Pres Monson, why he is great!


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President Monson is an exceptional person – one of many that have come to earth as a mortal.  I realize that the mantel of Prophet is an exceptional heavy burden to have been given.  That he has taken that burden – all by itself – is enough that we should honor him.  There are many good people that deserve our honor as well – many serve calling of lesser burdens in our wards and stakes – even homes – throughout the world. 

Present Monson has established a level of devotion and performance that is difficult for anyone to match and with his increasing age and health problems impossible for him to maintain.  I am sure some will become concerned and critical that his contribution seems to be dwindling.  But I am the more impressed that despite his struggles – he still gives what he can.  For me that is the true mentality of a prophet – and a saint of G-d (which we all are).

As my Father aged – this once great (even physically and economically powerful) person lie, confined to his bed completely dependent on those that served him.  I was among those (with my siblings) that gave of our time to care for him that had cared and provided so much for others.  I had helped him eat his dinner and prepared him for the night.  I then assisted him with his evening prayer when he desired to whisper something private to me.  As I leaned over to hear him he took me in his arms and hugged me, then gave me a kiss with tears in his eyes and said he was proud of me.  This was the only hug, kiss and utterance of pride I ever received from my father.  The spirit gave witness that this was the last and only gift left he could give me.  I believe that President Monson – like my father will give all he has in love to his G-d and the people of the Church to the end of his life.  An example of enduring to the end for all of us.


The Traveler

Edited by Traveler
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Guest MormonGator
On November 2, 2016 at 10:06 AM, pam said:

I finished his biography a couple of months ago.  What an amazing life he has led.  It's hard to believe that one person has accomplished so much in a lifetime.

What do President Monson and Mike Tyson have in common? 

A: They both have at one point in their lives raised pigeons. 

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3 hours ago, Traveler said:


President Monson is an exceptional person – one of many that have come to earth as a mortal.  I realize that the mantel of Prophet is an exceptional heavy burden to have been given.  That he has taken that burden – all by itself – is enough that we should honor him.  There are many good people that deserve our honor as well – many serve calling of lesser burdens in our wards and stakes – even homes – throughout the world. 

I believe that President Monson – like my father will give all he has in love to his G-d and the people of the Church to the end of his life.  An example of enduring to the end for all of us.


The Traveler

This is a beautiful tribute. Thank you,

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3 hours ago, MormonGator said:

What do President Monson and Mike Tyson have in common? 

A: They both have at one point in their lives raised pigeons. 

President Monson still has his hands into raising pigeons a little.  Though it's mainly his son that has taken it over.

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Guest MormonGator
16 minutes ago, pam said:

President Monson still has his hands into raising pigeons a little.  Though it's mainly his son that has taken it over.

It's interesting to think that the prophet/apostles have hobbies. They are normal people like you or I after all-but simply their time constraints alone must be demanding. 

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Just thought I would let the forum know that several of my friends (LDS of course) say that I have something in common with President Monson -- We have both gone about as far in the church as we going to go.  :)


The Traveler

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