The Water Of Life

Guest Yediydforyou

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Guest Yediydforyou

Wow!! What a pain I had getting up here today!! This is Yediyd...for some strange reason I am not alloud to log in under my regular I just re-registered...Hope that doesn't look like I am trying to hide my identity....indeed, quite the contrary...

...anyway...I think Satan through this "hurdle" at me because I came accross another nugget in my scripture reading today and wanted to come up here and share it..., dispite his it is:

I was reading in Jeremiah chapter 2, verses: 13 and 18 struck me as I wrote an essay about water being the symble that the Lord uses to symbalise his word. These two verses conferm this for are the links, check it out and get back to me....let me know your thoughts...

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Guest Yediyd

I'm back!! Ben helped me get my identity back!! So, no response to this thread...was it too long? I am fascinated with this water of life concept...I was Thrilled to come across it again in just re-enforced what I already knew in my heart.

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A slightly different perspective. Many years ago I went into the wilderness for a 40 day fast – eating and drinking only what the L-rd provided. The concept of living water has a different meaning for me. Water sustains life. In the desert water is found in strange places. One may come upon beautiful crystal clear water – but seldom is that water fit to drink. Again one may come upon water that has an awful smell with bugs and slime all over the water. This is the water of life. And all around it is teaming life – everywhere.

Sometimes good water is not to the liking of many. Why would they partake of water that you have to strain out the bugs? Sometimes we go only by appearances – thinking what looks pure and clear is desirable and such water could be death. Some people would rather die than drink the water that the L-rd provides. Obviously I lived and finished my 40 days. One side note – there is no way to fix and eat a grasshopper, not even wild honey. I have no idea how John the Baptist did it. As much as I tried the vitamin “L” (that grasshoppers have in great abundance) was too much for me.

The Traveler

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Guest Yediyd

Yediyd: Your work is as usual very beautiful.

I am curious as to why you quoted from the Old Testament?

I just happened to be reading in Jeremiah and I came across those verses..I found those verses a couple days ago...I wrote that essay last year!!! They go beautifully together, though...Don't you think?
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Interesting! So, why is the crystal clear water deadly? What is vitamin L, and how did you find out it was too much for you and not something ELSE that you ate?

Alkaline (acid) dissolves and is clear in water – many other beneficial and drinkable minerals do not – they will color the water and alter the taste.

I do not know what vitamin “L” is only that grasshoppers taste like “L”. :) I know it is a stupid joke but thanks for the lead in. It is just that in the desert where I was there were more grasshoppers than anything else. I tried everything to eat them but they are so bitter I gave up. On the other hand ants are very good and the larva is almost as sweet as honey. I used ant larva to add flavor to other things and for desert. Mostly I ate biscuit root (kind of like a carrot), yucca sprouts, several variety of cactus, a flower that I cannot remember what it was called and I found a chicken – that was the best.

The main point is water – The longest I went during my fast was 2 days without water. There was a reason – I found someone else that was lost in the desert. They were dying and would have died had I not helped them – he had drank some alkaline water and was very sick. He was twice my size but I carried him out to help. I was afraid to leave him to get help because he was delirious and I did not think if I left him I would find him again alive. Water in the desert is life and since Jesus lived in a desert region I am sure many understood the value of good water and containers that did not leak.

The Traveler

BTW - to this day my favorit drink is water. I would rather have water than anything else when I am thirsty.

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Guest Yediyd

Wow!! You are an inspiration!!! Since Jesus IS the water of life...I find it hard to believe he had any trouble finding good water...course, if he could turn it into wine, reckon he could make it sweet, too!!!!

Thanks for your comments, Traveler!!!! :)

BTW...can you tell me more about this fast? What possessed you to do it...what did you get out of did you learn what was good to eat and what was not/ How did you know about the dangerous water? I am fascinated by this!!!! :)

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Yediyd: After all that raving about the Book of Mormon, you didn't choose to use any scripture from it. Why is that? Any number of them would have gone beautifully with what you wrote...Don't you think?

Genesis 1:1 or Mormon 9:11

John 1:1 or 3 Nephi 9:15

Psalms 119:10 or Alma 37:23

I just thought that you were going to write about the Book of Mormon, that's all.

