Indianapolis Culture Celebration


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I didn't attend the Cultural Celebration as that was only for those who had kids in it, were actually serving, or part of the temple committee.  


I served during the tours. I worked in the Stake Center (next to the temple) or in the temple itself. I loved it! I absolutely loved that we exceeded the amount we thought. Originally, they estimated we would get about 75,000 people for the tours. We ended up with over 91,000 people touring the temple.


It was such a great experience.  Our youth LOVED serving! We had youth (12 and up) serving as parking attendants, placing shoe coverings/taking off shoe coverings, and as photographers (they were there to use your camera to take pictures of you and your family so the family wasn't missing mom or dad or anyone in the pics).  Several of the youth expressed how much they enjoyed serving.


I was exhausted after serving. I served over 20 hrs in one week alone. And that was mainly standing on my feet 4 hrs at a time. The walking for 4 hours isn't bad, but just standing in one spot for 4 hours straight is HARD. I'm so glad for the blessing of Ibuprofen!


President Eyring and Elder Ballard were here to dedicate the temple. That is always a wonderful experience.


The cultural celebration was kinda cheesy to me, but I really enjoyed the enthusiasm of the youth! Plus, they had 2 Indy cars--actual, real Indy cars.  I have no idea how they were able to get those!


Seriously, I will treasure this experience as one of the best I've ever had.  If anyone ever gets the chance to be a part of the open house, please volunteer. I enjoyed serving with people from all over Indiana/Illinois, seeing family/friends, and just being a part of the process. 


Now, I'm trying to figure out how I can be a temple worker.....

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It sounds nice.

I was fortunate to attend the Payson open house in May.  They had 400,000 visitors there.  Just watching the volunteers come and go was unbelievable.  Hundreds of volunteers.

And the Temple is so beautiful.

Now, Temple worker.  Well, first, shave your beard.  (If you have one).  Someone just looked at me last week and said "you'll have to shave that beard if you want to be a Temple worker."

Maybe I won't be.  I'll just be happy if I live another year.

I guess they forgot all about Brigham Young (he wore a beard).


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I came to Ind. for a baptism.  When I got there I was asked to play the guitar (I feel my Saviors' love).  I have never played this song before and had to read the music - something I am not very good at plus I had to borrow a guitar.  Since I had a grandson performing at the Culture event we scrambled to get tickets - which BTW - are very hard to come by.


Talking to the youth afterwards - it was well worth it.  I believe such things are good for the youth.  Obviously they and their leaders work very hard to pull it off.  The Ind. cars there look real but I am sure did not have motors.  They appeared to be pushed with more ease than a Walmart shopping cart.  Sorry I could not stay for more.

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It sounds nice.

I was fortunate to attend the Payson open house in May.  They had 400,000 visitors there.  Just watching the volunteers come and go was unbelievable.  Hundreds of volunteers.

And the Temple is so beautiful.

Now, Temple worker.  Well, first, shave your beard.  (If you have one).  Someone just looked at me last week and said "you'll have to shave that beard if you want to be a Temple worker."

Maybe I won't be.  I'll just be happy if I live another year.

I guess they forgot all about Brigham Young (he wore a beard).



Shave your beard - the service and sacrifice will be more than worth it.

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Yeah, those type of Indy cars usually have the motors removed. But, they are still the real deal.  I've seen them at other events (usually related to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway) and they are pushed as well.


Yes, the tix to the Cultural Celebration and to the temple dedication in the temple were pretty hard to get. I can understand why and since I didn't have any kids performing or had a real need to be in the temple for the dedication, I didn't mind.


I hope that the next time you get to Indy, you have the opportunity to go inside the temple. There are some beautiful artwork there that was commissioned for this temple. In fact, one of the sculptures is from a local guy that used to be in my ward. 

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