hypothetical - TV shows


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This one comes off of a discussion elsewhere about BBC America, the Armed Forces Network, and other such channels. 


Hypothetical situation - 

It's an alternate reality that's more sci-fi than ours presently is. 

Humanity is now beginning to colonize other celestial bodies, and you're someone (say, an engineer, military service member, scientist, contract worker, or dependent thereof) who has been sent to one such place to help get it up and running. 

It's near enough to where even "slow" space travel is only a few hours between this place and Earth given the current engine tech, but far enough that it would take significant amounts of power to broadcast Terran radio and television live as it happens without any real lag or delay. To this end, the decision has been made to assign various tiers. 

Material regarded as being of "significant" importance or for which there is "significant" demand will, indeed, be broadcast live as it happens, or only delayed as long as possible to finish another item that is slated for live broadcast. These would be things like the Olympics, the Super Bowl, and national elections for the nations involved in the effort. 

The next tier is material that is regarded as being sufficiently popular or sufficiently important to provide to the public as a service, but for whatever reason a live broadcast isn't in the cards. Instead, the material is sent out with a lower amount of power, such that it's typically delayed about 4 - 6 hours. This would be things like awards shows, concerts, and other such broadcasts, as well as select Terran television or cable channels. 

For everything else, the people behind the effort to provide entertainment to everyone simply requisition copies of whatever and then program them around the stuff that is live. In other words, something could air the next day or even the next week. 

So, if you were in such a situation, 

1. What material would you want to see live as it happens? (For the sake of argument, we'll presume that Conference is already on the list.)

2. What material would you be willing to wait a few hours for? 

3. What material would you be willing to wait a few days to see? 

4. What material would drive you into space madness if you were stuck having to watch it? 

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On 7/13/2017 at 0:44 AM, Ironhold said:

4. What material would drive you into space madness if you were stuck having to watch it?

"Big Brother" (ugh!)

"America's (Britain's, Outer Mongolia's...) Next Top Model"

"The Great British Bake Off" (Who cares who can and can't bake a cake?)

"Say Yes to the Dress" (Why does everyone apart from me think that batty brides-to-be and their equally batty mothers crooning over wedding dresses, while effeminate salesmen mince around them is the greatest thing since the Incarnation?)

"Strictly Come Dancing on Ice with the Stars" (all those shows merge into one blur of mysery for me - I can't even distinguish between them).

7 hours ago, Ironhold said:

Like it was all you had to entertain yourself with. 

I can't imagine it would ever come down to "Big Brother" or nothing. Surely there are books and music you could take with you into space for entertainment.

Edited by Jamie123
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On 7/14/2017 at 6:03 AM, Jamie123 said:

"The Great British Bake Off" (Who cares who can and can't bake a cake?)

This is the first reality TV show I ever watched. I had to stop because I couldn't take watching people get asked to leave, and it got worse each week since I'd had more time to learn to like them.

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