Regional Broadcast on November 6th


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All of Minnesota (where I live) will be having a regional broadcast from SLC this upcoming Sunday. I was talking to my cousin in Colorado and they are also have a regional broadcast from SLC. What are these broadcasts about, and how wide spread are they?

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We're part of the same broadcast in WY.

A regional broadcast is kind of a midway point between a stake conference and General Conference.  Like General Conference, it's broadcasted out of SLC to the chapels, but not online/tv.  Like General Conference, it's church leaders speaking to the member.  But not members across the globe, just members in your/my region, so it's a bit more sort-of personalized.  A "region" is a church geographic area that's a lot bigger than a stake, but still not the globe.  For example, I think our region is the central US, going from CO to through the Mississippi river area (I could be totally wrong about guessing the borders).

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