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So.. Thought it might be a nice idea to have a blessings thread ?

So..I am currently on Maternity leave and in the UK we get a year with 9 months paid.   The other 3 I don't get paid so I saved up some money to account for that.. I am not lying every time since I started paying tithing I have dipped into my maternity fund,  I always get the exact amount back so I have enough to live on at the end of my maternity leave.   So far I have sold a phone to a friend,  got a tax rebate,  had a small windfall from a relative.   Also anytime I need anything big (like a high chair) for my kids i always manage to find it on sale ?

Has anyone else had any blessings recently? 

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2 hours ago, An Investigator said:

Has anyone else had any blessings recently? 

Driving home the other night I noticed a young boy, perhaps 10-11 in his pajamas running in the middle of the street with no concern for traffic, one of the cars being mine. As I approached this young boy, I rolled down the window to tell him to get out of the street. With glazed over eyes he looked at me, ignored me, and without saying a word kept running down the road. I thought to myself, that was odd.

I continued on my way for a little but got the distinct impression to stop, because something wasn't right with the situation I had just seen and I needed to do something about it.

I turned the car around to follow the boy to see what was going on. He had left the lite traffic road I was on, and now was on a medium traffic road headed towards a busy highway.
I called 911 to report the situation. The impression to do something repeatedly keep coming to me. I speed up and weaved around a corner to get up to him. At this point other cars are weaving and honking at him. I turned another corner and speed up to the boy, slammed on my brakes probably 10' behind him. I got out of the car and raced up to the boy, grabbed him (bear hugged) just as he was about to run into on coming traffic yards from our position.

My brain was a scrambled mess. I had the 911 operator on the phone trying to ask me 20 questions, I'm confused as to what in the world this kid is doing and stunned by the reality that by only seconds I probably just saved this kids life. What just happened????

As I'm holding this kid it becomes apparent real quick that he has some kind of mental disability. He has some kind of ankle monitor on and doesn't either speak OR speak English.

So... the blessing? When it was all done, I was able to share my story with my family and testify to them about the power of listening to promptings of the Spirit and acting on them immediately without delay. Strange and incredible night that had us all in tears as we talked about it and talked about how our Heavenly Father was watching out for that child that night.

That has never happened to me before, and I don't expect that it will happen again, but I am eternally grateful it did. (crying now even as I type)

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Rather than let Needle's untoppable blessing hinder me from posting my own, and rather than be stopped by the fact that I know there's someone out there who will claim this was coincidence or physics or some other non-blessing, when I know for a fact it was a gift from God, here's my simple blessing.  It meant unproportionally more to me than it might seem, but that's because I'm me, and God knows it.

I hate doing yard work.  But in spring of 2015, I made up my mind to fix the sprinklers I'd known weren't working right since the previous year.  I got dressed in my yard-work clothes, gathered the tools, had paper and pen so I could write down what to buy, I even had the car key in my pocket.  Then I prayed for help and the patience to do the work (cuz I have a history of getting angry at inanimate objects which waste my time :gnash: ).

I went out and turned on the first zone with a broken sprinkler (so I could lock it in the open position, turn off the water, and remove it for replacement).  Lo and behold, it worked.  I tried the next zone.  That one worked too.  I went through every zone and all the sprinklers that had not been working the previous year were now working.  There were a couple new problems, but they were simple ones where all I had to do was screw off the little 1"-diameter tops, go buy new ones, and screw on the new ones.  It took no time and made me immensely happy.  They're all still working this year.  I don't care how God fixed the "hard" ones, I'm just grateful that he did.  And I think if I'd only prayed for Him to fix them, it never would have happened.  I think it was my willingness and intent to do it myself without further procrastination which got me that gift.

I also think it was given to teach me valuable lessons - like that sometimes God will help us with simple things, even though we could have done it ourselves; and that God knows each of us and what we need; and that sometimes, all we have to do is ask.  Apparently, what I needed to learn didn't need the sprinklers to stay broken, it needed me to see God fix them.

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I'm afraid I can't go into detail about the blessing I received.  But I'll tell it as evidence of the power of prayer.  This happened earlier this year (about three or four months ago).

Mrs. Carb and I had been discussing something that was not a pleasant prospect of a future event.  After days of discussing it, we really couldn't find a solution and I was beginning to feel a little lost.

Then I received a phone call out of the blue asking if I'd received some specific emails.  I had a discussion and some follow up calls and follow up emails describing the details of this solution.  I soon realized that this was a solution to the problem.  I was essentially being told exactly what I needed to do and how I could do it.

I shortly said a prayer of thanks.  The Spirit whispered back: "This sort of thing doesn't just happen."

I knew it was a blessing from the Lord.  Then "These blessings don't just come out of the blue".

I pondered that for a while until I realized... I had not prayed for a solution.  I guess I could excuse myself thinking that I was still "studying it out in my mind".  But there was the solution.  Someone must have prayed for it.  There was only one other person who even knew this was a concern.

I called up my wonderful wife and asked her if she had prayed about our problem.  She told me she had.

"Well, honey, here's what just happened.<explained everything>. I guess we know who the Lord listens to in our house."

I do believe in prayer.

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7 hours ago, Carborendum said:

I'm afraid I can't go into detail about the blessing I received.  But I'll tell it as evidence of the power of prayer.  This happened earlier this year (about three or four months ago).

Mrs. Carb and I had been discussing something that was not a pleasant prospect of a future event.  After days of discussing it, we really couldn't find a solution and I was beginning to feel a little lost.

Then I received a phone call out of the blue asking if I'd received some specific emails.  I had a discussion and some follow up calls and follow up emails describing the details of this solution.  I soon realized that this was a solution to the problem.  I was essentially being told exactly what I needed to do and how I could do it.

I shortly said a prayer of thanks.  The Spirit whispered back: "This sort of thing doesn't just happen."

I knew it was a blessing from the Lord.  Then "These blessings don't just come out of the blue".

I pondered that for a while until I realized... I had not prayed for a solution.  I guess I could excuse myself thinking that I was still "studying it out in my mind".  But there was the solution.  Someone must have prayed for it.  There was only one other person who even knew this was a concern.

I called up my wonderful wife and asked her if she had prayed about our problem.  She told me she had.

"Well, honey, here's what just happened.<explained everything>. I guess we know who the Lord listens to in our house."

I do believe in prayer.

Great, great lesson. Many thanks!

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