Introducing a friend


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I would like to introduce a friend of Mrs. Traveler and myself.  Her name is Kat Tingey.   She has been a friend of our family for a few years.   During my college years I was with a music group but quickly learned that I did not want to make my living performing.  Lots of reasons but one was that I did not like very many people in the professional performing world.  I love Kat because she is still unspoiled.   When she learned that I played she insisted we jam even though I am almost 3 times her age.  After we played for a while she inquired into my style and tried to incorporate it.  I can hear a little of my influence in her music – maybe that is why I like her stuff.

Her major in college was guitar – she does all her own arranging and she also writes original stuff.   She is LDS and married and dedicated to the right kind of things and most likely will never be a very popular artist because she is driven by more important things.  Anyway, I invite any part folk, part pop, part jazz guitar music buff to Google “Kat Tingey” and listen – Her Christmas album is very good.


The Traveler

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