possible link between going meatless and mental illness


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Two studies are both saying that there's a positive correlation between removing meat from one's diet and certain kinds of mental illness. 

The main hypothesis appears to be that many of the afflicted have jumped straight into going meatless without any effort to gently let their body adjust or take supplements to compensate for various nutrients for which meat is the best source. As such, people are essentially suffering from malnutrition, and it's affecting the way their mind works. 

It's in dispute, but it does raise questions. 

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7 minutes ago, zil said:

I think it's much simpler: one day, you're enjoying bacon.  The next day, you give it up.  Three weeks later, you're either eating a pound of bacon as fast as each strip comes out of the frying pan, or you've gone off the deep end. :P

That's why I love having a homestead. All my table scraps are turned into bacon.

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