panorex x-ray cost?


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I am almost done finishing up my mission papers. I only need the dentist portion filled out . the dentist I used was unable to perform a ordinary X-ray with the bite wings for the third molars due to a gag reflex. I was referred to another dentist in order to perform a panorex X-ray. The dentist quoted me 350 dollars for a x-Ray and about another 90 dollars (x4) for each examination of third molars . My dentist wont sign the form without having those teeth examined. Does this seem like a reasonable price? If not does anyone know where I could find a cheaper option I live in Duarte,CA.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Betrove, congratulations on preparing for your mission.  What a wonderful time in your life!


I remember years ago, a dental assistant telling me that my dentist was, "The last honest dentist."  (Yes, he is LDS, :) ) I actually have a different (also LDS) dentist now.  


The point is dishonesty and inflated prices are apparently common in dentistry.  So my advice is call around.  Also ask people in your area who they like.  Ask your Bishop...not for a dentist that will do it for free, but perhaps there is a dentist in your ward or stake.  LDS members are more likely to be honest.

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There are private x-ray companies now but I think you need a prescription and I don't know if they do dental.  I had a kidney stone last year and the urgent care charged $500.00.  When I needed a followup (and wasn't in escruiating pain), I got a prescription for the private xray and cost me like $75.00.  Crazy difference!  I since needed another scan and just called in for the xray prescription.

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So I just spoke to my cousin.  He said he has never charged more than $100 for a pano xray. And he doesn't understand why you are having to be referred to another dentist to have it done. Also he said that a regular examination should include the examination of 3rd molars.

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