Temple crisis


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On 3/22/2017 at 4:47 AM, Sunday21 said:

Temple crisis. Apparently we have a world wide shortage of male patrons to do ....am I allowed to say this? Not sure! The longer ceremony (you know what I mean). For men, we are backed up to 2013 world wide. Consequently, the family sealings are backed up. So if you have not made plans for your vacation this year and you are a priesthood holder, could I possibly ask you to help us out? Now that I think of this, is this a temple crisis or a family history crisis? Anyway, if you have a few days this summer or even a spare afternoon, could you possibly help us out? Promise of big party in the next life! You guys come on down and visit me! Root beer on me!

Does anyone have any ideas about what to do about this? If you are a member of another lds board, could I possibly ask you to post a message? I am however a bit concerned that a push for men, may cause the sisters to slow up a bit. Obviously we have a gender imbalance but I don't want to discourage any sisters!

i wonder, almost, well this is controversial but as we do have a labor shortage male-wise, if we could have some sort of program to encourage endowed males to go to the temple. So what do we do when we need large numbers of people to do something? I gues we investigate what is the barrier to action and try to remove that barrier. 

Which temple are you talking about?

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39 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

Music to @anatess2's ears.

Check this out:

The Philippines is a Roman Catholic country - 85+% of the entire population of ~100 million.

The very first temple built in the Philippines is in Quezon City (Metro Manila).  A new temple was announced back in... 2013?... to be built in Urdaneta City (Ilocos) which is only 110 miles north of Quezon City.  That's a shorter distance than San Diego to LA.  And a couple weeks ago, they announced another temple to be built in Muntinlupa (still within Metro Manila) which is only about 20 miles away from Quezon City.  That's quite a substantial growth!  I don't know of another city outside of the US that has more than 1 temple.

And here's more... Southern Philippines has a Muslim region.  They live Sharia there (which is why we have so many insurgencies happening in Southern Philippines as they want to usurp the secular government to make the region an Islamic State).  Now, Muslims that convert to Christianity, especially Roman Catholic, can get killed over there.  YET, they have 4 LDS branches there... go figure.

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I try to go to the temple once a week. I find so much peace there and I have so many ancestor names to do since my dad is not a member and no one in his family history was until my brother and I.

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