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An excellent post over at the Junior Ganymede blog.


And in a semi-related vein, a quotation from C.S. Lewis' The Great Divorce (via Millennial Star):


Either the day must come when joy prevails and all the makers of misery are no longer able to infect it: or else for ever and ever the makers of misery can destroy in others the happiness they reject for themselves. I know it has a grand sound to say ye’ll accept no salvation which leaves even one creature in the dark outside. But watch that sophistry or ye’ll make a Dog in a Manger the tyrant of the universe.


How do we handle those who threaten suicide (or just threaten perpetual misery for themselves) if we don't give way to their demands?  Cater to them?  Ignore them? 



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Try and treat the root cause rather than patch up the symptoms.

Though I think the root cause can depend on the person, and it isn't always easy to identify.
A good social support system (family,friends) is a good start, especially for those in abusive situations.

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How do we handle those who threaten suicide (or just threaten perpetual misery for themselves) if we don't give way to their demands?  Cater to them?  Ignore them? 




Well, without reading the link: I'm told professionals are trained to listen for two things - means/method and time.  The hotline operators and shrinks and whatnot will sit there and hear endless bemoaning about how life isn't worth it and they're better off dead and nobody will miss them and they're going to do it this time and tomorrow they won't be around.  And the professionals won't bother getting excited.  They don't bother wasting effort until they hear something like "tonight after dinner I'm going to go jump off the bridge into traffic.  "


So how do you handle people?  If they're not giving method and time, you love them, and don't bother getting excited or worried, and don't let yourself get manipulated into whatever they're demanding.  And if they are giving method and time, you love them and intervene somehow. 

Edited by NeuroTypical
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Although... "suicidal thoughts" can be a lack of will to live, even without a plan to end life. Even a "I'd end everything if I didn't have a family to take care of" is, while not a medical emergency, cause for some alarm. That's a person who I'd encourage to get help, and even take steps to get them help if it was a spouse or child.

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Suicide may be caused by many different things.  But certainly depression is a major cause.  But there are what I believe to be four types of depression.


1) Those brought on by a life-changing event (a loved one dies).

2) Those brought on by continuing negative environment.  (chronic sleep deprivation, everyone constantly telling someone they're worthless.)

3) Mental depression.  This is not a chemical imbalance per se.  It is a spiraling pattern of thinking that has been repeated sufficiently that it is a part of a person's personality and character. This has its own subset of causes.

4) A chemical imbalance.  This is caused because whatever chemicals are released when we tend to have negative feelings somehow are on overdrive and are in a chronic state of release.  And there are varying levels of this.


For #1, They may need professional counselors, they certainly need people around them to love them.  But they eventually need to be able to get come to peace with that event.

#2, Change the conditions.  Certainly love these people.  And in the worst cases, counseling may be needed.

#3, Certainly requires counseling.  And there are many different ways to try to cure this.  But it must be custom to each individual.

#4, I don't know how many people are really qualified to address this.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Guys, JAGs question is not why you think it is. Check out the link he posted. :) That will clear up the misunderstanding.

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