Trump: America First Energy Plan


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A rare teleprompter-aided speech replete with the usual Trump-style adlibs.  It outlines the Trump Energy Vision and Mission with a lot of stinging critique of the current administration's failures and Hillary Clinton's plan.  It's what you would expect from a Republican position - the "all of the above" energy position reminiscent of Romney 2012.  Interestingly, this speech connected Energy with a whole lot of things.  It connects Energy with Foreign Affairs - touching on Iran and China - and how his Energy plan will protect us from having to kowtow to countries harboring terrorists or killing us in trade.  It connects Energy with how his Energy plan will improve the economy.  It connects with the crime rate.  It connects Energy with immigration.  He even managed to connect Energy with Hillary Clinton's emails.

Here are some highlights:

Critique on Obama and HIllary:

  • President Obama’s stated intent is to eliminate oil and natural gas production in America.
  • His policy is death by a thousand cuts through an onslaught of regulations.
  • At the same time President Obama lifts economic sanctions on Iran, he imposes economic sanctions on America.
  • Even as he rejected this America-Canada pipeline, he made a deal that allows Iran to transport more oil through its pipeline that would have ever flowed through Keystone –with no environmental review.
  • Decreed regulations that shut down hundreds of coal-fired power plants and block the construction of new ones.
  • Decreed a prohibition against coal production on federal land.
  • Decreed draconian climate rules that, unless stopped, would effectively bypass Congress to impose job-killing cap-and-trade.
  • President Obama’s anti-energy orders have also weakened our security, by keeping us reliant on foreign sources of energy.
  • Hillary Clinton will escalate the war against American energy, and unleash the EPA to control every aspect of our lives.
  • She declared that “we’ve got to move away from coal and all the other fossil fuels,” locking away trillions in American wealth.
  • In March, Hillary Clinton said: “by the time we get through all of my conditions, I do not think there will be many places in America where fracking will continue to take place.” Keep in mind, shale energy production could add 2 million jobs in 7 years.
  • Yet, while Hillary Clinton doesn’t want American energy, she is strongly in favor of foreign energy. Here is what she told China as Secretary of State:  “American experts and Chinese experts will work to develop China’s natural gas resources. Imagine what it would mean for China if China unleashed its own natural gas resources so you are not dependent on foreign oil.” 

Trump's Reforms:

  • Energy reform that creates trillions in new wealth.
  • Immigration reform that protects our borders and defends our workers.
  • Tax reform that brings millions of new jobs to America.
  • Regulation reform that eliminates stupid rules that send our jobs overseas.
  • Welfare reform that requires employers to recruit from the unemployment office – not the immigration office.
  • Trade reform that brings back our manufacturing jobs and stands up to countries that cheat.

Trump's Energy Mission:

  • American energy dominance will be declared a strategic economic and foreign policy goal of the United States.
  • America has 1.5 times as much oil as the combined proven resources of all OPEC countries; we have more Natural Gas than Russia, Iran, Qatar and Saudi Arabia Combined; we have three times more coal than Russia. Our total untapped oil and gas reserves on federal lands equal an estimated $50 trillion.
  • We will become, and stay, totally independent of any need to import energy from the OPEC cartel or any nations hostile to our interests.
  • At the same time, we will work with our Gulf allies to develop a positive energy relationship as part of our anti-terrorism strategy.
  • We will use the revenues from energy production to rebuild our roads, schools, bridges and public infrastructure. Cheaper energy will also boost American agriculture.
  • We will get the bureaucracy out of the way of innovation, so we can pursue all forms of energy. This includes renewable energies and the technologies of the future. It includes nuclear, wind and solar energy – but not to the exclusion of other energy. The government should not pick winners and losers. Instead, it should remove obstacles to exploration. Any market has ups and downs, but lifting these draconian barriers will ensure that we are no longer at the mercy of global markets.

Trump's views for Energy and the Environment:

  • We will reject Hillary Clinton’s poverty-expansion agenda that enriches her friends and makes everyone else poor.
  • We’ll solve real environmental problems in our communities like the need for clean and safe drinking water. President Obama actually tried to cut the funding for our drinking water infrastructure – even as he pushed to increase funding for his EPA bureaucrats.
  • American workers will be the ones building this new infrastructure.