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Guest Yediyd

Yediyd: After all that raving about the Book of Mormon, you didn't choose to use any scripture from it. Why is that? Any number of them would have gone beautifully with what you wrote...Don't you think?

Genesis 1:1 or Mormon 9:11

John 1:1 or 3 Nephi 9:15

Psalms 119:10 or Alma 37:23

I just thought that you were going to write about the Book of Mormon, that's all.

I am a Bible scholar...have been for years, I know the Bible FAR better than I know the Book of Mormon...I am a convert of three years, in that time...I have read the Book of Mormon almost 4 times, I am teaching Sunday school, now, I am getting more familiar with it, but my first love is and always will be the Bible!!! That essay that I wrote was my first real testimony of the correctness of the BoM vs the Bible, and even though I see the BoM as more correct...I cannot separate myself from my lifelong devotion to the Bible!!! I have memorized 33 chapters of the Bible, it is an old friend!!!! :)
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Guest Yediyd

...another reason that I thought I explained....I wrote that essay LAST year...I didn't really have it in mind as I was reading my scriptures that day that I started this thread...but when I came across those passages in Jeremiah, I was reminded of my essay and I was thrilled to see my thoughts re-enforced by scripture...I did not do a study on it, I did not look up scriptures that backed up what I wrote....I was just sharing the impressions that I got from reading...Both last year and the other day...

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I was recently surrounded by people of various religions who thought their Bibles were the ultimate word of God. While we were passing around our scriptures for all to see, I gave them some D&C scripture references. Quicker than the mind thinks, they put their Bibles away. Joseph Smith is a prophet and a revelator and his works are great in power and wisdom.

My family was brought into the LDS Church by the Lord through our prayers. We contacted a Temple and spoke to a worker there about this and they told us that the Lord was calling on our family and they sent the missionaries to us.

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Guest Yediyd

Don't you use all the scriptures? (Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price) When combined, they make the Iron Rod.

Of course I use All the scriptures!!! And plenty more besides!!! I have many books here from other religions as well...I love ancient texts and history!! I was just commenting on a passage that I happened to be reading in the Old Testament that day...I wasn't doing a comprehensive study!!! I was just reading my scriptures and I got an impression about them, so I started this thread. Why is that so hard for you to comprehend? I LOVE my quad!!! I am on a schedule to "read them through in a year"...I am currently over 100 days ahead of my schedule!!! Now that I have discovered that I can get BYU Broadcasting on my computer (I didn't have BYU channel before), I am going through the Book of Mormon disscussions with them every day. So, I believe that I am clinging pretty tightly to that Rod! Thank you for you concern!! ;)

I thought from the title this might be about Paul Atreides trasmuting the Waters of Life, thereby becoming the Kwisatz Haderach.


Huh? :dontknow:
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...I came accross another nugget in my scripture reading today and wanted to come up here and share it..., dispite his attemps...

I know this is off-topic, but I just want to say that it's cool and funny that you refer to this board as 'up here'... I've seen you do that since you have been coming here. Just wondering how that started...


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I thought from the title this might be about Paul Atreides trasmuting the Waters of Life, thereby becoming the Kwisatz Haderach.


"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear

Muad D'ib!


(Sorry for the threadjack. Please return to the topic at hand.)

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I thought from the title this might be about Paul Atreides trasmuting the Waters of Life, thereby becoming the Kwisatz Haderach.


See that's the problem. Traveler was supposed to smear all the grasshopper goo over his skin so he could be true denizen of the desert and slide right through the sand and peagravel and then become Leto II, the G-d Emperor.
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I wonder how much money I could make selling grasshopper goo on E-Bay. :lol: Probably more if I offered a collector's Arrakis grasshopper goo jar! :wow:

Only if you offered it with "spice."


I think that DUNE is an awesome movie. Wish there had been a sequel.Ben Raines

Ben, the book is much better and there are lots of many they get a bit bizarre for my tastes. But the first ones are excellent!


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Guest Yediyd
<div class='quotemain'>

...I came accross another nugget in my scripture reading today and wanted to come up here and share it..., dispite his attemps...

I know this is off-topic, but I just want to say that it's cool and funny that you refer to this board as 'up here'... I've seen you do that since you have been coming here. Just wondering how that started...

:D Excellent question, that I do not have an answer for!...Sorry! :(

I'm just not sure...I "come up", I call it "up here". I guess... :dontknow:

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