Minor victories in Life!


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Sometimes the little things keep you going!

My latest victory over life. I successful froze an avocado!

Step 1: pick up avocado. 

Step 2: open freezer door

Step 3: put avocado in freezer

Step 4: Two weeks later remove avocado and stir up contents.

Step 5. Put on toast with salt. Tasty!

This is my idea of a recipe!

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I got tickets to Hamilton, for Feb. 14th, next year (coming to Seattle). My oldest daughter (16) is so excited she declared that none of her future boyfriends, or even her future husband, will ever give her a better Valentines Day than me.  Oh wait...this probably qualifies as a SUPER MAJOR VICTORY.  :wow:

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Neil Young rereleased Time Fades Away on itunes!  This made me very happy for like a week.  I did not have to mess around with ripping a vinyl lp anymore (which i was going to have to do again after my computer hard drive died and took about 100 hours of digitized vinyl albums with it that cannot be simply re-downloaded from itunes).

Edited by DoctorLemon
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