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From time to time I put stuff on Freecycle. I currently have an item there I thought I could quickly get rid of. No takers, which means we will be hauling it off to a thrift store. I cleaned out a closet this morning, put one random item up, and suddenly my email is full of requests. Yikes. Never can get rid of what you think.

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When I lived in AZ, everything I put on Freecycle was taken. From hearing aid batteries that were the wrong size for me but I lost the receipt, to the 8 ancient computers w/monitors that husband had saved since they were invented. The guy who came to get them, gutted them and totally re-purposed them. 


Here in Oregon, not one taker. One of the sisters at church had 2 years supply of hearing aid batteries for her hubbies aides. He passed, and no longer needed them. They were too small for my aides. NOT one taker. 


I got the wrong test strips for my glucose monitor. The pharmacy won't take them back. The Dr won't take them to give to someone who has the monitor that uses them. This gal was going to get them for her father, but he refused them. Didn't want to *catch* what I had. What The??? There is nothing to catch. 


I finally through them out. As for the hearing aid batteries, I had them in my purse when I went in to the pharmacy to fill a new Rx when I saw an elderly lady looking for batteries. She wanted to buy the 16 pack, but only had enough money for the 4 pack. I gave her the 2 year supply. Before I did, however, we made sure they would fit. 


I now belong to three FB groups. One where you sell items, but don't have to pay to advertise, Freecycle- which in my neck of the woods is almost defunct, and one other where you give away/swap - all at no charge. Found two rocking chairs, gave away a couple of purses, and a twin platform bed missing one drawer out of three. Am still looking for a composter that easily turns. 

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So, what happened?


As I recall, my husband was working late, so he wasn't home when they came across town to get it (a mistake I never made again). It was a big heavy tube TV, since it was the 2000's, as Vort said. The people that came were. . . interesting. There was a grandma, and two others of adult age; I think they were married, but didn't seem very adult like. I showed them where the TV was and they stood and stared at it, then finally asked how they were supposed to move it. Being the pushover that I was a decade ago, I made it my problem, and went and knocked on my neighbor's door (who I barely knew) for help while they stood there and did nothing. I'm picturing them mouths agape, but I can't say that's an accurate memory. My neighbor helped but I could tell he felt super weird about it, and later I learned that he has a bad back. 


I still give things away on Craigslist now and then, or the "Buy Nothing" FB group, but with a totally different method.


What I learned:


*There are a lot of strange people out there. 

*I always list things and correspond in my husband's name, and make sure he's the one home to pass the goods. 

*I make sure know what they're getting, and make it clear that moving it is their problem, unless I know Faramir is home and able to help.

*People get what they pay for and can take or leave it

*I shouldn't make others' problems my problem, or my neighbors' problem, especially when they're getting something for free. 

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