For Unixknight


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I use foamboard for the walls.  The shingles are made from balsa wood sheets, the wooden floors and frames on the walls made from popsicle sticks.  I have saved odds and ends for around 30 years so I have things I can use to add detail, like the bell on top of the new tower.

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@mirkwoodIt's the details like the ladders, cart and barrels that really sell it.  Most impressive there, bro. 

I had a Beastmen army until I started consolidating all my stuff. Still have a custom Razorgor chariot I made from an Orc chariot, a Razorgor and a couple of Bestigors.  It's all disassembled now but it's yours if you have a use for it.

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The little details are what make the difference.  That is what I noticed in the GW pictures and my early pieces of terrain.  My Black Legion army is heavily converted.  My Warhammer Nurgle army not as much, except my leaders and my Chaos Knight unit.  My Mordheim figures are pretty standard, I don't think I have any conversions.  I started out playing Space Marines, but once I started looking at the early GW conversions, I switched to Chaos so I could make conversions.  At least 75% of my Black Legion are conversions.

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Yeah one can really go nuts with conversions... especially now that Forge World is releasing all the bits and bobs to customize for legions.  Sons of Horus and/or Luna Wolves swag would go naturally with Black Legion gear.

Most of my Black Templars have at least a little bit of conversion to keep them from looking like ordinary marines, and with BT iconography there's plenty of sources for bits to stick on them to represent all that Teutonic Knight bling.


Forge World Decal sheets help a lot, too.


I was running a Bretonnian army before WHFB imploded, so now they're a Kings of War Brotherhood army.  That freed things up to get creative with the minis.  My biggest conversion there so far was to take 3 Pegasus Knights and remove the riders, replacing them with female warrior minis from Reaper... With the Bones line, the minis are a soft resin plastic that could easily be shaped so that they are riding the winged horses instead of standing.  Will share images once the painting is complete.

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