Trump's Energy Actions for the first 100-days:

  • We’re going to rescind all the job-destroying Obama executive actions including the Climate Action Plan and the Waters of the U.S. rule.
  • We’re going to save the coal industry and other industries threatened by Hillary Clinton’s extremist agenda.
  • I’m going to ask Trans Canada to renew its permit application for the Keystone Pipeline.
  • We’re going to lift moratoriums on energy production in federal areas
  • We’re going to revoke policies that impose unwarranted restrictions on new drilling technologies. These technologies create millions of jobs with a smaller footprint than ever before.
  • We’re going to cancel the Paris Climate Agreement and stop all payments of U.S. tax dollars to U.N. global warming programs.
  • Any regulation that is outdated, unnecessary, bad for workers, or contrary to the national interest will be scrapped. We will also eliminate duplication, provide regulatory certainty, and trust local officials and local residents.
  • Any future regulation will go through a simple test: is this regulation good for the American worker? If it doesn’t pass this test, the rule will not be approved.


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On Real Estate:

Ever since Bill Clinton (with the help of a Republican Congress) required banks to lower the criteria for mortgage loans so poor people can own houses... the writing was on the wall.  This is the type of government insertion into the free market that is guaranteed to muck it up.

Every Real Estate businessman - from the little single-house-flipper to the Trump Organization - knows this is going to be a bubble waiting to happen.  The only thing you can do is ride the wave and make the bubble burst so the market can correct itself and hopefully slap the idiots in government upside their heads.  When your money is tied up in Real Estate, you flip while the market is headed towards the bubble.  When it gets close to bursting (and the government has tried their very best to kick the can to the next Congress to deal with maintaining the bubble) you hold your money and pray for the bubble to finally burst so you can buy properties again.  That stupid bubble has caused all of Trump's Atlantic City bankruptcies.  So, many of us who were invested in Real Estate (I had a rental)... said the exact same thing Trump said that Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren with the high cheekbones is trying to paint into the classic democratic-bleeding-heart-narrative.  We needed that bubble to burst so things can go back to normal and we can make money again!

And that, my friends, is why the Democratic Party CANNOT take the reigns of government in November.  They hate it when people make money.


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1 hour ago, anatess2 said:

  That stupid bubble has caused all of Trump's Atlantic City bankruptcies. 

Nope. Denying any responsibility doesn't help anyone. Anyone I know who lost real estate when the bubble popped was someone who had borrowed what the banks told them they could afford, not what they figured out on their own they could afford. 

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Guest MormonGator

Only one of Trumps bankruptcies had something to do with the  real estate bubble. Trump Taj Mahal went bankrupt in 1991. Trump Plaza Hotel in 1992. Hotel and Casino resorts in 2004.  Entertainment resorts in 09. 

Both Trumpers and NeverTrumpers are wrong on this issue. While Trump isn't all to blame for the bankruptcies, he isn't blameless either. This is the sole issue where I think Trumpers have a shred of credibility.  

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5 hours ago, anatess2 said:

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren with the high cheekbones

Is there a playbook sent out to Trump supporters? I assume play #1 is attacking someone's physical features, especially women. 

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Guest MormonGator
11 minutes ago, Eowyn said:

Is there a playbook sent out to Trump supporters? I assume play #1 is attacking someone's physical features, especially women. 

You are known by the company you keep. Trump supporters take after their master/leader. 

My issue when I discuss politics is that I try to remember that I represent who I support. IE-Ron Paul. If I'm rude, obnoxious or a bully (and I'm human, I make mistakes) it'll show bad on all my fellow Ron Paul fans. 

Trumpers simply lack the ability to grasp that simple fact. 

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6 hours ago, Eowyn said:

 Anyone I know who lost real estate when the bubble popped was someone who had borrowed what the banks told them they could afford, not what they figured out on their own they could afford. 

Anyone who lost a house because they borrowed what the banks told them they could without figuring it out themselves deserves to lose a house.

Owning a house is one of the biggest responsibilities (besides having kids) and they couldn't figure out their own finances?  I'm not buying it.  It's called being an adult, it's called being responsible. If one can't figure out one shouldn't borrow 300k on a 50k-60k income, I'm not shedding any tears.

If you want to get mad at the banks, get made at the Federal Reserve for bailing out the banks and buying the mortgages that were worth 25 cents on the dollar at full face value. The banks that made bad loans should have gone belly-up, except they got bailed out.  That is what is really criminal.

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On 5/28/2016 at 8:14 PM, Eowyn said:
On 5/27/2016 at 2:34 PM, anatess2 said:

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren with the high cheekbones

Is there a playbook sent out to Trump supporters? I assume play #1 is attacking someone's physical features, especially women. 

