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I've kind of been posting all over the place here lately, so I thought I should introduce myself.
I actually apparently joined the forum a few years back to make a post on some "hobby horse" topic :D
but I didn't return.
I'm a life-long member of the LDS church. I was fortunate to be raised by devout LDS parents and have the whole Primary, Seminary, BYU Provo experience. I served a wonderful and challenging mission in Paraguay.
I've lived mostly outside Utah - Oregon, Virginia, New Hampshire, Colorado. I spent a summer in Stuttgart, Germany during college. After college I taught English in Japan for a year. 
I'm in central Utah now. I have to say I much prefer living in the "mission field" - Utah has always felt rather like a foreign country to me. But there are a lot of good people in Utah, and I've been in a few "Celestial" wards here, which is much appreciated.
I am committed to the church and the gospel, which are the greatest blessings I can imagine in this life. 
I don't think I've been blessed with the gift of faith, yet. But Hugh Nibley says we should pray for these spiritual gifts, so I keep doing that. Faith is an abstract idea for me, but it helps me to think of it as "trusting in God." The Greek word used in the New Testament is "pistis," which means "faith, belief, trust."
I enjoy learning about things, including the gospel. Since I don't really have a church calling at the moment, I've taken Elder Ballard's suggestion to heart, and often post on the internet to explain and defend the church. 
I actually think of the internet as how it might have been like in the War in Heaven. I imagine Heavenly Father presenting his plan, and then He let us all think and discuss it with each other before deciding to support it. (Would Satan's plan have even worked, or was it just a lie to catch people who wanted a risk-free plan?)
I've been married to a great LDS woman for 20 years and have two amazing and trying daughters, ages 10 and 13.
Anyway, I guess I'm happy to answer (most) questions if anyone wants to know more.
Edited by tesuji
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9 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

Welcome.  What years were you in Colorado?  Which part?

I lived in Highlands Ranch, which is a south suburb of Denver. I was there from about 2005 to 2013. That area was a great place in many ways. The library system was jaw-droppingly amazing. 

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13 minutes ago, pam said:

Welcome.  I've enjoyed your posts.  

Thank you for the kind words. I'm kind of an over-opinionated attention-seeker, but I really try to reign that in. I work from home all day, and even though I'm an introvert I still get people-starved. And I like thinking and writing about things. So it's been nice to find a place like this forum.

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8 minutes ago, tesuji said:

Thank you for the kind words. I'm kind of an over-opinionated attention-seeker, but I really try to reign that in. I work from home all day, and even though I'm an introvert I still get people-starved. And I like thinking and writing about things. So it's been nice to find a place like this forum.

Then we'll get along just fine.  I can match all of those things including working one full time job from home.  Though I also work a part time job in retail which gives me the interaction with people face to face.  I have the best of both worlds. :)

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11 minutes ago, NeedleinA said:

Welcome also! You sound a lot like myself, glad you found us! Defenders unite!!


Honestly, I find that most of the time you can defend the church just fine by simply explaining what the church and gospel are. There is so much misinformation, misunderstanding and (unfortunately) sometimes intentional distortion out there about the church.

At the very least, the truth will be out there. If I can explain it and come across as a reasonable, open-minded, caring person (rather than whatever people mistakenly might think Mormons are) then I feel successful. People will then at least have correct information, and can decide for themselves what to think about it.

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32 minutes ago, tesuji said:

Honestly, I find that most of the time you can defend the church just fine by simply explaining what the church and gospel are. There is so much misinformation, misunderstanding and (unfortunately) sometimes intentional distortion out there about the church.

At the very least, the truth will be out there. If I can explain it and come across as a reasonable, open-minded, caring person (rather than whatever people mistakenly might think Mormons are) then I feel successful. People will then at least have correct information, and can decide for themselves what to think about it.

It sounds as if you argue to defend your beliefs, your faith, to correct misunderstandings,  and your lifestyle.  Admirable.

We like to argue because we like to argue.  Charming?  No?  Ok, perhaps not.

Anyway, I wanted to formally say shalom in your own introductory thread.  Consider yourself shalomed.  :)

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11 minutes ago, Aish HaTorah said:

It sounds as if you argue to defend your beliefs, your faith, to correct misunderstandings,  and your lifestyle.  Admirable.

We like to argue because we like to argue.  Charming?  No?  Ok, perhaps not.

Anyway, I wanted to formally say shalom in your own introductory thread.  Consider yourself shalomed.  :)

Though we try hard not to argue.  A good respectful discussion is always nice as long as both sides are willing to actually read what the other has to offer.  They don't have to agree but should at least be civil.

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10 minutes ago, pam said:

Though we try hard not to argue.  A good respectful discussion is always nice as long as both sides are willing to actually read what the other has to offer.  They don't have to agree but should at least be civil.

Well-said.  Feel free to stop by my synagogue anytime.  There are a few people I'd like for you to teach that concept.  :D

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8 minutes ago, Aish HaTorah said:

Well-said.  Feel free to stop by my synagogue anytime.  There are a few people I'd like for you to teach that concept.  :D

Seriously I have never been to a synagogue.  I'm always afraid to peek in as I don't want to be disrespectful and break any rules. :)  But I've always wanted to see the inside of one.

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9 minutes ago, pam said:

Seriously I have never been to a synagogue.  I'm always afraid to peek in as I don't want to be disrespectful and break any rules. :)  But I've always wanted to see the inside of one.

Of what are you afraid, if I may ask.  :) (It was not my intent to derail this thread, tesuji, I am happy to discuss this elsewhere.)

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16 minutes ago, Aish HaTorah said:

Of what are you afraid, if I may ask.  :) (It was not my intent to derail this thread, tesuji, I am happy to discuss this elsewhere.)

So as not to derail this thread I started another for you:



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1 hour ago, tesuji said:

At the very least, the truth will be out there. If I can explain it and come across as a reasonable, open-minded, caring person (rather than whatever people mistakenly might think Mormons are) then I feel successful.

I tried that for a while, but no matter how much I slapped people around for their own good, they still couldn't get it.

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