential of being gods and goddesses. I am not more special or less special than others. We are all essentially in the same condition, living with essentially the same struggles, working out our salvation the best that we can with the knowledge, abilities, and talents that we have been given or which we have gained through our magnifying that which we have.


Believe the best.



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...  believing the best about them reminds me that they are just people like me, struggling to deal with life, their feelings, emotions, or weaknesses. I can have empathy and not be offended by words or actions which typically are intended to do harm when I believe the best of others. Believing the best of others has allowed me to have more fruitful discussions in life and on this forum. It has been wonderful.


Inside of each person is a spirit that is clean and pure. Each person has a special relationship with Heavenly Father and has the potential of being gods and goddesses. I am not more special or less special than others. We are all essentially in the same condition, living with essentially the same struggles, working out our salvation the best that we can with the knowledge, abilities, and talents that we have been given or which we have gained through our magnifying that which we have.


It is a refreshing attitude.  I particulary agree with your sentiments regarding fruitful discussions.  :)

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I suppose I am far too judgmental, suspicious and paranoid to believe the best with all people.

But there certainly are those I look at and feel that way.

And others less so.

I guess it gives me something to think about, and work on.


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