It was Warren herself who pointed at her high cheekbones as evidence of her phony Indian heritage. Don't blame Trump, Trumpers/Trumpists, etc., for her idiocy.


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Guest MormonGator
2 hours ago, LeSellers said:

It was Warren herself who pointed at her high cheekbones as evidence of her phony Indian heritage. Don't blame Trump, Trumpers/Trumpists.etc. for her idiocy.


Actually you can blame Trump for not being smooth. In politics (and in the real world) you need to pick your battles and know when to duck. Politics isn't an online forum where you can battle over everything. In politics how you are perceived is who you are. You need to be very careful about who (and more importantly how) you attack. If the politician can't understand that (and Trump has proven time after time that he can't) he or she won't get very far. 

Calling people "Little Marco" or "Lying Ted" might make him feel better about his own inadequacies as a man, father, husband etc-and it'll make his supporters feel better about theirs-but to a majority of us, it's revolting.

Trump himself is like the incarnate version of the worst people you meet online. Argumentative, obtuse, stubborn, unable to see the other guys point of view, uses name calling and the worst part? He doesn't realize how he comes across. He's one of those confusing people who claims to "not care" what people think. Well if you don't care, why should we? 

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4 hours ago, MormonGator said:
6 hours ago, LeSellers said:

It was Warren herself who pointed at her high cheekbones as evidence of her phony Indian heritage. Don't blame Trump, Trumpers/Trumpists.etc. for her idiocy.

Actually you can blame Trump for not being smooth.

Whatever one may think about Trump, the charge, that he or his supporters are misogynistic because he or they called Elizabeth Warren "Elizabeth 'Pocahontas' Warren" with the high cheekbones", is inaccurate. I said nothing about anything else. Of the people who have been considered possible replacement candidates for Hilary Clinton when/if she gets indicted for stupidity with her eMail account (or any of a dozen other high crimes or even high misdemeanors), Bernie Sanders is highest on my lists of "over my dead body!", Elizabeth Warren is second, and closing to first. Not even L'il Joey BiteMe has a chance of supplanting either of these frauds on my roster.


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I'm just surprised Trump used the term "Pocahontas"--in most conservative circles, she's called "Fauxahontas".

As for real estate:  If SOMEONE didn't start scooping up properties in the midst of a bubble burst, there would never be a recovery in values; so I don't hold it against Trump for taking an opportunity that came his way.  But then again:  it doesn't help his cause to be a gloating baboon about it.

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Guest MormonGator
5 hours ago, LeSellers said:

Not even L'il Joey BiteMe has a chance of supplanting either of these frauds on my roster.

 Do you know how that comes across? You'll feel better saying it and that's fine, but you'll lose a ton of support from people who find it rude. 

This is why I'm so thrilled with the Trumpers. You (you meaning Trumpers) owe conservative-libertarians like me a "thank you" because we have been defending our views against the charge that it's "rude" or "coarse". You are welcome. 

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41 minutes ago, MormonGator said:
5 hours ago, LeSellers said:

Not even L'il Joey BiteMe has a chance of supplanting either of these frauds on my roster.

Do you know how that comes across?

So, how would you word it so that my absolute, utter contempt for the two men and the woman is not mistaken for anything other than it is?

45 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

This is why I'm so thrilled with the Trumpers. You (you meaning Trumpers) owe conservative-libertarians like me a "thank you" because we have been defending our views against the charge that it's "rude" or "coarse". You are welcome. 

Please do not confuse me with a Trump supporter. I am not. But when I see people misrepresenting him (or anyone else, for that matter) I'll point out the error.

It is wrong to assume I'm anything other than a libertarian. I invented the philosophy in 1965, even designed a two-dimensional grid to show that there are more than left'n'right in the political world. Others, to be sure have come across the same truths as I, some after me; many, many earlier. For those who want to impose their version of morality, whether in "charity" or in "mores", I have only derision and contempt: they want to make the world better by coercion, to improve mankind by force. Neither will work, and both rely on their superior intellect, compassion (by which I mean, their abominable arrogance) as the sole guide to what is moral.

Freedom is the highest political good, and any who try to abridge it for one, will try to usurp it from all.

Finally, the Adams cousins of the XVIII were accused of being rude and coarse. I find myself in glorious company.


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Guest MormonGator
13 minutes ago, LeSellers said:

It is wrong to assume I'm anything other than a libertarian. I invented the philosophy in 1965, even designed a two-dimensional grid to show that there are more than left'n'right in the political world.

Oh you did, huh? Am I speaking to Karl Hess? Or Leonard Liggio? 

