Humble people love compliments -- T/F?


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Guest LiterateParakeet
48 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

My compliment is that I'm stubborn?

Trust me...I was not one of the cool kids.

Being compared to Brigham Young  and my awesome hubby is not enough to make you a cool kid? 

Bro. Brigham and hubby.....thank you. 

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3 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

...Gotta say I'm pretty much the textbook example of a humble person loving the comments.  

Humble.  Me.  Yep - all the way baby!

It's an elephant, I tell ya.  An elephant.

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Guest LiterateParakeet
3 hours ago, MormonGator said:

This really is a great thread.

I think so too. But then my "love language" is words of I like giving and receiving.

MG, you are one of my favorite people here. You are fun and more importantly you are Christlike in the way you treat others.

Anatess always makes me think...I even saved something she said about marriage once.

Uniknight I'mglad you'rehere because we often agree on topics that are less popular here...glad to have you on my side. 

Slamjet, you don't say much but I always find your posts interesting. And knowing the little we know of you makes me respect my eyes you are a person of great strength.

Carb, I really enjoy the questions you ask, and I enjoy reading your perspectives on things as well.

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Something just happened that I had to share...

I got a call from a client looking for an engineer in my specialty.  After introductions he told me that a mutual acquaintance (Lee) told him about me.  

I asked him how good you were and he said, "Oh, Carb is the best there is!"

I broke out laughing because it just felt so good.  Then I collected myself and said bemusedly,"Well, you know, Lee is an honest guy.  I'm not going to call him a liar.":D

Yes, it felt AWESOME.

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I do not particularly like compliments.  I generally don't need them, as I know who I am and I generally know why I have done something I have done.

If I do good things, I try and prefer to do them anonymously to avoid any praise that might go with it.

I do not particularly like compliments as it tends to feed my ego too much.  And I believe I have sufficient ego and always have.

I recall over the years, one girlfriend who looked at me and said, "you know, you are the type of guy that gets anything he wants, aren't you?"  I had not thought of myself like that, but I did believe that anyone could get anything they want, within reason, if they tried.

Another time a girlfriend said to me "you are the type of guy that gets up in the morning, looks in the mirror, and says 'go get 'em, tiger!', aren't you."

I never thought of myself like that either. 

So I don't know if I come off as prideful, or just confident.  I'd like to think of myself as humble, as I don't like compliments.

So, no compliments for me, please, and thank you.


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Actually, I love compliments. I thrive on positive feedback, and do best with no more than a touch of negative feedback. Learning to converse on the internet was a challenge for me, and I suspect I learned some of the wrong lessons early on, lessons which perhaps dog me to this day.

For family home evening last night, I talked with my children (those still at home) about gossip. This has never been a problem in my own family (i.e. wife and children), but I hear it in my children's social scene, and it has been a problem in my (parents') families. To try to explain the attraction of gossip, I tried comparing it to being thought smart. I asked my children if any of them had ever said something with the hope of other people recognizing how brilliant it was and telling them they were so smart. Everyone raised their hands. My daughter seemed especially embarrassed, but I told her it was an almost universal trait among humans -- we want to be thought well of by our peers. The trick was to recognize that desire and not give into it for vanity purposes, especially if that involved trafficking in private information about our friends and acquaintances, where real damage can be done.

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Guest MormonGator
10 minutes ago, Vort said:

 Learning to converse on the internet was a challenge for me, and I suspect I learned some of the wrong lessons early on, lessons which perhaps dog me to this day.


Those of us who have been online for awhile almost assuredly feel the same way, for sure. We grow, we stumble, we learn. Took me time too, for what little it's worth. I have a dry sense of humor that people don't get online, so I had to adjust that. 

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4 hours ago, David13 said:

I do not particularly like compliments.  I generally don't need them, as I know who I am and I generally know why I have done something I have done.

If I do good things, I try and prefer to do them anonymously to avoid any praise that might go with it.

I do not particularly like compliments as it tends to feed my ego too much.  And I believe I have sufficient ego and always have.

I recall over the years, one girlfriend who looked at me and said, "you know, you are the type of guy that gets anything he wants, aren't you?"  I had not thought of myself like that, but I did believe that anyone could get anything they want, within reason, if they tried.

Another time a girlfriend said to me "you are the type of guy that gets up in the morning, looks in the mirror, and says 'go get 'em, tiger!', aren't you."

I never thought of myself like that either. 

So I don't know if I come off as prideful, or just confident.  I'd like to think of myself as humble, as I don't like compliments.

So, no compliments for me, please, and thank you.


But, David.  You're my inspiration.  Don't you realize how your counsel brings out the best in people?  You're our sun, our moon, our starlit sky.  Without you, this board would dwell in darkness.

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Guest MormonGator
8 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

But, David.  You're my inspiration.  Don't you realize how your counsel brings out the best in people?  You're our sun, our moon, our starlit sky.  Without you, this board would dwell in darkness.

David, he said the same thing to me, so don't take it too seriously. He's kind of a jerk, isn't he? 

(just playing Carb) 

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It's an interesting thing compliments, confidence, pride, humility...

When I was a kid I really had low self-esteem.  And at the same time I thought arrogantly but pretended to be humble.  One of the things about that state was that I really didn't know how to accept a compliment.  It even bothered me.  It's a paradox, I know.  But it was so.

As I grew older and more confident, I just learned to take compliments with a little more grace and thought of them matter-of-factly (is that a term?).  I found it fun to even surreptitiously compliment myself.

(I may have told this story already) My family came to visit my office.  The receptionist told me afterward,"Gee, Carb, you can really tell they're your kids. They all look just like you."

I said,"Yeah, they're pretty good looking kids.";)

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