The First Time I Bore My Testimony


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For the longest time I have struggled with testimonies. Never in my life have I gone up on a fast Sunday and shared my thoughts on faith with the church.

Im that person who so badly wants to go up, but I dont know what to say, and I was always scared that someone would think that my feelings were wrong.

At testimony meeting someone would go up and bear their testimony and then go sit back down. I would start to stand up, and then sit. I would tell myself, Okay, ill go after this person. But I never did.

Then came Girls Camp. Testimony campfire. I think all female mormons know what that means. I heard so many beautiful testimonies, and one by one a girl would stand up and share her feelings toward the church. By the 2nd girl to share her testimony, everyone was either balling or had tears running down her cheeks.

I remember that year I felt so badly that I needed to stand up and bear my testimony. The bishop asked if there was anybody left that wanted to share. I felt the urge to stand up. Stand up! But I didnt, and that concluded the testimony meeting.

The next year for Girls Camp came around again, and I knew I needed to share my testimony. I felt even stronger this year that that was what I needed to do, it was what Heavenly Father wanted me to do.

Once again the Bishop stood up and asked for any last testimonies. I didnt stand up. One of our leaders stood up and bore her testimony.

Then again: Anyone else before we close?

But this time I stood up.

And for the first time in my life, I bore my testimony.

After the campfire was over, I pondered on how I got that strenght, that courage. I felt so strongly that there was a reason that that time, out of all the testimony meetings and talks in church and campfires at camp, that was the time I got the strenght to bear my testimony.

I looked through my camp manual and found the mission statement for beehives on page 3:

"A Beehive becomes a Young Woman of Truth as she follows the promptings of the Holy Ghost, seeks truth, and strives to live and share it."

I knew then and there that this is why I felt the need to share my testimony. The Holy Ghost was promting me most definitely. But the part that I thought most of was strives to live and share it. As a beehive I had not been striving to share it, though I had been living it.

As I said my prayers that night, I realized that sharing the truth is not just about helping others to find it for themselves, it also helps you. Sharing my testimony shined a whole new light for me, and never had I felt the spirit so strongly than at that very moment. I knew that the spirit was with me, and that Heavenly Father was proud of me for listening to that still small voice.

My Heavenly Father wanted me to fulfill my duty as a beehive to share the truth with others. That was my last year as a beehive, so I am so grateful I was given the strength to do what I needed to do.

As I prepare to become a Mia Maid, I will share my testimony and feelings with others as much as possible, because I know I can feel that spirit again.

Edited by RooTheMormon
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What a wonderful experience!

I remember a counselor in one of my bishoprics would always conclude any Fast & Testimony meeting he had to conduct by saying, "Thank you to those who shared their testimonies today, both publicly and privately." As you share your testimony with just yourself and Heavenly Father, you become more confident in it, which makes it easier to share it with others.

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