I once told a woman I was the original bassist for Social Distortion, so I know what you mean. 

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1 minute ago, MormonGator said:

Oh you did, huh? 

Yes, I did. As I freely admit, I didn't do it first, and I wasn't the last, but I did it on my own, from my readings and studyings, as a fifteen-year-old high school inmate, there under the constraint of the lethal power of the state. Like the many inventors of the airplane, who arrived at the solution independently of each other, my invention of libertarianism was my own, irrespective of what anyone else did earlier or later.

Further, at about the same time I discovered that there are (at least) two dimension to freedom: economic and personal action. The trite left-right dichotomy does not cover the true range of liberty. The well known Nnnnn (Nolan? I've forgotten the name) graph is easier to understand than mine because he tipped it 45° and kept the left-right axis in the traditional orientation. But is no different from my creation in any material way.

So, yes, I did invent it.


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Guest MormonGator
4 minutes ago, LeSellers said:

Yes, I did. As I freely admit, I didn't do it first, and I wasn't the last, but I did it on my own, from my readings and studyings, as a fifteen-year-old high school inmate, there under the constraint of the lethal power of the state. Like the many inventors of the airplane, who arrived at the solution independently of each other, my invention of libertarianism was my own, irrespective of what anyone else did earlier or later.

Further, at about the same time I discovered that there are (at least) two dimension to freedom: economic and personal action. The trite left-right dichotomy does not cover the true range of liberty. The well known Nnnnn (Nolan? I've forgotten the name) graph is easier to understand than mine because he tipped it 45° and kept the left-right axis in the traditional orientation. But is no different from my creation in any material way.

So, yes, I did invent it.


 I also could have been the fifth Beatle, but George Harrison was a better guitarist. 

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11 hours ago, MormonGator said:

Calling people "Little Marco" or "Lying Ted" might make him feel better about his own inadequacies as a man, father, husband etc-and it'll make his supporters feel better about theirs-but to a majority of us, it's revolting.

I'll get accused of being a Trump supporter, but the names have never been about his inadequacies or about just simply being a jerk.  They are calculated, planned, targeted, accurate and very effective. Some people hate Trump so much they can't see his what he is doing.

"Crooked Hillary" - yeap she is a crook.

"Lying Ted" - if your slogan is "Trust me" somethings wrong.

"Low-Energy Bush", Bush even recognized he needed a little extra pep hence Jeb!!!!

"Pocahontas", remind everyone that she lied-she ain't no Native American

His own inadequacies?? I guess you know everything about this guy, his kids are smart, intelligent, can speak well and accurately.  I don't know any father that wouldn't be proud of those kids. He's got the trophy wife, billions of dollars . . . .maybe he is compensating. Who knows.  Or maybe some people are just simply jealous.

But please, tell me I'm a Trump supporter even though I'll be voting for Gary Johnson . . . .  

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Guest MormonGator
4 minutes ago, yjacket said:

I'll get accused of being a Trump supporter, but the names have never been about his inadequacies or about just simply being a jerk.  They are calculated, planned, targeted, accurate and very effective. Some people hate Trump so much they can't see his what he is doing.

"Crooked Hillary" - yeap she is a crook.

"Lying Ted" - if your slogan is "Trust me" somethings wrong.

"Low-Energy Bush", Bush even recognized he needed a little extra pep hence Jeb!!!!

"Pocahontas", remind everyone that she lied-she ain't no Native American

His own inadequacies?? I guess you know everything about this guy, his kids are smart, intelligent, can speak well and accurately.  I don't know any father that wouldn't be proud of those kids. He's got the trophy wife, billions of dollars . . . .maybe he is compensating. Who knows.  Or maybe some people are just simply jealous.

But please, tell me I'm a Trump supporter even though I'll be voting for Gary Johnson . . . .  

I never said you were a Trumper. I don't think you are, to be honest. I've gone out of my way and tried my best to think only good things about you, actually. I apologize that we are often not on the same page.

I struggle with many faults, but jealousy is not one of them. While I'm not as wealthy as Trump, I'm not struggling either. Are some people jealous of him? Probably. I'm far from perfect but envy has never been my biggest fault. 

Truly secure people don't act how Trump does. Granted, his kids seem to wonderful people. That DOES speak highly of him. Other than that, he strikes me as a very sad and angry man. 

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Guest MormonGator
1 minute ago, Eowyn said:

Narcissists generally are. What a miserable way to exist.

Speaking as one, I can say it's not too bad! 

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