Church Cancelled!


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Church was cancelled due to weather! I immediately went for a walk but I admit the weather was pretty brutal. I had intended to let loose some scathing remarks about Southern ONtario people and their lack of moral fiber but I have to admit they have a point! 

Guess what the special speakers were going to address today? Emergency preparedness! Love it!

And many nice people texted me to let me know about the cancellation! So nice! I, of course, texted back my thanks no doubt the ‘thank you’s’ and the ‘your welcomes’ and the ‘don’t mention it. No trouble’ and the ‘no I really mean it, you are so kind’s’ , will overwhelm the system entirely.

Ahh to be both Lds and  🇨🇦 ! I would be Lds even without a testimony! I love the kindness!

I ❤️ my people! And green jello to all!

Edited by Sunday21
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We kind of cancelled today, too.

We were scheduled to have branch conference, but last night the stake leaders didn't think it would be wise to travel at least an hour on possibly icy roads to get here. Especially with so many of our congregation living rurally and likely not coming, either, they wanted to make sure that as many people as possible had the opportunity to hear their remarks. Had to laugh as we had a couple of out of towners show up, but not a couple of the families who live within walking distance of the church.

With it not being cancelled until 8 last night, we still held sacrament meeting but no other classes, as those had been scheduled to be taught by the stake. I'm mostly disappointed that I'll have to reschedule a temple recommend interview, but circumstances have made it easier to purchase the more reliable vehicle I would have yesterday were it not for the weather.

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Guest MormonGator
9 minutes ago, zil said:

Oh, that explains why your ward stopped meeting shortly after you moved in. :P

Ouch! Claws are out today, aren't they!?


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3 hours ago, Sunday21 said:

And many nice people texted me to let me know about the cancellation! So nice! I, of course, texted back my thanks no doubt the ‘thank you’s’ and the ‘your welcomes’ and the ‘don’t mention it. No trouble’ and the ‘no I really mean it, you are so kind’s’ , will overwhelm the system entirely.

That sounds like a Canadian thing.;)

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